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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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ok i want to get this right i have some questions about minis. Firstly i was thinking of buying a new mini but when i went to see it i noticed that its teeth were out of line is this a form of dwarfism? Should i still buy it if i like it?

Now onto the more important questions. I walk my mini and control her diet but how do people exsercise their ponies and how do you get the weight off? My mini has started to have runny eyes as well, i think it is because i changed her bedding and it looks a bit dusty but what is the best thing to do, its a sort of dirty liquid thats running and hardens quickly.

If i get some advice i would be happy. Thanks to all my 24 hour help line vets :aktion033:

hi :saludando: first of all, i would start to lunge her, for about 5 minuites each way at a trot, building up to 25 miniutes over a few weeks, try to do some uphill lunging also as this will help to build the musle on her, i also found that by giving my horses extra hard feed they dont eat as much hay, so you dont get the hay belly as much
: now for the runny eyes, i also have this problem, i think the flys dont help, i would bathe them daily with cooled boiled water and a cotton bud not using the same swipe of cotton each time, if this doesnt work she may have an infection in her eyesd,and will need some antibiotic drops, i hope this has helped you some, youll get more advise with this topic im sure
: gooodluck
In my opinion i wouldnt buy the mini as it probably under shot and thats a sign of dwarfism.. :For runny eyes yes i agree with shane it could be the flys they are a pain even for us humans

I had this problem to with my mini he got 2 fat and i lunged him walked him and then started jumping him and i think jumping is the best way to get weight off..Especially for the horse and humans hahaha :lol:

Hope you find more info here..
You didnt say how old this mini is, or how "off" the bite is as they do seem to sometimes go slightly off while in their first year. If you are planning to breed or show this mini I would agree with the others and wouldnt buy, if however, you want it purely as a pet and are prepared to geld if its a colt/stallion then I would say go for it!

As for the bite being a bit off, if your buying breeding stock i would stay away from anything with a bad bite. If your looking for something to show, if you really cant tell and its not terriable but the horse is lovely ...dont let it stop you. If your looking for a pet, well obviously you want a sound pet but (when i say pet i mean not breeding stock) it shouldnt really matter.

Okay, my exersize program for Royal (my classic shetland that is my main show horse this year). I free lunge for 5 minutes around the pasture (i basicaly just turn him loose and chase him around with the lunge whip), its a nice warm up and he generally enjoys it. Then i lunge over poles and small jumps for 15-20 minutes (with breaks). Then a regular 10 minute lunge at walk and slow trot for our work-down. Then with training with our halter skills. He's very active, but he has a energy source that seems to never end. For a horse your trying to get weight off of, start slow. I never build my horses up to a sweat generally.

If i was trying to get a mini's weight off i would start with regular lunging 5-10min for about 5 days. Then i would teach him to jump in hand. Start lunging over poles laying on the ground and when they get to the point where your comfy to lunge over small jumps ..i would lunge 15-20min over small jumps.

Another thing i've noticed, 99.9% of people who say there mini is fat has there mini on grass pasture a few hours each day. You would be amazed what taking them off pasture will do in almost a few days, you'd be amazed! Good grain + Good Hay + Good workout schedule = Happy horse & Owner.

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