GRRR! Has anyone else ever just given up losing?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
out of the blue I decided to weigh myself this morning. Bad idea. You see I'm desperatly trying to lose weight.

I've mentioned before i'm on the heafty side to say the least and most of that in the last year since I got blood clots and had a stroke due to blood in my brain.

I gained like 60lbs! AND to make it worse I needed to lose that 60! That's why I had my knee replaced so I could once again get out there hiking, and working outdoors like I used to and keeping off weight and being fit. Not tiny, just fit.

So to compensate for not being able to even walk outside in this frozen tundra we live in, (too risky I might fall), and since it's 15 miles to town to walk there, I have been very good about healthy dieting.

Lots of fish, salad, no bread..well I do eat a banana and half English muffin every morning. I do eat 1/2 yam or 1/2 baked potatoe or 1/2 cup brown rice for supper along with fish, "the other white meat" lean pork loin, chicken, turkey,(I hate turkey) lots of vegtables, mostly green beans,carrots, spinach, sometimes a treat of Busch baked beans. And one a rare day fresh frozen corn.

I also try to eat some fruit such as apples or pears for snack maybe once a week..once a week I allow a snack of graham crackers, 2 in evening.

I do not drink coffee so I drink Diet Pepsi (hooked on it) and make sure I drink at least 40/50 oz of water a day..(good thing I don't get out much :bgrin )

My house is a modular, 70 feet long and I walk it constanly as it's an open floor plan.I clean house etc but can't do heavy work yet due to stroke.There is NO pool in our town to go do water aerobics or I would be there at least 3X a week! Let me also add that I have a badly pulled hip flexor muscle and a right hip needing replacement that I refuse to do after what I went through with the knee.So VERY very painful when I do walk.I also have a muscle disease that causes pain but that's not important here..

I think I have been trying very hard! I want to be able to drive my horse!They say they can pull their own weight and she is 300lbs so OK, sounds foolish but if I keep going at 200lbs I will overtake her!

SO WHY dear Lord after all this trying and being sick and yes lately sometimes only eating half my meals due to loss of appetite from my meds..did I weigh myself and find out I gained 8 lbs!!

Carl can tell you he's here and know I do not cheat.Sometimes I just feel like cashing it all in but for the kids.SOrry to be a downer. You guys don't deserve that from the "grandma " on the forum

But life shouldn't be over at only 65

Love Maxine
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Hey, stop beating yourself up already!
: You have a LOT to deal with, a huge LOT! Over coming stroke is hard, then the clots and not to mention the MEDS! So dont worry about weight, think about how you feel. Its going to take time, no doubt about it, even more so because of your illness. Take small steps, do what you can and before you know it summer will be here and then you will be able to get out and work off even more. Best of luck! Heather
Awww Maxine!!! You are doing good! Don't give up, you are starting a healtheir lifestyle and thats to be commended. I don't believe you mentioned how long have you been eating right and exercising...but it may take time. ALso another thing to think about is the meds you are on may be holding you it may not be something you yourself are doing. I have found that Diet sodas tend to bloat you up majorly, and help you retain water.......if you can go one or two a day that would be ideal. You know that old cliche "You did'nt gain the weight over night so you cannot take it off overnight"? Stinks but it's true. Keep doing what you are doing.....pretty soon your body will follow suit and you will see changes. Those ads that show these people where the pounds just melted off....well go look for the people today, and you will see that most of them gained most if not all the weight back. Do it slowly, take it as you will get there...but mainly don't give up!!!
[SIZE=14pt]Maxine, Your body is working on healing itself before it will let any wt go. You are doing everything right.... all of a sudden one of these days you will notice that your clothes will be loose and you will be losing. You have had lots of physical and brain trauma and on this healthy regime, you will heal first and lose later. Thats all that is happening... dont give up. I was 310 pounds 9 years ago, lost 125, gained back 40 in the last 3 years when the blindness came and am now struggling again to get below the 200 pound mark. Im 5 10 and I weigh 235 pound right this minute and I drive my horses, and I have drivem one of my friends little 31 inchers without problems. If the cart is balanced you will be fine.... and I will be D****d if I weigh this much by nationals! IT may take me the wole 6 months till then to lose the 40 but I am determined to do it![/SIZE]

Lots of fish, salad, no bread..well I do eat a banana and half English muffin every morning. I do eat 1/2 yam or 1/2 baked potatoe or 1/2 cup brown rice for supper along with fish, "the other white meat" lean pork loin, chicken, turkey,(I hate turkey) lots of vegtables, mostly green beans,carrots, spinach, sometimes a treat of Busch baked beans. And one a rare day fresh frozen corn.
I also try to eat some fruit such as apples or pears for snack maybe once a week..once a week I allow a snack of graham crackers, 2 in evening.
I'm certainly no expert in this department by any means but it seems like most of the things you mentioned you are eating, other than the meat, is higher in carbohydrate. It is good to eat lots of fruit and vegetables for sure, but there are good choices and there are better choices. Bananas, yams, baked beans, pears in syrup, corn, carrots, graham crackers, English muffin, etc...all are higher in carbohydrate. If you are like me, those things will get you every time. You think you are eating a wonderful diet rich in fruit and vegetables and should be losing weight but the diet isn't always as balanced as we think it is. Water is definitely key and lots of walking as you mentioned. If you have a pedometer you can wear that counts your steps, I understand that 10,000 a day is what you strive for.

