dosing Penicillin?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
Balfour, North Dakota
I have a mini colt that was foaled on 4-4-04, and he has managed to cut his shoulder open. I went to my vet and talked about a plan of action, and we will be giving penicillin along with cleaning and applying cut heal. However, my vet has suggested 3cc's twice a day. This seems like a little much for a colt so small. I can't imagine he is any more than 50Lbs. I did tell my vet that. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
[SIZE=14pt]Michelle, that is the correct dose. If you give less it wont do the job and all it will do is make him more resistant to antibiotics if he ever needs them again.[/SIZE]

Thank you! I wanted to ask the "mini" people before going ahead and giving it to him. My vet is mostly large horses, and I know he is learning as he goes too.
Big horses get 10cc depending on weight. It sounds like you have a vet you can listen to!
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This is the disclaimer posted on LB for this board. Certainly this should be enough?

I wish you good luck Lyn. I will add, JMO or "this is what I did in that situation" to all my posts now!

** Oh cr..................p! I posted on the wrong thread.
Sorry folks...
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Merck company has it's merck veterinary manual online (free), which is a treasuretrove of info. (not to mention, it keeps us from being in a situation of "practicing veterinary medicine on the web"- refer to more recent forum post).

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