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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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I hate to put it like that but my wt is getting so out of control. I lost a lot of wt and gained it all back after my mom passed. I am so out of control with food.

I lost the wt wit low carb dieting, it was called sommersize. Recently, I tried Weight Watchers but found it hard to control portions.

Anyone else in the same boat? This wt thing is hurting my joints, and I am breathing heavy. I need encouregement.

Try LA weight loss. Can be expensive but you meet with them several times a week and you have a better food option.
Have you tried them? A friend of mine did that. She was saying if you didnt get certain results you owed additional money at the end? Have you tried them?
I have not. BUt do know people that have/are. The latest paid so much to lose how ever much they wanted. I think its only paying more if you want to lose more then you did. Basically if you stick to what you are supposed to you will lose it.
I'd be careful with LA weightloss...they were in court for quite a few things up here. Plus they do not have a good rep at all, well up here they don't. You're a lot better off signing up at a local recreation center and just starting to shop for healthy groceries. Remember, eating healthy doesn't have to be a chore or disgusting.

Exercise...and you need to exercise for a minimum of 20minutes before any of "the right fat" gets burned. So if you exercise for 15minutes you're not doing any good. Although it is better than nothing! It's best to always try and make sure it's at least 30minutes that you exercise for. Basically there are three types of exercises you need to do to keep your body healthy and to be fit/lose weight. Strength exercises, flexibility exercises and endurance exercises. Endurance exercises are things such as running, walking, swimming etc and should be done anywhere from 4-7 days a week. Flexibility exercises should also be done 4-7 days a week and they are things like yoga, dance, golf, tai chi, house work, barn work etc. Strength exercises are things like lifting weights or any form of weight training, putting groceries away, climbing stairs, mucking out paddocks etc and they should be done 2-4 days a week. Remember to start out slow and work your way up as it's very hard on your organs to suddenly start working very hard.

Eat 6 small meals throughout the day, do NOT eat big meals. ALWAYS eat breakfast no matter what. Lunch should always be your biggest meal out of them all. You should never eat before going to bed...a bare minimum of three hours before bed although it's best to go with four. So if you go to bed at 11pm then don't eat anything (you can drink water) after 7pm or 8pm at the very latest. Try to cut any and ALL packaged foods out of your diet. Do not drink any juice, if you want juice than have some fruit. Cut all "junk" beverages (any sweetened drink) out of your diet ex coffee, soda, alcohol etc. Don't drink energy drinks or sports drinks. Eat ONLY whole grain breads, pastas etc. Do not eat white breads or white pasta or white rice. Stop chewing gum because it gets your gastric juices "flowing" and sends "I'm hungry" messages to your brain. If you are “really hungry” but it's at a time when you are just bored, or right before bed then drink a big glass of water. Make sure you're having a BARE MINIMUM of eight glasses(8oz) of water per day, although it's recommended you have 12 glasses a day.

Eat things that are low in both sugars, and sodium (salt). You need to read labels, as often if it says "low in salt" it's very high in sugar. Or if it says, "low in sugar" it's often very high in salt.

You should be eating veggies and fruits as snacks and if possible at every meal. Remember that digestion starts in the mouth (well technically it starts when you start cooking but that's a whole other subject) you should be chewing your food a MINIMUM of 22 times prior to swallowing. You need to slow down and chew. This not only helps with digestion and absorption of nutrients but it helps you to eat less as your brain is given time to tell you you're full.

A lot of people find it makes it easier if they keep a food diary. Basically write down everything you eat and when. That way you can go over it, see what things you can work on. Educate yourself on the new Health Canada food guide. The old one was crap and so they've finally redone it.

Don't use fad diets...many of them have major flaws within them and some of them can cause damage to your body. You should only be losing a small amount of weight per month ( a max of approx. 10 pounds/month depending on the person) which is another problem with these fad diets.

Anyway, if you do all of that (or even just part of it) I guarantee you that not only will you lose weight HEALTHILY but you will feel great too! Oh and incase you're wondering the above information is from my many years of speaking with dieticians, naturopaths, nutritionists and doctors. So if this doesn't help you than nothing will. haha!
Wow! That is a lot of info. I amgoing to print it out. Thanks so much. I know what to do but organization helps. Thanks for the post.
I am not getting....I already am. :new_shocked:

I used to weigh 105 (as an adult) and am now 170 so that is a shock to the system. I know I would have more energy and feel better if I were down.

