If your had to choose only one regestery

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Horse Feathers

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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Southeast Texas
If your had to choose only one regestery what would it be? AMHR? AMHA? WCMHR
? And Why? I current have only 3 minis so I could go anyway.
Well seeing as I have some AMHA horses who have gone over it is a no brainer for me it would be AMHR

That said I think it is almost like comparing apples and oranges. They are very different and have very different strengths in my opinion.

They both have issues as does any large organization - for me it simply comes down to who is willing to acknowledge my horses and who is more active here in my area and that is AMHR. If they ever allowed a B division I would for sure join AMHA again but almost not worth it for the 2 horses I have that are under 34 in fact those 2 are under 30 lol (guess I believe in extremes)

As far as WCMHR the majority of people do not even consider that a registry so that is not even an option as far as I am concerned
If I were choosing from two horses I liked equally well and could only have one registration on it, I'd pick AMHA because I can (and would) easily hardship that horse into AMHR.

If I had to choose to only have one set of registration papers from now on, it would be AMHR because I just like them better and while I don't have a lot of B size horses, I do have some and really appreciate minis in that size.

As far as WCMHR papers -- they are not worth a spot in my registration book. That paperwork seriously carries no weight and 99.9% of the miniature horse owning population would consider a horse w/only WCMHR papers to be unregistered or grade.
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[SIZE=10pt]AMHA - because, in our opinion, their standards best represent the true miniature horse.[/SIZE]
I agree with Lisa in regards to it being like comparing apples and oranges. I do support both and think each has their place. However, if I had to choose only one, it would be AMHA because I am striving to produce the smallest possible correctly proportioned horse.
If you only have 3 minis it is in your best interest to join both. If you have not breeding then it is just membership fees and that way you can transfer all the papers and keep them up to date.

I am assuming you have horses that are AMHA/R registered now?

The only thing I can add is that despite what anyone says both registries have TRUE miniature horses since the only thing that makes a miniature horse a TRUE mini is simply papers that say so.

The value of either registry's horses is the same I have seen very pricey AMHA horses sell and very pricey AMHR horses sell bottom line is most know a good horse is a good horse and the rest is personal preference
Registration, IMO, is for the purpose of showing or to help sell your horse.

If I had to choose only one it would be AMHR because there are no AMHA shows anywhere in Wisconsin (personal gripe).

However, if you want to keep all your avenues for selling horses open you need to have them in both registeries as other parts of the country (I've heard Kansas) has no AMHR shows.

My horses are all triple registered AMHR, AMHA, PtHA (because I have shown Pinto). As for the WMCMHR, I hear so little about them and have never seen any shows by them so I don't even consider that registration worth the paper it's printed on.
If I had to pick just one then it would be AMHA

but since I don't have to choose only one ALL of my horses with the exception of one are AMHA/AMHR with a few being PtHA also!

did i mention AMHR?
I prefer AMHA. I admit it, I don't really like the AMHR... There standards are somewhat lower than the AMHA. And besides, there are absolutely no AMHR shows where we live. But, this is just my opinion. I wouldn't even think about the WHMCR....

AMHA but must say that I have quite a few AMHR horses too.

My AMHR horses came from our stock so I am confident about what the papers have to say.

If I am buying though, I want the AMHA papers unless I so completely "gone" on the horse that I can't resist.
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For me, if I had to choose only one, it would be AMHR because I do have taller mares in the 33"-35" height range. (only one over 34") I do prefer to have them double registered though so am thankful we don;t have to choose only one.
My registry of choice is AMHA...l have no problem either with the AMHR and it is a great place to transfer anything that goes over 34" into and they still have papers on them..
We only have one AMHA horse left and shes over 34 so I never brought her perm. I have always lived in areas where there are very few AMHA shows and tons of AMHR so it made sense. I also just didnt agree with a lot of things in AMHA. But no registry is perfect for sure but this is what works for us
AMHR/ASPC for me. Most of my minis are A/R, but we also have shetlands, so we go to alot of AMHR/ASPC shows. Never have been to an AMHA show, fees are too high for me.
I have absolutely no preference, as I neither show nor breed. But common logic would dictate my choice would have to be AMHR. Without their AMHR's B division where would all those beautiful over 34" minis be registered....the unfortunate answer is that they would not be able to be registered.
I have ony 2 AMHA horses and no shows either in my area for the AMHA, so most of my horses are now ASPC/AMHR and I have a few straight AMHR and a few straight ASPC shetlands. We do show at the AMHR Nationals and Shetland Congress and do breed and offer both. I would like to have more Pinto Shows in the area also since we do have some loud pintos but we can only do so much showing so we stick with the AMHR/ASPC shows and horses mostly anymore.

Its a choice I have already made. Due to a lot of reasons.

Though each registry as like anything that is run on such a large scale encompassing so many horses individuals and families has good points and bad points.

I do have several Double Registered horses. But show MAINLY AMHR.

Though there are no shows in my immediate area I simply travel to them.

I am hoping to start an AMHR show circuit in my area. But we shall have to see how that progress'