Just talked to Marty

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Marty, Jerry, and Dan ...I just want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. This is a horrible accident to have happened. Marty, I am so glad that they caught the guy and I hope and pray that he pays dearly for what he has done. I am going to be sending a card along with something , and this coming christmas since I know that is your familys favorite time of the year, our Green Bay Human Society, has a christmas tree with "angels of ornaments" (dogs and cats) to buy in memory of someone. I am going to buy one in Michaels memory, the money donated for the ornament goes towards helping a cat or kitten. My last memory of Micheal is him sitting with "IT" . (((HUGS))) Corinne
I am in absolute shock, and can't believe what I have read.

I will be keeping the Marty and her family in my prayers.

He is with God and he will be looking down on all the Prancers.

This is so sad.
(So sorry Vicky, my cell keeps going out. Our reception out here in the forest isn't very good.) Thank you though, for your call, as soon as my cell service comes back into range, I hope to try to speak to your more soon.

Is there anyone nearby to Marty that can go and be with her RIGHT NOW?

I just received a call from Vicky (In Texas), who stated that Marty is there alone for the time being, while Jerry and Dan leave for the airport to pickup incoming family members.

Meanwhile, Marty's horse is either in colic or having a bout with the heat. PLEASE, if ANYONE near her, can go and check on her, and be WITH her NOW, or can help her with her horses, maybe take over the care of her animals so she can be with family through this, PLEASE help her however possible if you can???
Gosh I wish I weren't so far away. I'd be there in an instant. But right now I don't even have a job, so while I could afford the time to stay and care for her animals and be there with her, theres just no way I could afford the trip. :no:
Thank you all so much.

I have started on a rough draft letter for the shelter and for Marty.

I will send the first memorial in 10 days.

If this is something you want to do, but need to wait until next Friday, or a month from Friday, or you live out of the country. Please send at what ever time is best for you.

I will send any and all donations in every 10 days, for as long as I receive them.

Again, thank you all so very much.
Thank you for the address for the Garrison's. I was able to get a card & donation in the mail to them today.

This was a very, very great idea, thank you for bringing it up.

I still can't believe this happened. :no:
(So sorry Vicky, my cell keeps going out. Our reception out here in the forest isn't very good.) Thank you though, for your call, as soon as my cell service comes back into range, I hope to try to speak to your more soon.

Is there anyone nearby to Marty that can go and be with her RIGHT NOW?

I just received a call from Vicky (In Texas), who stated that Marty is there alone for the time being, while Jerry and Dan leave for the airport to pickup incoming family members.

Meanwhile, Marty's horse is either in colic or having a bout with the heat. PLEASE, if ANYONE near her, can go and check on her, and be WITH her NOW, or can help her with her horses, maybe take over the care of her animals so she can be with family through this, PLEASE help her however possible if you can???

If anyone can go to her and can't afford the airfare or gas money, I am more than willling to help out. So is is Lisa Ruff N Tuff. Just let me know. You can email me or PM me.

Liz V.
(So sorry Vicky, my cell keeps going out. Our reception out here in the forest isn't very good.) Thank you though, for your call, as soon as my cell service comes back into range, I hope to try to speak to your more soon.

Is there anyone nearby to Marty that can go and be with her RIGHT NOW?

I just received a call from Vicky (In Texas), who stated that Marty is there alone for the time being, while Jerry and Dan leave for the airport to pickup incoming family members.

Meanwhile, Marty's horse is either in colic or having a bout with the heat. PLEASE, if ANYONE near her, can go and check on her, and be WITH her NOW, or can help her with her horses, maybe take over the care of her animals so she can be with family through this, PLEASE help her however possible if you can???

If anyone can go to her and can't afford the airfare or gas money, I am more than willling to help out. So is is Lisa Ruff N Tuff. Just let me know. You can email me or PM me.

Liz V.
Janie and I will help, too.... please just let us know...

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA

Just wanted to let you know we are contacting all of Martys friends here and that we will help in anyway possible. Please tell Ms. Marty that I/we are thinking of her and her family and am so sorry to hear this
news. She can expect to here from us soon. Thoughts and Prayers are with them. Ron Hayes
Does anyone know about her horses??? Is there a colic situation???

