Do any of you wear your pajamas in public? Poll!

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Do you wear your pajama bottoms in public?

  • Yes and I'm proud of it!

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • No but I do wear my sweats out in public

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • Absolutely not!

    Votes: 28 68.3%
  • I don't really care what I wear, I just need to get to the store

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
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I was curious. My mom and I have had this debate many times. She will wear her "nice" sweats( is there such a thing? LOL!!) out in public but not her pajama bottoms! LOL! And hubby and I went to the store Monday to pick up a few things and I was shocked at the sheer numbers of people in those pajama bottoms! You know, those fleece ones that are comfy, perfect for never getting out of. Or those nice soft cotton ones with little prints on them. I know for sure I saw the Grinch, Tweety, and what I thought was hearts and chocolates(Maybe?). I know there was a lot more but those pants caught my attention! (I needed to shop anyhoo and not stare at peoples pants!!

So Curious Minds Want To Know!!!! Do you or Don't you?
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No way. Have noticed many others out there though. I don't wear pj's so see no reason to buy a pair for public use. Rare that I wear sweats in public either. Only when recovering frwom surgery. Loose clothes and I tend to eat more.. good to have a reminder and defined clothes. On another related mother in law says everyone should have a rear view mirror and check out how they look from the back end before heading out.
No I don't wear PJ's out in public, but I have worn them to the barn to check on the horses or deliver a foal. As for sweat pants, yes I do wear them in public as I see no reason to change sometimes when I need to run to the country store to purchase something, as I usually wear them around the farm. Now if I go to town, I wear my go into town cloths.
Negatory here. Nor house slippers in public. Fleece pj bottoms are for home. Nice athletic attire yes! But since I am 57 no big letters sprawled across the buns. Doesn't matter if is says Nike, Everlast, or what. You will not be reading it on my backside. Nothing like seeing a 60 year old co-worker wearing athletic capri sweats that say "HOTTIE" in big letters across the backside.
I love to wear those pajama bottoms around the house, they are very comfy...although I don't wear them to sleep in or in public. I answered "no but I do wear my sweats"...which technically isn't true...I don't wear sweats, I don't own any, but I do wear yoga pants into the store. They really aren't the same material as sweats and I have a pair that could actually pass as dress pants.

I also wear leggings as pants (not the ones that look like tights, but they are tight fitting)...mine have pockets on them and are much thicker, dark grey, navy, black, and dark brown.. They are actually what I wear when I am "dressing up" (which means no jeans). I wear them with my knee high black or brown equestrian style boots and a jersey type dressy shirt (one that is long and covers my bum)...I usually wear a scarf or a shaw with these outfits. These outfits are as comfortable, if not more than those pajama bottoms and my yoga pants and it looks very nice.
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No, No and No again! When I was young I used to have nightmares about finding myself at school still wearing my jammies and I was mortified, now it seems everyone and anyone will go out in them without a thought. The day I leave home in my PJs my family needs to consider if my mind has finally gone. lol
Absolutely yes, and I often wear pjs to class-used to wear pjs in high school as well, as did my best friend. She was actually the one that got me to do it. She always got teased (in a fun way-everyone liked her) and I asked her why she did it so often. She told me they were much more comfortable and she was happy so it didn't matter what anyone else thought, especially because she'd probably never see any of the people who judged her once she left high school.

So, that's what I think about when I head put the door. I am happy and confident with myself and will most likely never see the people who judge me ever again-it does not matter one bit what they think about me. So, why not?

Eta: I also own a LOT of sweatpants. I wear jeans maybe once a week. Can't stand them. And yes, I do dress up, but definitely not to "impress" someone at the grocery store. People are much too concerned with looks-I could not care less what others wear
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I work in a grocery store and I see jammies all of the time. I've also seen housecoats, slippers and curlers. Don't people get dressed anymore? I'm 64 and although I like to be comfortable there is that matter of "pride" in self. Don't even get me started on the low rider jeans where I see lots of crack, rips across the butts with no undies to hide the privates. These are just the ladies.
Well I have to say I'm a no absolutely not girl my self! I just can"t see where it would be necessary to wear my jammies out in public.