I have heard similar things about LA Weight Loss. I know of a few people that have had great results following the weight watchers program tho.
Oh, I am perpetually on a diet!!!

What helps me more than anything is "exercise", which for me, is just walking for about half an hour each day (well, and you know all the horse chores we get to do help as well).

When it comes to food, I am really addicted. I just love to eat. Almost any kind of food. I think about what am I gonna eat next so many times a day, it's a wonder I have time to run a company and pursue horse things!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, when H and I make plans to do this or that for fun on the weekend, I mainly day dream about where are we going to eat, and what will I eat there. I've thought of seeing a hypno-therapist about it actually. I know my brain is my biggest obstacle to loosing weight and the way I think about food... it's just so hard.

For me, I love to eat if I'm sad, if I'm happy, if I'm bored... Urgh.
I've always fought the "pads" all my life (except in college when I snagged the hubby - LOL!) At that point I was at my slimmest adult weight of 105 lbs........and I accept that I will never be that thin again. <sigh>

Larry and I BOTH have been up and down throughout our marriage and have tried various weight-loss "systems". The problem with them is that they are DIETS and don't fit into our own personal LIFESTYLE!

The only two things that seem to work for us is increasing our activity (which is easy to do with a farm) AND shrinking our stomachs, so that just eating smaller portions of our normal meals satisfies us. I also drink more water, which seems to help a bit......but we ALL should be drinking more water this time of year anyway!

BTW, my portions have changed dramatically this past month and I'm down a pant size. I was eating the same amount as Larry when I served, he'd have seconds. Larry no longer takes seconds and I am eating the same amount as our 10 year old daughter. I'm still fixing the same recipes, except making more stir-fry and chef salads because of summer.

Larry started shrinking his stomach and drinking more water back in April (way before I did).....and he's lost 45 pounds!!!! (But he had more weight to lose, which is some sort of consolation, I guess.)

I guess what I'm trying to share is do what works best for your own lifestyle, because otherwise, once you've lost weight and go back to your old meals that you love, you'll start gaining it all back again.

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For me, I love to eat if I'm sad, if I'm happy, if I'm bored... Urgh.

You must be my long lost sister... :bgrin

I can eat for all those reason plus it doesn't matter if I'm sick or not, a sinus infection does the most to turn me off food, but I can still eat. :eek:

I've never been really thin, but luckily I'm fairly tall, so can hide the extra 25#+ that I'm packing around. I could stand to exercise more, but just don't seem to get it done. I do a fair amount of walking every day when I feed; my horses are over 150' from the house, currently the feed storage is 100' the other direction.
: THAT"S "ME" TO A "T" Ugh !! Want to, try to, not happinin' :ugh:
I know. Some people dont eat when they are stressed or sick, not me! I eat for any reason. I even make excuses just to eat.
I could afford to lose a few, like 80#. I'd be happy to lose 50. After the kids start back to school (I have two teen boys who eat me out of house and home) I am going to work on it as then I can concentrate and get the junk cleared out of the house etc. I think I am going to try a big breakfast then one of those prepackaged dinners like Lean Cuisine for lunch just to retrain myself to eat smaller portions. Then dinner I'll just eat the veggies I make for dinner or a salad.

I am of the type who doesn't eat until I am starved and then I eat anything not nailed down. I don't like to cook and won't for myself too often. I feel it wastes too much of my precious time. I don't know how I got so screwed up.

Christine the large breakfast will not help your body to adjust to smaller portions. By the time lunch/dinner comes around you would feel like your startving yourself after you eat then. You really need to down grade breakfast/lunch/dinner in order to start to get use to smaller portions. Its also a good idea to eat fiber rich foods until you adjust to eating less.

I havent lost weight yet really but I have slimmed down some. Now I have tummy flub from the weight loss. Saggy belly skin (lots) and only 22. Nice.. Oh well will shape up some soon. That will help that.
I have been off of my 1-3 coke a day addiction now for 6 weeks. I've lost 7 lbs. At first I missed the soda very much. 2nd week on I didn't really think about it. This week, I've been wanting one, but eat a piece of fruit instead. I also try to get on the treadmill twice a week. (uhhh, I've been once in 5 weeks :eek: )

It's amazing how addictive and fattening sodas can be!!!

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