I need help,,,suggestions,,please!!

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Wow, this is scary! I'm so glad that she should be okay. People can be so careless with guns.
I glad she is going to be ok, but getting shot who would of thoought she got shot, something should be done about those people out there running around with guns it could of been much more worse or even your self
Is it possible to get some plastic "streamers" to tie to your fence, along with your orange flags? I got orange halters for my guys for during hunting season, but couldn't find mini size, so ended up getting foal sized halters. I know my neighbor paints orange X's on the sides on his cows, of course the flyers to the neighbors, and maybe even write an article to your local newspaper and see if they'll publish it. A few years back a friends dun quarter horse gelding was fatally shot during hunting season. They own over 200 acres of a private boarding stable, but hunters coming from the other side of the woodline dont always mind the no trespassing - no hunting signs.
I don't always post here, but during these two weeks I keep my horses in the small pasture by the barn until well after the sun comes up. We are in a pretty safe area..and this year the corn crop is very late getting in (they haven't even cut around my pastures yet) so I didn't even hear shots yesterday (well, the crazy neighbor practicing shooting instead of actually hunting), but I also worry about stray shot. That is the down side of living in the country.

Jackie & Cooper
Oh my goodness - that is terrible Carolyn. I was thinking injury but not a victim of a shooting. For petes sake. I am so nervous about that right now. I have been listening to all the gunshots for days now and I keep telling my husband how nervous it makes me. I always put my horses out after the sun comes up and bring them in before dusk but still - those stray bullets can wind up anywhere. I even fear for my own safety at times. I sure hope Miss Prints recovers quickly. Hugs to you.
That is so scary. That is the last thing I would have thought of. I guess you would have known immediately had there been enough bleeding to notice.

Your poor little girl......sending healing thoughts her way
OMG....I am horrified for you and a bit teary at the thought of it all. Wow. I'm glad it wasn't any worse and that she'll be okay.

The first year we were in our house (almost 20 years ago now), I was cooking dinner. Our kitchen faces the wooded area/field area behind our house. I started hearing this odd sound and called my husband to come into the kitchen. After a couple seconds, he went beet red. It was shotgun pellets hitting the back of our house. The hunters (I think they were hunting rabbits, not sure) were not aware of how far the shot could travel.

From that day on, my husband's family stopped allowing any hunting on the property (our house and 2 acres are surrounded by the farm property that belongs to hubby's family). It's situations like yours and ours that make hunters look bad.
A responsible hunter knows the area they hunt and that includes any livestock around so that special care can be taken to not have accidental shootings like this.

Do you know the property owners of the area around you where the hunters are in? The owners have to give permission for the hunters to be there. I would let the owners know so they can warn anyone they allow on their property to be especially careful.
The information they have given me is, visual inspection, it was a traditional shotgun slug, probably a 20 gauge. Something about in our area a lot of older hunters have gone to it because of recoil maybe?

Anyway, it is information I will be adding to the flyers and maybe someone will learn if they have been careless, and just hope they care.

Prints is really doing great this morning, unless you know her, you would never know anything had happened. That is the most important right now and for that I am extremely grateful. Thank you all as well, so much!
Carolyn, Im so sorry this had to happen to your Prints, how terrifying. I saw your post last night and couldnt even bring myself to reply...I was shaking. It brought back alot of memories of a lesson horse I rode when I was younger in Maine. An older, very gentle mare that was shot the 1st day of hunting season.

This morning it sounds as if Prints is doing much better...Im so happy to hear it. I hope she continues to improve and that hunters in your area watch what the heck they are shooting at.

An older QH mare put out to pasture near where I boarded in Dallas many years ago was shot by a bow and arrow!! In Dallas!! She was shot in the flank and survived, but we figured at the time that it was probably intentional.

Glad your girl is better today.

OH My gawd.... Poor Prints,,, she should have enough good karma banked that she has no problems the rest of her life! She has been through so much already. SOOO happy she is okay.

It couldn't be the person that was wandering around your property could it? Prints in no way looks like a deer with her pinto coloring.

It probably was just an accident!
:shocked OMG!!! My worst fear right now! I live down a dirt road and have 30 acres of which hunters are always out in this time of year plus there is wide open acres all around me. My minis are in the open acre pasture right in front of my house but my arab is in the side pasture or the back pasture sometimes and I put an orange vest on him plus his orange halter! So far so good but I worry everyday

I'm so glad Prints is doing better and hope all stays well!

Thank God this wasn't worse and Thank God it wasn't you or your child(ren). I don't know what to say, beyond that, if I were you, I'd feel pretty lucky it only got her where it did and that she'll probably be fine. Reading this totally creeped me out and could so happen at my farm (or at my house, in a subdivision in front of thick woods full of deer) or to me. Thank you for sharing your story, interesting as well as a wake up to all of us to be more careful/on the lookout.
This REALLY just chaps my a%&! I am an AVID hunter and dont understand how some hunters can be soooo STUPID!!! I would never fire a gun towards something unless there is ground or hills or something behind it to stop the bullets should I miss. Bullets from a gun like I shoot (.270 rifle) could go up to like 1000 yards or so.

Hunters like these give ALL hunters a bad rap. And I think they should lose their hunting liscence or at least have it suspended for a first offense.

I would be livid and not responsible for my actions should this happen to me.
What a nightmare! I shuddered terribly when I read Prints was shot. Thank God she's ok. Is there any way you could call this in to your local paper? Even if you can't find out who did this, maybe you can prevent it from happening to someone else.
I am so glad Prints is coming along!

I think this is something we all worry about this time of year. Even having the horses close to the barn is not safe from stray bullets as Prints can attest to.

I hope everyone makes it throught he huntung season safely! jennifer
I am so sorry! Sending good thoughts to Prints

Oh man this has always been my biggest fear in fall. We are surrounded by hunters everywhere. I hate deer season

Wow Carolyn I would have never guessed she was shot. From your first description Prints sounded like a mare I had that was kicked in the head. I'm glad she pulled through well.

Your story may have helped to save another horses life. Rifle season comes in for WV next week. I've been trying to decide if I want to keep the horses in the barn that week. Now I know the answer. The girls will not be happy but I've got to keep them safe.