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I know you all know I'm elderly, but I"m not so old that I wore a tastevin on a chain around my neck when I went to visit, I use a wine glass.

New word, then I'm outa here for today: Kobold: an mischievious spirit in German lore!
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My two year boy has been possessed by a Kobold. (his white blonde hair and blue eyes confirms its origin)

NW: rhonchisonant - making a snorting or snoring noise

I am frequently woken from a deep sleep by the rhonchisonant sounds coming from Keith as he sleeps.


eirenism -- peaceful state of mind
When I think of karma and the possible outcomes for some people, I quite enjoy eirenism.


Noun: The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
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In my opinion, the current bad weather event impacting Tampa, FL and the Republican National Convention to be held there reflect no synchronicity. I will say, though, that I think Synchronicity was the best Police album ever, though this particular sentence probably does not equate to constructive use of the word!

Next Word:
: Living on roots
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My asparagus fern is not looking so good lately; likely the soil has been attacked by aphids and their radicolous larva.

uxorilocal (ux-or-ih-lok-al) pertaining to a husband who lives with his wife's parents
My poor son-in-law has been laid off of work for two yrs., he can't really help it if he is a uxorilocal! Bless him!

OMG Vicki that was a hard one!

my new word for ya'll is: fabular, relating to, or having the form of a fable.
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that one is really hard!
Not really, but I was waiting for others to take a turn.

The video of the royal couple's wedding cast a fabular glow, but it was indeed no fable.

word: chatterer (a prater; and idle talker)
For some unknown reason there are a few of these people in my life, so i've developed the skills to have an indepth conversation with a chatterer without actually paying any attention to what we're talking about and be thinking about something completely different.

New word

bleached mort- a fair-complexioned female
MY third born daughter, Roxanne, looks like her Irish ancesters and burns easily as she is a bleached mort, blond, blue eyed girl.

New word is: maladapted, unsited or poorley adapted for a particular use.
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When it comes right down to it, a basic wheelbarrow is maladapted for use as a feed cart.

Next Word:
: One whose mental processes are stimulated by words.
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It is nice that my newest co-worker has turned out to be as verbile as me...he hears me talking about looking up someone named Cogar's phone number and the next thing I know we are both blurting out lines from some of John Cougar Melancamp's songs.

charientism (an artfully veiled insult)
When it comes to some internet gathering places, snarky charientisms abound.

Next Word:
: incomprehensible or pretentious verbiage
Some times when I see write ups for some mini horses for sale, some farms use an abundance of bafflegab!

Zoanthropy: A type of insanity in which one imagines he is an animal!

(oh please! You KNOW we ALL pretended to be horses when we were kids! LOL)
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I actually used to imagine that I was a cougar when I was little - I guess I suffered from zoanthropy!

nudiustertian - the day before yesterday
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Nudiustertian was hump day and I slid off the back of the hump in grief for the state of the economy; yet, today is TGIF and payday and I smile as my gas tank is full though it was pricey, groceries cost $333, and hurricane Isaac is finished dumping wind and rain on our little corner of the ArkLaTex, and we are having optimism here as friends' phone calls are coming in here to discuss everything from Rubio to Razorbacks football!

(excuse the run-on sentence please, and YA'LL have a good weekend

new word is cerulean (say-roo-lee-an) "sky-blue; azure."
Every time I look into Nort's cerulean eyes, I fall in love all over again!

Zeitgeist: The feeling of the era, the culture of a period.
If I could pick one section of my life to live over again, it would be the zeitgeist of the 80s. Life was good!

Something important to all horse owners...

borborygmus - the rumbling sound of gas passing through the intestine
If only my husband would stop at the start of borborygmus, but no, he has to follow through with it much to my disgust!

BRUME - A poetic term meaning mist or fog.

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