How did you do on your mini goals for 2009?

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Mar 12, 2006
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Suffield, CT
Back in January there was a thread about goals for 2009:

List (or copy) the goals you had and please tell us how you did!!

Here are mine (copied from the thread):

Our goals are:

1. Have our first live foal

2. Pinto Legion of Merit for Aloha Acres Fashion by Magic (aka Princess), our coming 5 year old mare. She needs 3 performance points from our May Jubilee Show to complete the requirements for this award

3. Show our stallion SRF Buckshot in driving classes at AMHA and/or PtHA shows

4. Continue to have fun with them and share them with as many other people as possible!

#1 was accomplished (see avatar), but only after losing yet another foal. Max is worth it though!

#2 was accompished the same roller-coaster week as #1! She earned Legion of Merit #415 from PtHA.

3. After seeing Max, we felt that Buckshot is so valuable as a breeding stallion that we decided not to show him. Instead, we showed our gelding SRF Masters Touch and got him the points he needed for his Pinto Championship.

4. We embarked on a new venture, sharing Ruby and Princess with an after school program run by Angel Horses (see my signature). This program is designed to introduce middle school students with little or no horse experience to grooming, leading, and other non-riding activities using mainly retired therapy horses. What a rewarding experience that has been! Ruby and Princess were huge hits. And of course we are enjoying Max "to the max", had some 4-H groups visit, competed in our first American Driving Society show, and generally had fun with our minis.

How about you??
My goal was to make to center ring at Nationals and after six years I finally did it YAHOO!!!!

Next years goal is to own a nice horse for halter classes.
We were going to "cutback" on showing to save money. We did both. Only did 3 AMHR shows and stayed in stalls to save. My girl is still in top ten All Stars for obstacle and Golden Age jumper from just those 3 shows.

Had HIGH Hopes for Pinto World . Well we went and filly did well just not as well as I had HOPEs! Placed in all classes and finished about 10th out of 30 over all.

decorate for cart for grandkids in costume contest at Fun Show early June yup, did it and the kids got 2nd place - same filly

The rest of the summer I am looking for open shows "close by" to do with the grandkids and parades hoping again to involve the grandkids

Well, the grandkid part just didn't work out but my filly finished as the Wisconsin State Champion for driving in the mini/pony class. She had to compete in open shows against all sizes since there were sometimes not enough small ones to have a seperate class. Twice she was in the arena with a Fresian and once she beat him! He was NO pony at about 16 + hands.

All in all my summer went pretty well. Next year we'll go back to strictly AMHR again!
I actually wrote mine in a little black book in January of 2009, LOL.

Market the few I had available

Get a Buckeroo or LTD Magic Man colt/stallion

take care of any Vet bills incured and start out 2010 without any vet bills

Build a new barn

What was accomplished....

I sold 2 of the 3 I had available (I'm okay if my filly hangs around for awhile, he,he)

I got a LTD Magic Man daughter

Incurred some new bills with a premmie foal that didn't fair well, but I would do it again in a heartbeat, I'm at the tail end of those

Had a 40x24' frame made with 6x6s and steel roof put up, I put 3 sides on it and am in the process of putting a 10 inch base of gravel in(which will be covered by mats come spring)

I don't need the space right now, so I am able to pace myself from now till spring, finishing it.

What is going on next years list

Finish barn

Get a Buckeroo son

Get more involved in the show ring

try my hand at CDE
Live foal on the ground.Train one or two in harness and start driving.

Perhaps try a couple local open shows.

Get a new water hydrant in (ok so this one's more for me).

Put up more windbreak.

Put up another shelter.

If I get the water hydrant, windbreak and shelter done; then I'd like to add another mare or two.
Ok, so I didn't do as well as I wanted, but here's what we finished up...

-I have a lovely 5 month old cremello filly.

-put up 16' of windbreak

-enclosed part of one shelter for another mini stall

-was given a mini gelding (his buddy died, and they didn't want him to be lonely).

Water hydrant is still on my list of things to do, but now it will have to wait til next summer.

Freebie gelding is trained to drive, but he got sick, so I haven't driven him, yet. Perhaps next summer or on mild winter days.
My goal was to show this year. I didn't get to because our barn got destroyed, but I am planning on showing next year, and we have a new barn now.
I am so glad you remembered this thread. It is good to go back and reflect!

My list for 2009:

My list may be similar to some already mentioned, but here goes!

All show prep, training, conditioning, showing done by me YEP! Did it and had a great show year!!!!!!!

