Hunt House Farms Spring 4 A Buck

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Tam VanderWerf

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Our family, along with Barb and Randy Naylor of Myakka, Florida, would like to express our gratitude for your kind words and prayers for our mare, Hunt House Farms Spring 4 A Buck, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 8:00 a.m. this morning.

My husband, Dan, is at University of Tennessee Equine Hospital with Spring's body to have a necropsy performed to hopefully reveal the cause of her death.

I found Spring Tuesday afternoon laying down in the doorway to the barn. Since then her blood was tested and we were treating her for an infection. Yesterday she did very well - she had no temperature and was enjoying some grazing time.

I started watching her just before 5 a.m. this morning because she was laying down and then would do a partial roll as if she was positioning her foal to abort it. I started calling the vet because she looked to be in discomfort. I was waiting for the vet to return my call, so I gave her a shot of Banamine to relieve her discomfort. A few minutes later Spring appeared to be getting in to more distress, plus was getting diarreha, Dan called UT while in the process of hooking the trailer. It those few minutes (5-10) Spring went down hill very fast and began staggering in her stall and laid down. Dan went right in and was checking her with his stethoscope, but then he came out about two minutes later with tears in his eyes and said she was gone.

Hopefully we will have some answers why we lost her. I can't believe this has happened. We also have other horses with loose stools, so we may have something getting ready to go through our herd. We are so shook up.

Again, thank you all for everything. You are a wonderful group. I will post the results of the necropsy when we receive them.

How HEARTBREAKING!! :no: Hopefully the necrospy will show what her cause of death was and if it is something contagious it can be stopped! :no:

Prayers for you and your family & minis....



I am so sorry to hear of your loss. All the best to you and your family and I hope the rest of your herd are just fine. Big horsey hugs!!
I am so sorry for your loss. It is always hard but especially when you don't know why. I pray that you will find some answers and peace. Sheila
[SIZE=12pt]Tam & Dan-[/SIZE]

I couldn't believe it when you told me she had died. My heart is breaking for you both and poor Spring. I just can't believe it. Wish I was there to give you a big hug. I sure hope the necropsy will show what happened.

Call me later - we can cry some more together.

PLEASE try the Kaolin, until they can figure out what antibotic to use.
I am soooo sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking! I know that words are of no comfort right now, but know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope the necropsy will give you the answers that you need to fight whatever this could be if it is something that's going to affect your whole herd.


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she went downhill very fast. I hope the necropsy will be able to give you the answers you are looking for, and that it is nothing that wiill affect your complete herd. Its just so hard not knowing. (((hugs))) to you. Corinne
Aw no!
: I'm so sorry you lost your sweet girl and her baby. My heart breaks for you.{{{{{hugs}}}}}

Please do post the findings? I would be very interested. It sounds like something we had here and got no answers for.
That is so sad and I'm sending you my love and sympathy. I hope you find the reason that will give you some closure.

Joyce L
I am so sorry. thats so shocking :no: I hope your heart will mend
I am so sorry for your loss..... :no:

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Wish I had some magic words for you.......I am very sorry for the loss of your girl.


This is so shocking and frightening to read, as well as sad.

I can only imagine what you're going through and for that I'm sorry...

I hope you have no further losses, and can determine why you lost your beautiful mare.

My thoughts are with you,

Liz M.
To all who loved that little mare...You will be in my prayers for your pain to ease. And also for the herd to be fine with no problems related to this.

I hope the necropsey will give you answers.

We are so sorry for your loss on your mare and her baby. I hope you can find out what happened to her so you can prevent it in your other horses.. :no: Again we are very sorry. Theresa and Art

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