Hi MA, Thankfully NO. Dan was home with her, and Sonny is ok. Vicky posted below in the main forum that all is well with their horses, and they are looking after them together.
I just found out tonight so it will be Monday before I can get my card and donation out.

I would also be happy to help if someone with gas money or airfare if someone can go stay with Marty.

I wish I could...but, I just can't.
I told my husband that I wish he would turn in his remaining vacation days and stay here with the kids so I could go over and stay with them... but I am not sure how much that would help them... would it end up being an invasion of a very personal time? I want to help so very much.... but I want to be sure my help is truely helpful. (I sure hope that makes as much sense in writing as it did in my head.)

They live about 7 hours away from me. But Marty has never let the miles get in the way when I was hurting and she made sure to reach out to me every time my heart called out to her... and my heart is so very heavy for her and her family that I just want to be able to do whatever is needed to help them.

Please, anyone that talks with Marty, Jerry, or Dan, please could you email me and update me on how they're doing?
I have a suggestion, but not sure how we could get it done. It would need to be someone

who could go to the funeral or have a way to get it to the funeral home before the funeral.

To have someone who have pictures of Michael with his family, with his animals, just any

pictures of him to make a poster board or something, and put them on it, and maybe put it

in a frame. So they would be able to have his picture or pictures there, to see him.

Just thought this might help.

Not sure if this should be posted here, if not you have my permission to remove it.

I did post below. I did talk to Marty tonight. They are taking this so hard, and do so need the

double prayers. Please double our prayers for her and her family.

Her horse Sunny is doing better, she felt he was just over heated. So she hosed him for a

while, and it seem to help him. This is just so hard on all of them. Marty is taking this so hard.

Dan, and Jerry seem to be handling it. Dan did stay home with her, while Jerry went to the

airport. Jerry had gotten home, while I was on the phone and we did talk. This is hitting him

hard to. I just kept telling him, how much we all care and love them and they are in our


I do know if any one from the forum can be there with them, this would mean the world to

Marty. I wish in all my heart I could go, but I can't. Like others have said, Marty has done so

much for all of us. She is so wonderful, but right now, she is beyond lost. My heart just hurts for


I also want to add, I found out tonight, Michael so loved Angels, he love to collect them, and now

he is one, watching over his Mom Marty, his brother Dan, and his Dad Jerry.

OMG...Marty, Jerry and Dan,

I truly would like to give you a hug, a shoulder, whatever to help you with your grief and anger. I read these posts from the Forum Family, and it is a comfort to know that this great big family is feeling your pain, and extending the help they can. The Forum is and always be the first place I turn to in moments of dispair. They have helped me overcome my stumbling, and they will for you.

A suggestion to the Admins, keep a printout of ALL the messages for Marty, Dan and Jerry. Someone did that for me after my mother, and I have them in an album to cherish forever. It is a nice tribute to such a wonderful man from such a truly loving family.

Hold on tight Marty, its a rough ride but we are here for you...

God Bless

I havent been on in a while so I am just reading all these posts,,, I have had the same reaction when reading Martys first post on the BP. I felt like I had been kicked in the chest and read it over and over, not believing what I was reading. I cannot imagine.

My prayers go out to Marty and her family. Please God, I pray you help them in their time of sorrow and please help us to try and cope with WHY something like this has to happen to such a wonderful child. Or any child. I am angry and sad. Take care Marty.
Marty, Jerry and Dan,

You are all in my prayers. I haven't been able to write until today as I couldn't stop the tears everytime I tried to write. I know I shouldn't be crying, as Michael is now in heaven with our Heavenly Father, but the 'human' part of me can't help but shed tears for the family left behind. I know life as youall have known it will never be the same, and there is absolutely nothing I, or anyone else, can say to help you bear the pain, but just know that 'this forum family' is thinking and praying for youall!!


Marty- for two days I have read these post and for two days I have been unable to say anything. I am so very sorry that this has happened to you and your wonderful family. I'm sending all my healing prayers to you during this difficult time filled with sharpness. (Hugs)

Leslie in Kansas

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