Kandilands Texas Taffy (RIP)

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I would like to add my sympathy as well.

Your poem made me cry
but so true....
I am sorry to hear this,,, such a sad time for a holiday.... I am glad she is happy and whole on the other side. She had a great Mom in you. Be happy that you did everything you could.
I don't know what to say as it's a hard loss no matter what I come up with,,but still I think you know it when I say I truly sorry you lost your dear mare and Bless you for loving her so.

[SIZE=12pt]So sorry, you would think doing the right thing wouldn't /shouldn't hurt so much
, Nikki [/SIZE]

I am so sorry for your loss. your mare knew it was time and that you would help her and be there for her, because she knew you loved her. (((HUGS)))
Annette I'm so sorry.
{{{hugs}}} to you and your husband.
I am so sorry for your loss. That was the last gift you could give her. Your poem hit home with me, as I had to have my 14 yo dog put down yesterday. Please know she is no longer in pain, but I know that it still hurts. I hope your heart heals soon.

Annette this is heart breaking. I'm so sorry. This should not have happened on this day of all days, I feel horrible for you. Please try to take some kind of little comfort in knowing that your girl is fine and well in that great heavenly stable that Michael tends and he has her full of scrunchies by now. I know, because I have connections.
Sorry that you had to put this grand ol mare down and glad that Sharon was there to comfort. I know that you gave her every option and were compassionate. Her memory lives on in my photo album, she was one heck of a Roadster horse.
She was a treasure to know and a pleasure to watch. I loved this mare - she gave her all in every class she was entered in. Earth will miss her, but heaven will be a better place with her in it.

Mark Bullington
You guys are so great. Thank you for your compassion.

Most of the time I feel OK but then I think of her.

Marty, I hope Michael has cleaned her up a bit as she was not at her best when she left. I tried to brush her the best I could but she was so sweaty it was hard to clean her up well. Tell him I do not leave my horses like that usually. Putting that first layer of dirt on her was very heartbreaking, such a lowly way for such a mare to go. Please tell him to say I am sorry and I missed her tonight at feeding time.
Awww Annette I am so sorry for you loss. *HUGS* Like someone already said Earth will miss her but Heaven will enjoy her. I am sure she is watching down over you right now. May she rest in peace though.
So sorry to hear about your little mare, prayers and hugs coming your way.
Oh! My heart just breaks for you. I pray that time will heal your broken heart and your tears of sadness will be soon replaced with tears of joy and happiness when you think of your sweet girl. God speed sweet girl.
