I lost my Anna ------- this is so sad.

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My reason for thinking hunters is that they said that there had been lots of shots fired around the house. We are located in the hills so the sounds vibrate and it is hard to determine what direction they are coming from. Deer season just opened and I am hoping that whatever took her life took it quickly so she did not suffer....and a bullet would have been better than being eatten by coyotes. Nothing makes this easy.
I am so very sorry to hear the loss of your Anna! I know how hard it is as I lost a mare recently and still look for her when in the pasture sometimes.

I am a hunter and I just cannot imagine what kind of person would shoot at something if they could not tell exactly what it is! These kind of idiots is what gives the good hunters a bad rap. I don't shoot unless I can see everyone of the animals eyelashes!
If I were to find one of my horses had been shot, it would be hard to stop myself from going after that person with my shotgun!
Just a thought, but are you sure it was hunters??? Coyotes are pretty nasty animals when they hunt in a pack. They'll pull the calf right out of the mother as she's giving birth or take out a calf in the field. Maybe your mare was a great target for them. I'm sorry for your loss, but maybe you should think before blaming someone.
Have you marked your horses in bright colored (animal safe) paint, vet wrap, or are they wearing bright turnout sheets? Are they also wearing bells? And are your fencelines marked with bright colors? There are steps that should be taken if you are concerned about hunters mistaking your livestock for wild animals. I would also be suspicious of coyotes or wild dogs and would bring the horses in before dusk if at all possible. I'm terribly sorry for your loss...
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I am very sorry for your loss and what a tragic thing to have to deal with, but you really shouldn't be so quick to "wonder" if hunters shot her. That is so unfair. You said coyotes had gotten to her and it is highly possible they killed her. They will be back for more. You should be grateful there are hunters out there that can attemp to keep the population of Cayotes, wild dogs and other carnivors down to a minimum. Lets hope the hunters get all the coyotes! I really do pray that hunters were not the reason. If you discover evidence to support they were, then I would be the first to say Press Charges!
I agree with you Donna! It is very highly that the coyotes killed her! And without the hunters out there keeping the population of Coyotes down I am sure you would hear of this alot more! When they get hungry, they find an easy target. Sorry for your loss!
+how awful for you..I am so sorry for your loss. We were sitting in the porch swing the other day and watched 2 coyotes come into the field.....now I will worry
I am not even going to guess what might have happened to Anna, it could go either way, or both but I am very sorry that happened to her. We live in SW Oklahoma, coyotes are rampid here. Every night we hear them yipping. (Very close) We have 13 horses 2 of which we foster for CMHR. I would be devastated if they got ahold of any of my horses!! For us, the only safe thing to do is lock them up in the barns. And we do every night, no exceptions....I cry when I see an animal dead on the road. This month I would guess that I have seen atleast 15 coyotes that hit by cars. IF I had to I would shot anything that was a threat to my animals. Get a rifle, learn to use it, I have. Again I am sorry...Theresa
Thanks for all the kind words.....and opening my eyes to the possibilities that it could've been the coyotes that caused her death. Either way, I've lost one of my babies...and it hurts.

We have donkeys with the horses but I don't guess they offer enough protection.
I don't see how suggesting the horse was killed by coyotes or how if she would add color to the horses, fences, etc helps in this situation.

The horse is dead. Teresa does not live where this horse is kept. A simple "I'm sorry about your mare" is all that's required here or don't bother to post at all.
Teresa, I'm so sorry. Hope you are able to get the rest of them closer to you - regardless of what happened, I know it's doubly frustrating not being there to see them yourself everyday.

[SIZE=12pt]I'm truly so sorry for your loss. I know how devastated you are and with good reason.... May your thought's turn to something more peaceful over the days to come and your heart begin to heal. [/SIZE]


Kimberle Young

Allure Ranch

I am so sorry for the loss of your mare & can tell you our area right now is overrun with coyotes. Our minis and all our animals are locked up at night as female coyotes will even call a dog out and the whole pack will be waiting to kill them. When my hubby was cleaning his deer it was getting late and they could smell the blood and believe me they were at the fenceline waiting in the dark to try and get onto the property. Lights and guns took care of that. They are dangerous and no fun to have around
I am so sorry to hear about Anna! We always worry about deer hunters in our area.........even though our land is posted with signs.


Pam C.
I feel so sorry for you as I read this post. Sending my condolences for your loss of Anna.
