I saw the class in person.
Actually, I thought the chestnut pinto pair should have won- you probably couldn't see the detail from the webcam, but they were CRAZY pintos and were stunningly well matched. Exactly the same shade of chestnut, chesnut and white all in the same places, extremly similar pawprint & roaning patterns, I think I saw matching blue eyes...really a neat, neat pair.
I'm going to stick my neck out here as to why the buckskins didn't do better:
They were *very* well matched- similar white socks, same shade and color, same cute husky draft build and faces. A fabulously darling pair. I think the reason they were at the bottom of the class was pure presentation- their show halters did not suit their heads and didn't fit, the horses wiggled a lot and kept their ears back, and they looked like they had the startings of a thick, bushy winter coat and fuzzy legs. They just weren't presented in their best light, and I think that's what worked aganist them.