Llama Question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I want to turn my two llama's out with my mini weanlings. Ones a baby and ones an adult but only 36 inches tall (at the shoulders). One side of the fence really concerns me but I got thinking about this. It's only 34 inches tall and I was going to run a couple strands of hot wire on top but now it dawned on me that the llamas could jump it anyway if they wanted too so maybe, if I just took two strands of that wide white stuff made for a fencer and ran it along the top, they'd respect it? That its not the current on the fence anyway but maybe the taller fence is what would do it. I think I read that they don't respect hot wire anyway so if anyone has llamas, could you give me an idea if this would work? The pasture is not very big and I can't let them get out, I dont' know if I could catch them and deer season starts soon. I wouldn't want them to get shot accidently. (I can't connect it to a fencer as it's to far away and don't know how to go about it and Nates to busy to help me right now) Any help or ideas? How easily do they jump out?
We have Llamas, and to be honest, I have never seen them jump anything. Not even a little thing. The only thing is they WILL try and go under something if they know they can get away with it. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't even think a llama can jump. Not very high anyways...
When we went to pick up the adult, Luxy, she had me halter her and lead her into the barn, we tied her on a 2 ft rope, a quick release knot, she showed us how to give her shots and trim her toe nails. We left for about ten minutes and came back in. Luxy had jumped over that 5 ft wooden fence that she was tied to (on that 2 ft rope). That's where I got the idea that they jump. Also, one of hers jumped out of a trailor and flew over her regular pasture fence, about 4 1/2 ft high so it could be back in with the herd. So they do jump, I hope they don't but I think they must. But any other experiences would be appreciated.
I've never seen our llamas try jumping, but if they have a thick woolie coat, they may not feel an electric fence. I will say, though, that our guard llamas have respected our multi-strand tape electric fence.

Once our llamas established themselves in with our baby group, they stayed with the group. I have had them slip through a gate that was left open and because they were bonded to their group it wasn't very difficult to get them to go back through the gate.

The ones we do have have stayed in electric fine as well.

I will say, if one of them is a in tact male, fix him as soon as possible as they dont make good pets and will try breeding the horses. This proven from our first llama.
Ashley said:
I will say, if one of them is a in tact male, fix him as soon as possible as they dont make good pets and will try breeding the horses.  This proven from our first llama.

We have an intact male, but I think because he has his llama wife with him, he's never made any breeding attempts to a mini. He's a wonderful daddy to his crias every year AND a wonderful babysitter to our weanlings. They like to tease and play with him and he puts up with it. He just cushes onto the grass while they romp and try to jump over him.

Now, our female llama doesn't allow the minis to play near her. She keeps her distance.

And the cria, "Maizey" is mostly curious....she actually prefers human contact over minis.

Oh, I just love our new cria, Patsy! The only jumping she does is hop like a gazelle when playing. Interestingly, she likes to hang out with our two black/white horses....same color and she and her mama! Here's a photo I took the other day:

I cannot imagine not having a llama, as she's so sweet and enjoys the attention of both humans and her pasturemates. While the horses are eating at the feeder, Patsy cushes in between them and picks hay between the boards. They are also pasured next to our backyard/sliding glass doors and Patsy likes to greet us in the morning...curious little girl!
Oh, yes, they are quite capable of jumping. They just don't do it very much.

I keep mine in with a little electric tape added to my regular fence.. They bump it all the time and can't feel it under all the wool. The reason it works is because when I put it up, I took everyone over to it and put their noses on it for one good shock. Then, I let them sniff it and shock themselves again, if they like. This may seem mean, but it's really just teaching them. I have my hands on them and often take a shock right along with 'em. It beats having them get tangled up in it later and getting injured.

Now that they respect it, I can leave it turned off quite a bit.
I also have Llamas, and I have had them in electric fence with my mini horses and donkeys, No problems at all, and I was worried the first time too, But they are VERY OBSERVANT of their surroundings!!!!

DunPainted: I LOVE your cria!!! She is ADORABLE....Where did you get her or did you raise her, I want a B&W one too!!!

Your Patsy is just adorable!! I think I need a baby cria, hey if you and Marnie have one, then I should, too!!

Hey, Marnie - where are the pictures????
We bought Patsy (black/white cria) from some friends who have a male and female llama they breed every year....both black/white. We bought Patsy at their yearly "production" sale of horses.....but imprinted her the day she was born. Her mama is a sweetheart, so I guess she picked up her temperment genetically!
Here's a picture of Crystal and Luxy, I'm not satisfied with the fence yet though. In the morning I'm going down to Fleet Farm and get some other wire and run a couple strands along the top, the fence looks high here but it's not as high as it looks. Some places its only 34" tall and even though the big llamas only 36 inches tall, with her long neck, I still don't feel comfortable letting her out in this. She just looks so tall and with all the fields and woods around here, if they get out, I'm afraid I won't find them again. Hah, they'll probably end up down at your place Donna! But I'll recognize them so don't be letting them out on purpose!

Marnie said:
Here's a picture of Crystal and Luxy, I'm not satisfied with the fence yet though. In the morning I'm going down to Fleet Farm and get some other wire and run a couple strands along the top, the fence looks high here but it's not as high as it looks. Some places its only 34" tall and even though the big llamas only 36 inches tall, with her long neck, I still don't feel comfortable letting her out in this. She just looks so tall and with all the fields and woods around here, if they get out, I'm afraid I won't find them again. Hah, they'll probably end up down at your place Donna! But I'll recognize them so don't be letting them out on purpose! 


Oh sorry for the last error, i don't post very often so trying to figure things out.

we also have llamas and a few alpacas, we even cross the suri alpaca to the llamas and have wonderful tiny LA-PACAS, the are very cute and sweet. We also have two intact alpaca males and a big llama male that my smaller children can even ride (after all, they are PACK animals)!! Anyway, getting to the discussion at hand, yes, llamas and alpacas can jump, they can also go thru our three rail fencing if they want to bad enough. Usually, if they are happy in their pen and with a few of their "friends" they are happy enough...but if another male comes into their space by walking by their field, they will try to get to each other. Funny, but these are the same boys that spend the winter together....it is just when they are in with their girls that I see them trying to get out of their paddock or through the fence. Those little green panels that a lot of us mini folks have....ha ha....my alpaca can jump those in one leap and bound...so funny. If you have two llamas, I don't think you have much to worry about them leaving, they will stay together..but if one gets out, the other may jump out to join the other one. Our fencing is 4 feet tall and it keeps them in nicely...but if you have rails like we do in some areas, you may want to put up a wire mesh for extra caution.
Okay! She is not mine but belongs to Marnie!

This is a close up picture of her adorable cria that I had taken!

She has the most beautiful eyes!! Who wouldn't love an adorable baby like this!!

And heres a picture of two friends that will join them next weekend. Vanilla Bean and Jumpin Bean.


Donna, thats cute of Crystal
When did you take that? They're out in their new pen with the mini weanlings.
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Donna, Cindy, and Marnie---ya gotta quit doing this! now i want a cria! and a baby goat! you guys are making me want stuff i cannot have!

Donna, did you get your bunners yet?

Hey Marnie....

I've never seen a donkey with a blaze....that is soooo cool! Now, if you ever want to sell your donkeys I have first DIBBS!

Hi Marnie - LOVE your donkey's name's - and the one with the blaze resemble's my Jasper! And those cria's - how CUTE!
Marnie, What cute little critters!
Yuor donkey with the blaze looks just like the one I had, Jasper, which I just recently sold to Lori (luvmycritters). Lori has a picture of him on the donkey forum, I am pretty sure. Your little cria is a doll!!

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