Now my main reason for not wearing them is fear!! Really, it is! I drive an old 95 Jeep and shes a good girl but she's old, she may some day not treat me well and break down. The last thing on earth I would want is to be walking and a some one not give me a hand because I have my jammie pants on, or even worse pick me up because I do have my jammies on!!! LOL!!!

Now truthfully I feel better in my jeans. When I'm in my sweats and I'm at home I don"t seem to get much done. It's easier to sit on the couch with the heating blanket and do nothing but watch tv and eat. I know there was a weight loss thread not to long ago from Kanoas Destiny about things that stop you from losing weight. I have been thinking about this and for me my sweats are my enemy! For me it's way to easy to get in a funk in the winter so I'll try anything to stop that, and if it means jeans all day and sweats( my jammies
) in the evening only then that's how it goes for me!!!

I saw a cartoon not to long ago and they were talking about sweat pants. The one dog called them his give up on life pants. This hit home with me! I tried to explain it to my mom but she just got mad and said she's not giving up because she wears sweats! I told her I understand that but for ME it's different.
Eventually I gave up trying to explain

Thank you all!! (Some comments made me crack up!!!)
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Never. Only jeans or dress pants. I do wear sweats sometimes when I feed and during foal watch, but NEVER out in public!
I would never wear pjs or sweats in public! I do wear workout stuff to the gym but I would not stop at the grocery store wearing those.

Like others have said, I don't get much done when I wear those fuzzy things so its jeans for me!
Yes I would/do. I also have my "good" ones! It's lounge pants or jeans for me.
I'm not sure how to answer... I have been known to wear PJ's if H and I are going to get fast food and eat it in the car. I don't get out of the car in my PJ's other than our own property.
I agree with Jill 100%! I do wear my sweats/fleece when we go somewhere as long as I am not getting out of the car. The only exception to this is when I go to my mom's house. I refuse to be seen in my lazy clothes by anyone in public. Even leaving our property, I'm always scared that should we break down or get in an accident, I'll be seen by whoever stops or has to help us. I think it's a mental thing for me, I don't want others to see me and think that I just got out of bed or that I don't care enough about myself to get fixed up.
I don't wear PJ's in public....HOWEVER....when I worked in Ladies' Retail I did sell PJ's to other people to wear in public!!
One of my most memorable sells was to a woman who was going on an Anniversary trip to New York City with her husband to enjoy a Broadway show. I sold her a very nice satin lounge set in chocolate brown, a set of knee-high suede boots with a modest 1 1/2" heel, a gold-colored cuff bracelet, and a chunky gold necklace and earring set. We both laughed as she was leaving and commenting "as long as I don't meet other folks that shop here too..I should be fine!!"
I wouldn't wear pjs in public; I don't even own any, I have my 'sleeping sweats' that I wear to bed--they don't go out in public.

I have my chore sweats that certainly don't go out in public-they are baggy and ratty.

I have good sweats that fit well and are not at all ratty and I do wear those in public--some have been worn to the store, some have been worn to horse shows--sweats are much nicer for grooming/bathing horses than jeans are!
I think it gives you a sluggish sort of lazy look (no offense at all to all who do!) The only time I did was on Black Friday I wore my sweats lol
I have never worn pjs in public, not even during finals week in college when I was surrounded by others wearing pjs.

I pretty much always put on jeans if I leave the house, even if I'm not leaving our property.
No PJs in public, ever. I don't own a pair, instead I own nylon track pants. I never leave the house without jeans.

However, I am a dog groomer and at one place of employment our dress code was nylon pants / no jeans. I always felt like I just rolled out of bed and felt quite sloppy. I eventually got away with wearing black slacks to work instead.

At home I am in jeans until I am ready for bed. Then it's track pants or basketball shorts. I even get dressed (jeans and tshirt) even if I don't really plan on leaving the house.