It's my most dreaded day of the week....Tuesday

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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I can't get worked up over politics today. It's Tuesday. And on Tuesday night, the animal shelter in Harnett County closes at 7:30pm, locks the doors, and kills all of the loving animals left on the adoption room floor. I always keep an eye on their website on Tuesday, hoping rescuers will come and snatch up most of them. These people are wonderful, and do everything they can. I feel guilty every Tuesday because I know I could do more. I drive over an hour each way and rescue one or two a month, which is nothing compared to some of these amazing people. I contribute money to help with their pull fees, contact breed rescues to let them know there is a dog of "their breed" in dire straits in case they have room for one more, and I make myself look at the ones that are left behind on Tuesday at 7:30 pm. They deserve to have someone mourn their death.

I really hate Tuesdays. And yet, this is only one of a gazillion high kill rate shelters in the US. Canada by the way, also has kill shelters, and their dogs/cats have it even worse, as they can be sold to companies and used for research instead of being humanely euthanized, or, they can be bought, slaughtered, and served in a restaurant.

Most high kill shelters are getting "Friends of" facebook pages to help bring awareness and get more dogs and cats adopted. Join one closest to you, and share pictures of these animals....this has become a proven method of finding good homes.

And please, please spay and neuter your pets...every single puppy or kitten born take potential homes away from wonderful dogs and cats that will die only because there aren't enough homes.

The rescuers have been hard at work and it looks like it is going to be a better Tuesday than some.!/pages/Friends-of-the-Harnett-County-Animal-Shelter/160021327398695

Oh my gosh! Wendy, you are my new hero! You're a strong woman doing a lot of good! God bless you!!!
OMG! I couldn't do that, it would be torture for me. You must have great courage. I think it is something like 10,000 a day in this country that are put down because no one wants them. such a shame. One of the problems that I see is that the registries want all the show dogs intact. My daughter shows corgis but has not breed any for years, that is until this year and her three yr. old son let her female out in the yard with one of her males, now we have three pups. She's now planning on spaying her female, and only showing her tri male. There are too many unwanted precious little furry children out there that need loving homes, I just adopted two, and hubby has put his foot down and said no more.
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Good for you, Wendy - for helping out the way you do... you are an angel to those animals! I wish I could have more - but two terriers is my limit.
I thought I would post that and you guys would know for sure I was looney. So thanks.

I'm serious, though, join the local volunteer facebook page for your area shelter, and share pictures of animals with people you know. It really does help.


I've been waiting to post on your sad announcement post how sorry I am, and I haven't yet, because I can't figure out how to put into words how awful I feel for you. I am very, very sorry for your loss.

And I agree with you about the AKC. Even though many people think highly of them, I don't. They make their money off dogs being bred and puppies being born, so more registered pups to them is a good thing. Requiring show dogs to be intact is ridiculous....they only want accidental litters to occur. And they sent me a letter a few months ago asking me to help them support North Carolina's "breeders" with a new bill that was being considered.....which amounted to nothing more than encouraging puppy mills. Support isn't exactly what I gave them.

Oh, and my daughter has a rescue corgi....she would be the perfect dog if I could just get her to quit trying to herd my horses!

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They make their money off dogs being bred and puppies being born, so more registered pups to them is a good thing. Requiring show dogs to be intact is ridiculous....they only want accidental litters to occur.
I disagree that AKC wants "accidental" litters to occur - people are good at creating "accidental" litters whether their dogs are AKC registered or not. We are overwhelmed with Labra-Golden-Doodles and pits and pit crosses around here. I do wish AKC would let show dogs be spayed or neutered... there are lots of crappy registered dogs out there "representing" their breeds that are not in any way good examples of that breed in conformation, health, movement or temperament. They were bred for $$$$ or "fun" and not as a way to improve the breed - something actual dedicated breeders (who have often devoted their lives to that breed and breed the best to the best - sparingly) aim for.
You are my new hero as well, Wendy. We had a situation last week where we had a stray heinz 57 mostly bird dog show up here. The neighbor that likes to watch us through binoculars "took charge" and decided he liked the dog and took it. I told my husband that "the like" would end in less than 72 hours. Guess my crystal ball works. The dog attacked their pom and the neighbor took the dog to the shelter on the other side of the state line. He used his parsonage address so that he would not have to pay out of state fees. The shelter told him that kind of dog would get adopted quickly. I remain opinion less there. My husband is pretty upset with the neighbor. I didn't like the situation or the outcome but chose to wear my "thick skin" and not give either of them an opinion. Between you, me, and the fencepost I felt that it just pretty much sucked no matter how you looked at it.
Oh Wendy, pleas don't worry about posting on my thread, as I realize that many of us as Mothers can't find the right words to say. It took me two days to post the little that I did! I still can't find the right words to post about her life, it will need to wait until I am able. I'm having a Celebration of life/Memorial here at the farm on Sat. We have dismantled the stalls and round pen in my indoor and moved everything, needless to say this old womans back is now broke! Most of the family is writing somthing to say at this memorial and although I have an idea of what I want to say, I can't seem to get it typed without breaking down and giving up! It will come in time, and believe me it will be done before Sat. I'm very strong when I need to be, but, back to the OP and the subject at hand.

