They are both very young, nice kids and they just got married. 18 & 19 .They are very good friends of my boys and I do approve of these kids very much. They don't drink, smoke, cuss, no drugs and go to Church. The girl is shy, just started nursing college and doesn't say much. Just follows him like a puppy dog.
The problem is that they have had no family life whatsoever. One has been raised by a very senior grandparent, the other has had a multitude of daddys. Neither speak to their parents at all.
The problem is that they both are lacking in the social graces department badly. I won't go into great details, but they are here daily right after work and would stay all night long if I didn't interrupt and remind them that it's time for them to go home. It's midnite again and they are still here. They do work but don't seem to get tired and want to go home to bed.
They are here for dinner every single night. Not that they are asking me to feed them, but I can't serve dinner without telling them to "have a seat." But if I didn't, they would just stand there and watch everyone eat and think nothing of it. Half the time they already ate and aren't hungry so they aren't here for the food.
I did tell them to please not come during our dinner hour because that is our family "private time" where we sit and discuss "stuff"......So I told them not to come over between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 Pm. It worked only for 1 night. The next night they were right back here immediately after they got out of work and every night since. I said to them "thought you were going to let us have our family time" and they said they forgot. They both forgot?
They also took it upon themselves to invite some people that I didn't even know to Michael's dinner party last night. Here they came, with 4 other people that I was not expecting and I was just like "huh?" Who are these people? My boys didn't hardly know them. Good thing I had made extra food. I took them aside afterwards and explained that I was caught off guard and that it would not have been nice if I didn't have enough food to go around. They didn't get that. They just saw these people at the store and said that Michael was having a party and asked them if they wanted to come along. I explained that was not their call to invite people here. I got a blank stare like they just didn't understand why. They didn't get that. Finally he said "why not, they are nice people"
He didn't even go home and clean up after work before the dinner party. I told him he should go home and clean up but that dinner was already on the table. I had to drag him off in the bathroom and tell him to wash his face and hands. I asked him if his mother didn't ever teach him to wash up before dinner. He said his mother didn't teach him anything. That he raised himself.
Weekends around here have gone to heck. We always have our family junk to do around here but not anymore. They will be here about 10:00 AM. Last weekend I told them that we were doing a clean up and not to show up unless they planned on bringing a rake and a paint brush. That didn't discourge them. They were here all morning and into the night. They just sat on the porch swing while we worked. I asked them a million times if they didn't have something of their own to do and they just said they liked sitting on the porch.
I have talked to the boys about this too. They don't want to hurt their feelings. No one does. Jerry feels sorry for them and heck, we all do, but they are taking over here. they said this is the closest thing they ever had for a family. But why they heck did they pick mine???? It's a far from the Brady Bunch. They have a place to live. I finally just plain out told them to please just PLEASE GO HOME and STAY HOME for a while. Now if that's not kicking them out what is?
Tonite I told them that right after watching Sister Act with the boys that it's time to go. They said ok. I told them that this weekend we have to accomplish a lot of things here and told them not to come by because the boys will not have any time to spend with them. They said ok.
I'm sure they will arrive at the crack of dawn anyhow. How can I possibly lay the law down around here with these kids?
What am I going to do??????
The problem is that they have had no family life whatsoever. One has been raised by a very senior grandparent, the other has had a multitude of daddys. Neither speak to their parents at all.
The problem is that they both are lacking in the social graces department badly. I won't go into great details, but they are here daily right after work and would stay all night long if I didn't interrupt and remind them that it's time for them to go home. It's midnite again and they are still here. They do work but don't seem to get tired and want to go home to bed.
They are here for dinner every single night. Not that they are asking me to feed them, but I can't serve dinner without telling them to "have a seat." But if I didn't, they would just stand there and watch everyone eat and think nothing of it. Half the time they already ate and aren't hungry so they aren't here for the food.
I did tell them to please not come during our dinner hour because that is our family "private time" where we sit and discuss "stuff"......So I told them not to come over between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 Pm. It worked only for 1 night. The next night they were right back here immediately after they got out of work and every night since. I said to them "thought you were going to let us have our family time" and they said they forgot. They both forgot?
They also took it upon themselves to invite some people that I didn't even know to Michael's dinner party last night. Here they came, with 4 other people that I was not expecting and I was just like "huh?" Who are these people? My boys didn't hardly know them. Good thing I had made extra food. I took them aside afterwards and explained that I was caught off guard and that it would not have been nice if I didn't have enough food to go around. They didn't get that. They just saw these people at the store and said that Michael was having a party and asked them if they wanted to come along. I explained that was not their call to invite people here. I got a blank stare like they just didn't understand why. They didn't get that. Finally he said "why not, they are nice people"
He didn't even go home and clean up after work before the dinner party. I told him he should go home and clean up but that dinner was already on the table. I had to drag him off in the bathroom and tell him to wash his face and hands. I asked him if his mother didn't ever teach him to wash up before dinner. He said his mother didn't teach him anything. That he raised himself.
Weekends around here have gone to heck. We always have our family junk to do around here but not anymore. They will be here about 10:00 AM. Last weekend I told them that we were doing a clean up and not to show up unless they planned on bringing a rake and a paint brush. That didn't discourge them. They were here all morning and into the night. They just sat on the porch swing while we worked. I asked them a million times if they didn't have something of their own to do and they just said they liked sitting on the porch.
I have talked to the boys about this too. They don't want to hurt their feelings. No one does. Jerry feels sorry for them and heck, we all do, but they are taking over here. they said this is the closest thing they ever had for a family. But why they heck did they pick mine???? It's a far from the Brady Bunch. They have a place to live. I finally just plain out told them to please just PLEASE GO HOME and STAY HOME for a while. Now if that's not kicking them out what is?
Tonite I told them that right after watching Sister Act with the boys that it's time to go. They said ok. I told them that this weekend we have to accomplish a lot of things here and told them not to come by because the boys will not have any time to spend with them. They said ok.
I'm sure they will arrive at the crack of dawn anyhow. How can I possibly lay the law down around here with these kids?
What am I going to do??????