D&B Training and Progress Journal

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Fall is in full swing here, I'm mourning summer but the boys are loving the crisp air and lack of flies. We have been focusing on hoof handling for the past few weeks starting with the fronts, we began with targeting the fetlock to my hand and added a vocal cue "foot" - Dio has excelled at picking up both front feet on the vocal cue and he is now working on duration with holding the foot up.

Butters has figured out lifting his feet but he is struggling with balance and strength - I suspect he is in some discomfort, I'm guessing from a weak hind end. To help with this I've started to incorporate movement at the beginning of our training sessions to loosen him up. At liberty with hand/vocal cues he is moving forward, backward, and stepping over branches. I really wish I had a hillside to build his hind end more but the movement should help enough. On an unrelated note, next week he is getting gelded! Very excited to get that over with and see what changes he goes through.

I found a nice red bareback pad at a yard sale for $3 and I couldn't resist letting the boys check it out. Dio allowed me to place it on his back with absolutely no fear or stress, then he walked around with it as I tried to get a good picture of him. This little gelding has completely exceeded my expectations, he started out so timid and unsure of everything but in short time he has become brave and willing. I know Butters will get there too, we just have to work though his pains and physical limitations first.


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It's only been a month but it has felt like much longer with all the changes and good progress we have made. Butters was gelded last month and it is likely a coincidence but he is thoroughly enjoying and looking forward to our training sessions now. I offer regular breaks during training but he is refusing to take breaks and keeps asking to continue training.

We have switched our training focus onto exercise and building strength, and importantly more fun with less pressure. Butters has mastered leading at liberty and he is tackling obstacles like a champ. Backing has been a bit of a struggle because of his stifles but he tries hard. I've completely changed up the training atmosphere for Dio which has made him nervous so we have gone way back to a comfortable level for him. We've been going through lots of changes lately as I try to find my own groove as well as theirs, and coming into winter with spooky winds and chilly temperatures has brought new challenges to us.

We added a gravel pit around their water trough to promote hoof health and self-trimming - their feet are looking so great right now. I had put on a lot of pressure to train cooperative hoof care but they have proven they can maintain a healthy foot so I can greatly lessen that pressure for now. I even had a chance to observe their landings at the walk, surprisingly Dio had mostly toe-first landings (sign of discomfort in the hoof) while Butters had mostly flat and heel-first landings. I added a sand pit in their pasture early this summer which they loved using as a toilet but it offered a conformable surface to relieve discomfort in their feet. I'll have to top off this area with more sand so they can find relief when they need it.

A few fun pictures below, the first picture really captures their spirits - Dio being beautiful and posing, then Butters being... Butters! We pulled out some Halloween decorations and we found a unicorn horn, so we got a first preliminary look at Butters the unicorn 🦄

A bonus picture included of my pumpkin carving this year, it was an impromptu idea but after the first horse started looking like Dio I knew I had to complete the set.


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It's been a stormy past couple of days so I've spent more time inside gathering ideas for training and enrichment for the boys. I've only been able to sporadically train this month so we do the easy things - Butters just loves leading around the pasture and through obstacles but he has also improved with standing still. We've started mat training so he has an easier time knowing where to stand. Dio is most comfortable standing and targeting right now but we are playing a bucket game to get him comfortable with moving around which will grow into following/leading.

We've been having fun with other things though, I found a couple pretty necklaces at a yard sale for 50 cents which I knew would make beautiful adornments for the horses. We did a test run just putting the necklaces around their ears, the boys were very calm and willing to wear them. They must have known they would look gorgeous! Eventually I will customize these necklaces to easily attach to a halter/bridle.

I'm having a lot of fun bringing in some new obstacles and training aids right now - I've been wanting a cone set for a long time to build a reverse round pen and other obstacles for encouraging movement and I finally decided on a rainbow set. I was already making some ground poles and needed to decide on colors, so once the cones came I had to do a matching colorful set. I'm now working on building a couple jump standards which I will use for a gate obstacle and a waterfall obstacle. Gate practice will be especially fun so we can venture out of the pasture eventually.

The final picture captures Butters red-handed with their squeaky chicken toy! Dio always plays with this toy but Butters decided it was pretty fun. Shortly after this picture they managed to pull apart the chicken so I'll have to keep an eye out for a new toy.


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It's been a stormy past couple of days so I've spent more time inside gathering ideas for training and enrichment for the boys. I've only been able to sporadically train this month so we do the easy things - Butters just loves leading around the pasture and through obstacles but he has also improved with standing still. We've started mat training so he has an easier time knowing where to stand. Dio is most comfortable standing and targeting right now but we are playing a bucket game to get him comfortable with moving around which will grow into following/leading.

We've been having fun with other things though, I found a couple pretty necklaces at a yard sale for 50 cents which I knew would make beautiful adornments for the horses. We did a test run just putting the necklaces around their ears, the boys were very calm and willing to wear them. They must have known they would look gorgeous! Eventually I will customize these necklaces to easily attach to a halter/bridle.