I love dogs, they have helped me over the years in more ways then I can say. They have protected me, loved me, comforted me, and sometimes I must admit, I have let them down. I've worked with them in VEt research, at an animal hospital, then as a pro groomer before my retirement. I can't stand the way that humans treat them! I must clarify, not all humans just the inhumane ones. Yes the AKC gets on my nerves big time. They need classes for spayed and neutered dogs and stop promoting breeding! There are so many unwanted pets in this world, goodness knows I've adopted my share and then some. Problem is, there are only a few of us, and we can't save them all, and it is a shame. I couldn't do what you do, it would break my heart to see these precious little ones that are so trusting go to their death. I just couldn't stand it, If they are born of this world they should be given a chance to live. Shame on humanity, we have created this problem and yet don't fix it.
There is so much joy in what I do. This is one of my rescues from this summer in his new home. This little pup, Jackson, was about to be put to sleep because the Wake County Shelter couldn't evaluate his friendliness....he was so terrified at the shelter that he could only cower against the back wall of the cage and they thought he might bite. He took a piece of my heart when he left me for a home of his own, but my little Alex (a tiny male chihuahua and my "boss") said I couldn't keep him. (Alex will only let me keep his 3 dog sisters that I currently have on a permanent basis). His new mom sent me this picture and you just can't buy the sort of joy it brought me.

Ok, it wouldn't let me post the picture....any tips?

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Hi Riverrose,

Thanks....I figured out something that works, but the photobucket way sounds easier.

Please know that I am thinking of you. I can tell by your dog post that you are a wonderful, wonderful mom.


I so agree with you on everything.. And the AKC might not "want" accidental litters, but they certainly don't change their rules in ways that would help prevent them. And the bill they were trying to get passed in NC made it easier, not harder, for puppy mills/backyard breeders to produce puppies en masse for money. Which tells me that they are more interested in the money that will come into them than the welfare of the "breeders/puppies".

Several years ago I did a lot of veterinary work for the huge dog/cat rescue effort that followed Hurricane Floyd. There was a ten dollar bill taped on the wall. The first time I went, I asked what it was for. It was for the first person who found a neutered dog. It was still there a week later. Sad.


(and these dogs were mostly from very poor eastern towns....this isn't to say that would have been representative from other parts of North Carolina)
This has been all over the internet. Be aware:

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Sue C

I have a rescue friend in Canada that told me about the dog/cat in restaurants. I am pretty sure it is illegal for restaurants in the US (it might be state by state, but I think all states outlaw it) to serve dog or cat meat. The few times I've heard of dog/cat discovered in restaurant freezers, the health department shut them down immediately. But she said it was legal in Canada, as long as the meat was inspected.

Many states have outlawed the sale of shelter animals in the US. It does happen in some still, but the overall use of these animals in research is extremely low, as reputable research facilities will not use them (I think around 3% or less is the current figure).


(and maybe Canada's use for them is just as low....I really don't know, but it was an issue for my friend)
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I used to work in animal sciences and research back in the 1970's, and we would never use an animal from the pound. All of the research dogs came from a sterial environment, but, I've heard stories of universities using pound animals. don't understand how they can do that and have a control group. On the killing of pit bulls at halloween, shame!
WendyJ, I think your friend has been either "pulling your leg", or just isn't apprised of the facts. We here in Canada, do NOT eat cats and dogs...there used to be old sick "jokes" about them being fed in certain restaurants, but that was all it ever was.

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