Maybe there is a dietician on here that can guide you in the right direction but I have always felt that balance is the key. Oh, and Lynn is certainly correct about your body needing to heal itself. Good luck!
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just be patient- I spent a year trying to convince my body it needed to shed some weight- I have never had to diet in my life so it was hard!!

Once it started coming off it melted away- it's just a matter of re-educating your body, that's all.
Also with the diet doctor told me you are 100% better off to drink the full calorie sodas.

He explained that the chemical sweeteners (aspartame, splenda, sweet-n-low, etc..) will cause your metabolism to plumitt (sp?) and therefore cause your body to slow down burning calories and such, and actually gain weight.

He explained that the chemical sweeteners were much worse for you than the sugars in the full calorie drinks, and to avoid chemical sweeteners if at all possible.

Just something to think about...good luck!!!
Like everyone else on here said,...Give yourself some time,...Your body has been through a lot,.....and I agree that it wont let you start losing weight until you are completely healed!!

Just remember that we all love you anyway!!!
: Take care,..and Smile!!!

It will get better!

(((((((( hugs))))))) Terri
Lee needs to lose some weight so this winter I searched the web & found some yummy flavorful low fat soups. If you like soup these are filling & are very nutritious. Mostly vegetables with tad of meat. Freeze half & you will have a nutritious meal ready to thaw when you are starving & no time to cook..... Regarding diet drinks - I saw something on the news recently that said you should not drink diet but I can't remember the explanation as to why..... Perhaps it is your medicine that is causing the weight gain....... I am also trying to lose some weight & that treadmill is getting boring. Hopefully the soups several times a week will help!..... Best of luck & good health to you.
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Maxine I feel so for you. I have had a weight problem my entire life and after kids all heck broke loose. Most days I eat very little but the scale never moves. I find myself to be a very active person but I guess not active enough.

Have you had your thyroid tested. That isn't my problem but I sure wish it were. I would atleast have a good excuse.

I just pray that some day I will get to feel what it is like to walk in a thin body.

I have considered the stomach surgery but so many have died from that and I would rathe be heavy than not here.

Keep you chin up. You may not be loosing but you are healing and eating healthy.

Thin isn't always healthy.


There I was, trying to cut way back on carbs. I love bread but I was denying myself bread, rice, pasta, etc. I was being good and eating some fruit and such. I was not losing at all, but still gaining!

Then I found out that a banana has 35 carbs! :new_shocked:

To think I thought I was being good one time, I had a meal of 3 bananas and it added up to 105 carbs!

Corn is high in starch too.

I wonder if a plate of lettuce with tuna and low cal ranch would be a good meal?

I feel for you. I gained a ton when I quit smoking. :no:

I hurt so bad (my back) that I can hardly move and it's hard to walk.

Best of luck to you Maxine! Don't give up! Above all, don't stress yourself out.
[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]Something else to remember is apples use more calories to digest than they cost... Anyvegies that grow above the ground except corn and peas and the protein carrying beans is almost free as far as calories and carbs go but if they grow in the ground, potatos etc they are high glycemic foods meaning they are more starchy and break down to sugar.Juicy fruits llike water mellons, strawberries, peaches, nectarines oranges and grapefruits are your best bet. Bananas and grapes are the worst. anything canned is high in syrup aka sugar as far as fruits go, high in sodium as far as vegies go...... Corn and potatos are our worst enemies as are all breads and starches..... if you have to have bread, whole wheat whole grain or oatmeal is the best. for you, The less you eat the lower your metabolism goes.... those of you eating one meal a day or 500 calories or less are making it so that if you go back to even half what you ate before you will gain. Several small low carb meals a day like every 2 hours will keep the "furnace" that is your body going and therefore your metabolism higher. I use to be a trainer for the big herbalife meetings for wt loss and product education but since I gained the 40 back I wont go to the meetings till it is gone. Problem is Insulin is a fat storing hormone wether it comes from your own body or an outside source..... Carbs are then stored as fats ..... a vicious cycle! Also 40 oz of water isnt enough. Our bodies are 80% water..... to lose wt you need to drink as many oz of water as what you weigh in pounds divided by 2. So 150 oz of water was ALOT.... 100 oz is alot.... but water flushes the metabolized fats out. Your diet pepsi is VERY high in sodium so you are retaining fluids and wt because of that. ronk more water no mater how much it makes you pee..... it is the best for you.

Hang in there, Maxine! I know it is not easy. I agree with some of the others that a lot of the stuff is what you'd traditionally think is good for you, but it is really high in carbs and the type of carbs that are easy for your body to store as fat. Plus, I know too first hand, the older we get, the slower it is to try and loose weight. I've been low carbing since before the first of the year, and it's slow slow slow. Used to drop off no effort and I'm exercising every day and haven't cheated at all on the diet.

