How safe is your town??

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
I moved to the Brandon area 21 years ago. At that time, and for years & years since, it was said that Brandon was a city that acted like a small town. And it was. Quiet, safe, low crime rate. It was pretty much safe to walk after dark, even downtown, and even for a woman alone.

Not any more. What's happened to change it? A gang. There were some incidents where young people--teens--were assaulted by other teens--often young teens--basically kids were getting mugged for their brand name jackets, caps, whatever. We started hearing about a new gang that called itself the Indian Posse. About a year ago some city official--police spokesman I think--was on the radio talking about the Indian Posse. He said this gang posed no real threat to the residents of the city (some reassurance to the non-gang kids that got assaulted and robbed by members of this gang!!)--that mostly they were young offenders that got affiliated with the gang while in jail, and they were just a loosely organized group more into mischief than any serious crime. One member that was in court--I don't remember what the charge was--was ordered by the judge to leave town, and not return. The young fellow was driven outside city limits & dropped off & told to go on his way--that was sort of the standard policy for dealing with these young gang members.

Several weeks ago a woman was attacked and stabbed 13 times--she wasn't walking late at night or in a bad part of town--she survived the attack & the authorities later released the information that her stabbing was gang related--an initiation for a new Indian Posse member. Pretty scary, but now it gets worse. Two nights ago someone called 9-1-1 & said they heard a woman screaming. A second 9-1-1 call requested an ambulance; police found an 18 year old woman with head trauma--she was conscious but severely injured. She was stabilized at the local hospital then airlifted to Winnipeg. Now the police have issued a warning to women in the city--I didn't hear this, but the girls I work with were talking about it this afternoon. The current initiation for the Indian Posse is to rape a woman then beat her to the point where she is unrecognizeable. That's what the case was with the 18 year old 2 nights ago.

These gang members aren't hard to find; they're out and about at night, all night. One of my co-workers said she's seen them on her way to work early in the morning. 3 of them crossed the street in front of my vehicle a block from the office this morning. Groups of youths in sweats & hoodies....can't say for sure they're all gang members, but it's wise to avoid even small groups that have "the look". Some are 100% for sure, no mistaking them at all.

There's other crime too, not all of it gang related. There have been other stabbings, shootings, assaults, robberies on the street in broad daylight--things that just never happened here 20 years ago, even 10 years ago. Kind of never thought it would come to our "town"...or at least we always hoped it wouldn't!
That's just plain sick.........What size town do you live in?

My brother was murdered in a similar manner but it was in 1972, when life was very different. And it was a small city in Oregon. He was the victim of two men who needed to murder so to be admitted into a Satanic Coven....and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now we live in a much smaller community........yes there's crime, but people still leave their doors unlocked and will run into a store and leave their truck running - without the fear of being stolen from.

Brandon has a population of approximately 40,000. Leaving doors unlocked? People out here still do that--some of them anyway--but not in Brandon. Last year police were warning people that if they were outside in their back yards they should make sure they have their front door locked, because the current robbery trend was to come in the front door while the homeowner was either outside or distracted by an accomplice.

Leaving keys in vehicles or leaving the vehicle running? Not a chance! Vehicle theft is big here, though not so bad here in Brandon as it is in Winnipeg--I think Winnipeg is the vehicle theft capital of Canada.

So far things are quieter out here (I live a few miles out of town but work in the city...downtown area.) so I have to hope the city crime never spreads out this far!

MA--that's bad about your brother--very sad.
Our town has seen many changes in the past 20 years. What was once a logging and fishing town is now a tourist and prison town. (Pelican Bay).

Just today as I was driving home from town their was police cars zooming around so I turned on the scanner to hear that they were looking for some young person. They said he was barefoot and muddy without a shirt on, they would say he was in sight then they would lose him in the wooded areas until they finally got him.

Then when I picked up my daughter from the bus stop, she told me that the school had been on lockdown because of an escaped convict.

A couple of weeks ago I was seeing the numbers 420 on the sides of a couple of buildings so I did some asking around and was told it mint that's what time to get high.

Is that a local thing? Or is it other places to?

This is still a small town that I live in but I think per capita it has lot

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