How would he be classified in the marking department...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Visalia, CA
I am confused about his marking classification...Any info....??????


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if he was a biggie, he'd be a tovero. i'm not up on color designations in the world of minis, do they register them as tovero? whatever he is, he's adorable!!!
In regards to registration, the only term they use is Pinto. In regards to description, Medicine Hat would be accurate. Genetically, he is Tobiano plus some other Pinto genes which would be difficult to tell for sure without testing. (I would say Frame Overo is a strong likelyhood and I would definately test him.)
Songcatcher I disagree - the black does not cover both ears and cover the poll of the head. So he is not a medicine hat. But tobiano is correct.
Looks to be carrying splash too. I would test him for frame just to be safe
I agree with Songcatcher and would call him a medicine hat tovero. I've had medicine hats who's color is just between the ears, between the ears and covering both ears, over one ear and not the other and anything in between.

I also agree that he is tobiano plus another pattern or two and frame would be a good guess. He is more than tobiano only as it does not put white on the face. Splashed white is unlikely as it removes color from the chest and flanks, so frame would be pretty likely, IMO.
WOW! I better get to testing and see for sure about the frame, and thanks all for your comments, he is a doll and Iam thinking of keeping him
Sire and dam photos whould help us narrow the pattern down.

Can you post some photos of his sire and dam?
Sure thing, my colts name is Harts Sir Galahad AMHR, bay and white and his sire is LC Dakota OSO ,(in my avatar) AMHR bay and white and his daqm is AL-Max Chior Boys Amazing Grace AMHR she is black and white with roan . Thanks




Well, I guess maybe I don't know my paint registrations, but looking at their definition of paint medicine hats its both ears and poll.

Does you little boy have one or two blue eyes? Yep looks like it.

Tovero is for sure though:

Dark pigmentation around the ears, which may expand to cover the forehead and/or eyes.

One or both eyes blue.

Dark pigmentation around the mouth, which may extend up the sides of the face and form spots.

Chest spot(s) in varying sizes. These may also extend up the neck.

Flank spot(s) ranging in size. These are often accompanied by smaller spots that extend forward across the barrel, and up over the loin.

Spots, varying in size, at the base of the tail.
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I think possibly the confusion lies in which registry we are talking about. The only pattern term used in registration by AMHA and AMHR is Pinto. Tobiano, Frame (LWO), Sabinio, and Splash are all genetic terms that describe which type of Pinto, but are not used on registration forms. Medicine Hat, War Bonnet, Morrocan, and others are descriptive terms, but are not the result of one specific gene, but a combination of different genes. All Medicine Hats would not necessarily have the same genetic makeup.

I will admit to having no knowledge of the terminology used by the Paint Horse Association, but do not accept them as the authority on genetics or patterns.
I just love this...I was wanting to know what terminology to use in describing him, I have already registered him with the AMHR, so no registry involved, I am finding he is a special boy for sure, will give color when bred to a any mare and he does have two blue eyes to boot, I am facinated by genetics so love the anwers on private email too:) Thanks all!
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He's tovero. I'd say splash and tobiano but that's just my guess.

Not medicine hat...has to cover both ears for that and your boy's doesn't so therefore not a true medicine hat. You can call it that I guess but it won't be right.

For registration you'll have to put pinto but for AMHR I usually actual color patterns in the marking part-like my bay few spot leopard appy is registered as a bay appaloosa and then for markings I have few spot leopard. I actually do that with all of my horses which seems to work out just fine. It's a win-win situation. The registry has no confusion and future buyers have no confusion. (sorry...I know you didn't ask for registration stuff)

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