If it makes you feel better, on Monday morning, I weighed myself. I also try not to do it every day, but it's hard to resist. Well, scale said I gained a pound. Got off it, tried again, same result. STOMPED that #$)%& scale one time and good and now it's dead. And, it's not the first scale I have killed for the same offense. So, I guess this weekend, I will try and find a scale that's not digital. I may get along with that kind better.

Have you ever read Sugar Busters? That is a low carb diet that is not as strict as something like Atkins, and is easier to do long term, I think.

Trust me, though, I know how it's frustrating but you've got so much going on and I do really think stress effects weight loss / weight gain.
: I hear you I have the same sort of situation . But I'm only 60. Could be water weight. The Doc.s put me on lasix. That helped a lot.

out of the blue I decided to weigh myself this morning. Bad idea. You see I'm desperatly trying to lose weight.

I've mentioned before i'm on the heafty side to say the least and most of that in the last year since I got blood clots and had a stroke due to blood in my brain.

I gained like 60lbs! AND to make it worse I needed to lose that 60! That's why I had my knee replaced so I could once again get out there hiking, and working outdoors like I used to and keeping off weight and being fit. Not tiny, just fit.

So to compensate for not being able to even walk outside in this frozen tundra we live in, (too risky I might fall), and since it's 15 miles to town to walk there, I have been very good about healthy dieting.

Lots of fish, salad, no bread..well I do eat a banana and half English muffin every morning. I do eat 1/2 yam or 1/2 baked potatoe or 1/2 cup brown rice for supper along with fish, "the other white meat" lean pork loin, chicken, turkey,(I hate turkey) lots of vegtables, mostly green beans,carrots, spinach, sometimes a treat of Busch baked beans. And one a rare day fresh frozen corn.

I also try to eat some fruit such as apples or pears for snack maybe once a week..once a week I allow a snack of graham crackers, 2 in evening.

I do not drink coffee so I drink Diet Pepsi (hooked on it) and make sure I drink at least 40/50 oz of water a day..(good thing I don't get out much :bgrin )

My house is a modular, 70 feet long and I walk it constanly as it's an open floor plan.I clean house etc but can't do heavy work yet due to stroke.There is NO pool in our town to go do water aerobics or I would be there at least 3X a week! Let me also add that I have a badly pulled hip flexor muscle and a right hip needing replacement that I refuse to do after what I went through with the knee.So VERY very painful when I do walk.I also have a muscle disease that causes pain but that's not important here..

I think I have been trying very hard! I want to be able to drive my horse!They say they can pull their own weight and she is 300lbs so OK, sounds foolish but if I keep going at 200lbs I will overtake her!

SO WHY dear Lord after all this trying and being sick and yes lately sometimes only eating half my meals due to loss of appetite from my meds..did I weigh myself and find out I gained 8 lbs!!

Carl can tell you he's here and know I do not cheat.Sometimes I just feel like cashing it all in but for the kids.SOrry to be a downer. You guys don't deserve that from the "grandma " on the forum

But life shouldn't be over at only 65

Love Maxine
As several other posters have already pointed out, what you are eating is good food, but usually not great for weighloss. (Salads are yummy, but lay off the dressing. Tuna is a personal favorite of mine. Breads, Potatoes and Sweets are my enemies.) You also really do need some sort of exercise to help burn extra calories. Diet drinks don't help anything, so I would switch to water ONLY. Your medication may also be causing some weight gain, but you probably can't do much about that. Someone suggested getting your metabolism checked and that was a great idea. Of course your life is far from over and you CAN and WILL lose weight if you keep trying. This is all just "in my opinion," of course, and although I am no dietitian or any sort of professional I do think sometimes a diet takes a bit of tweaking.

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: Thank , Thank you to ALL of you! I am printing this out. Here I was thinking i'm so smart and doing all this right. You all fill my heart with your kindness and I will refer to your posts as I printed them all out.

I gained once before and my secret is that I had a gastric bypass in 1975..most of you were'nt born yet :bgrin It went bad, couldn't bet it reversed as I was too sick, and it was two years before they could do anything. I nearly died, had last rites. Called in my family. My girls were 10 and 14! After all that I'd lost 35lbs! I know now I wasn't big enough to require it, and shouldn't have had it but it was all new then and I think the doctor was anxious to try it..

So I started walking, I walked every single day no matter the weather, 3 miles..I lost the weight, got strong and healthy. SO I know that works, I ate salads, and high protien suppers. Without even trying my wiehgt was dropping.

But now I can't walk more than 50 ft. now, take a wheel chair to events.I am weak and get light headed etc. I know that will all heal. My speach came back, I can walk..I am Blessed..

Somehow I will prevail, so when I post a picture with my beloved Shammy next year possibly this summer if I get my Lignite cart (can't affrod it right now, please notice my big smile :bgrin

Otherwise Carl will be the one driving her till I'm a bit on the lighter side..Thank again! My ya ya friends!

Well Maxinne, I have a perfect thin body and men lust after me..........yea, right....... :smileypuke:

Do you know how I lost 40 lbs without even trying?

I eat anything I want to including all my junk food.

It's portion control.

I gave up pepsi for club soda.

That's it.

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