Get my 'kids' involved with special needs individuals. We got a good start on this one! Working with some boys 'in the system', long term care groups, individuals with emotional disorders.... The horses are such good therapy!

Become more time efficient in the barn Now, if any of you have ideas---I would be glad t hear what you suggest! Still working on this one! lol

Raise three lovely foals! YEP!!!!

Get my trailer painted and our ranch name on it so my 'kids' can ride in style! Nope- decided to get a new trailer instead! LOL

I may think of more later!

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Great follow up this will be fun

1- Get our 2008 Perlino filly set with a trainer if we can and hopfully have her qualify and

attend AMHR nationals. Not a trip we can make ourselves.

WE DID IT AND IT WAS SO EXCITING, We've got the Nationals bug now hope we can go with them next time

2- 5 healthy foals on the ground (6 would be great but 1 mare tested not in foal) But 5 is enough

Well we only had 1 live filly , lost 2 and the other 2 mares came up not in foal

blood test problems for the first time. But it was a good year for only 1

3- Sell our farm so we can move and then follow our plans to add some improvement to our herd

don't want to add anymore horses until we move.

Farm not sold yet still here but have a couple different people interested so maybe this year But I have my eye on a few Horses to add

4- After we move have alot more time to spend with our horses as I will be retiring also

Still working
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I hope everyone achieves their goals and have fun accomplishing them.

My goals for this year is to:

1. continue to learn more about minis, as we just acquired our first this past spring.

2. try and get our little guy ready for our first showing year.

3. stop procrastinating and get our new harness ordered.

4. enjoy our first year taking Peek to show, showing in driving and halter and possibly obstacle.

5. increase our mini herd from 1 to 2 possibly 3... If only I could finally decide ... if you can't choose between two aren't you supposed to buy both???

Well, I think I went a bit above my goals. LOL We worked with Peek-A-Boo all winter and he was definitely ready to show this past spring. I did stop procrastinating and did finally by my harness in a package with 2 more minis. A 2year old mare and a yearling gelding.
So I guess I did buy both! LOL Now I have to buy at least one more harness.

We actually showed all three in halter and drove Peek as well. And, I can't believe I did it but we took my 2 year old mare and the yearling gelding to Nationals and showed them. Jem Duke It Out "Duke" got a National top ten in his class. The "what was I thinking" definitely ran through my mind more than once in the first few days we were there, tho.

Last but not least thanks to Lori (Milo Minis) as she taught all of us lots this past year!

I had forgotten I had participated in this thread. Very cool you brought it back up Targetsmom! Let's start another one for next year.
To keep loving them and enjoying them all.

Yes I sure did!

Selling 8-10 horses. (my smaller ones)

Yes I DID!

Maybe find a black pinto mare (new wife) for Nort.

Did I ever! Thanks Tami!

Get my foals born safe and sound.


Get new pics taken of some of my horses! LOL

ummm well, sorta LOL

To keep doing my best to help people as much as I can.

I do my best all the time!
1) train Midas for hunter jumper

2)HOPEFULLY train him for showmanship

3)HOPEFULLY get a 2 or 3 year old gelding or colt(that I would have gelded) for halter. If that happens it wont be right away. I figure even it it takes a few months, I can always look at the green castle sale.

And what happened

I purchased a proven all around gelding (hunter, jumper, halter, showmanship, driving, liberty) and My husband showed Midas in halter. We actually just sold Midas sunday because we wont be showing in 2010 due to expecting our first child in june.
I missed seeing the original thread in January, but I've read both threads and would like to congratulate all of you that worked on your goals!
You are inspiring me to write down my short term and long term goals and get to working on them.
Been meaning to reply to this topic, but kept forgetting to. Well, my main goal for 2009 was to have a kick butt driving horse that was mine!! Seems like every driving horse that I buy my husband claims as his. He doesn't like to show halter, but absolutely loves driving. So I set out on the search for me a horse. A friend of mine emailed me one Sunday morning and told me about this horse she had found. I fell "IN LOVE". So then my second goal was to bring home a horse head trophy from Nationals or Congress. Well, we didn't make it at Congress, but Cruisin made up for it at Nationals. He got 2 horse head trophies then finished the week off by winning the Pleasure Driving Stakes class with 2 trophies, 2 ribbons and a cooler!! It was an awesome year with this little horse.

Here are a couple of pictures of CLRs Cruisin at Nationals.



So next year's goal for me is to continue enjoying this little boy. He's a fun little horse.

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