Foal not nursing

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Foal born this morning is not nursing although he continues to make half-hearted attempts. While he appears to have some sucking reflex when he caresses the side of the bag, it is quite limited. He will not suck a finger or the bottle. Therefore, milking mare and syringing into mouth is the current feeding process. This is the mares first live foal and is a very good mom, although her nipples are very little, and are even smaller with a full bag. Also the foal has what seems like the hiccups, in that he jerks as a result, and perhaps affects grabbing a nipple. He is reasonably strong and firm. Hope somewhat has a solution so I can get some sleep tonight. (got 1 hr last night). Thanks.
i would suggest calling the vet, the jerking hiccups and low sucking reflex worry me
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If this continues over 3 hours from birth, be sure you are milking your foal's dam and feeding the baby. I'd also let your vet know.

Your foal may not get enough colostrum in its first 12 to 24 hours.

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