Face clipping diagram

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Western Pennsylvania
Does anyone have any face clipping diagrams? Someone posted one on a thread of mine, but it is much, much more detailed that I ever remember doing. I havent shown since 2007 (took a year off) and now I'm trying to remember how I clipped the head when I did the body in a #10

If anyone has diagrams that would be awesome, so I can print them out and reference them when I clip in the spring.
That diagram looks like it came straight out of a children's paint by numbers book. Way too complicated for me! I start with a 50 at the muzzle and blend up to a 40 and then further up a 30, and it looks great. AND it's simple and forgiving.
"That diagram looks like it came straight out of a children's paint by numbers book. Way too complicated for me! I start with a 50 at the muzzle and blend up to a 40 and then further up a 30, and it looks great. AND it's simple and forgiving."

Thats what I thought too. I'm pretty sure I used to use one size on the entire head (30 maybe) then a 40 up to a certain point, then a 50 around the muzzle and over the eyes.

I just cant remember exactly where I used what lol.
Sorry you all think the diagram is lame. I got it from some Arab people and was just trying to help you all out. I guess this is why I don't post here very often.
It's not lame at all. I just said it looked complicated. I prefer something simpler. FYI, I was never any good at paint by numbers, I always mesed it up
If you can do follow that diagram successfully, good for you!
I'm so sorry, I don't think the diagram is lame at all, it just looks very complicated for me. I'm not the most experienced yet, so I try to keep it as basic as I can while still looking good.
Oakbrooke Farm,

I have a friend that clips her Shetlands head in that same pattern, and she is doing awesome in the showring. She is trying to convince me to do the same. I think it would provide awesome results.

I think the others just really meant that it is a complicated pattern to follow. I would love to clip my horses head with that pattern, but I can't devote that much time when we have so many horses that have to be done.

Thank you for posting it, as I might do some of the pattern. I found it very informative.
I just did a very easy to understand article on show clipping the head complete with diagram. I also wrote one for razoring the head for use after using the instructions on the show clipping the head. Its very basic and easy to understand with a diagram for each. I will have it on my website here in the next week or two for anyone that would like to have it. I am adding a new section on my website with a few articles of interest that may help someone that wants to learn a bit more or try something different.

There will also be an article on selection and training of the driving horse as well that is very basic and a step by step system, I had written this article for the Miniature Horse World Magazine and it has been printed twice in the last few years.

I will post on here when its been added to my website in case anyone is wanting to read them. Should be by the first of Feb. or before. Thanks, Laura Tennill www.tenltraining.com

I have done these for different clubs that have asked for them and am willing to give them to anyones elses clubs that wants them for their newsletters, clinics, etc. all you have to do is ask for them.