I'm having a lot of fun bringing in some new obstacles and training aids right now - I've been wanting a cone set for a long time to build a reverse round pen and other obstacles for encouraging movement and I finally decided on a rainbow set. I was already making some ground poles and needed to decide on colors, so once the cones came I had to do a matching colorful set. I'm now working on building a couple jump standards which I will use for a gate obstacle and a waterfall obstacle. Gate practice will be especially fun so we can venture out of the pasture eventually.

The final picture captures Butters red-handed with their squeaky chicken toy! Dio always plays with this toy but Butters decided it was pretty fun. Shortly after this picture they managed to pull apart the chicken so I'll have to keep an eye out for a new toy.
Sounds like you are having a blast with your minis. Great pics!
Thank you thathorsecrazychick, I have too much fun with dress up so I'm always looking for new accessories.

We had a great holiday, the boys got to be a little festive and enjoyed a lip-smacking watermelon treat. Training has slowed down quite a bit - the neighborhood has just started a long-term road construction project so there are lots of large vehicles and loud noises around here now. The boys have been on edge and frequently go into freeze mode when we train, so we have scaled back until they settle in again. It is disheartening to live in such a chaotic area with these fearful babies but I know all this exposure will make them rock solid in the future. So we are just chugging along as best as we can right now, still enjoying our journey together no matter the timing.


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Thank you thathorsecrazychick, I have too much fun with dress up so I'm always looking for new accessories.

We had a great holiday, the boys got to be a little festive and enjoyed a lip-smacking watermelon treat. Training has slowed down quite a bit - the neighborhood has just started a long-term road construction project so there are lots of large vehicles and loud noises around here now. The boys have been on edge and frequently go into freeze mode when we train, so we have scaled back until they settle in again. It is disheartening to live in such a chaotic area with these fearful babies but I know all this exposure will make them rock solid in the future. So we are just chugging along as best as we can right now, still enjoying our journey together no matter the timing.
Love the photos! Those brown antlers are the most real ones I've seen. Where did you get them? And that goofy tongue--you caught him in a great pose! And that slurpy watermelon nose is so cute.
Hope they become accustomed to all that chaos and settle down.
Thank you thathorsecrazychick, I have too much fun with dress up so I'm always looking for new accessories.

We had a great holiday, the boys got to be a little festive and enjoyed a lip-smacking watermelon treat. Training has slowed down quite a bit - the neighborhood has just started a long-term road construction project so there are lots of large vehicles and loud noises around here now. The boys have been on edge and frequently go into freeze mode when we train, so we have scaled back until they settle in again. It is disheartening to live in such a chaotic area with these fearful babies but I know all this exposure will make them rock solid in the future. So we are just chugging along as best as we can right now, still enjoying our journey together no matter the timing.
Great pics:)
Thank you both! Marsha, the antlers were a lucky find at a thrift store a couple weeks ago. Definitely one of my favorites. Now I can't wait for the Christmas decor to go on clearance so we can stock up on more holiday gear.
A belated happy new year, we have entered the new year with a better outlook on our future. While training has remained intentionally slow to resolve anxiety and frustration in the boys, they are having the best time just being young horses. The highlight of my days is watching them run laps around their pasture, play together, nap together, and explore all the new things in their small world. There is lots of improvement that can be made in their lives, most of it can only happen when we take our next step to a new property, but for now I am very happy with our progression.

Our latest great find is a kid's bouncy horse toy from a local thrift store and Butters is smitten with it. He will often be the first to go to this toy and encourage Dio to play with him. Butters seems to be opening up a bit more now, he is looking fitter and runs around much more. They have entered into a more beautiful yearling stage and I can't wait to see how they continue maturing.


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That's too bad she didn't like it, Marsha. I would have certainly loved one when I was little, I was definitely born horse crazy! This one obviously wasn't loved enough either, being found like new at a thrift store. I'm grateful for it because these young boys are having lots of fun with their squishy horse friend. I hope it lasts a long time for them, and I'm always on the lookout for new toys. I'll be very sad when the day comes they grow up and no longer play with toys.
That's too bad she didn't like it, Marsha. I would have certainly loved one when I was little, I was definitely born horse crazy! This one obviously wasn't loved enough either, being found like new at a thrift store. I'm grateful for it because these young boys are having lots of fun with their squishy horse friend. I hope it lasts a long time for them, and I'm always on the lookout for new toys. I'll be very sad when the day comes they grow up and no longer play with toys.
I will watch for one of those for my littles😍
Your photos show a happy handsome bunch of characters! The bouncy horse eye appears to actually be looking back at your horses. 😂
That bouncy horse is definitely staring back at them, like "I did not sign up for this!"

I will watch for one of those for my littles😍
Since finding the first one, I'm suddenly seeing these everywhere! As fate would have it, I found a bouncy unicorn toy at another thrift store. Butters is absolutely thrilled. These toys seem very durable and should stand up well with these boys.


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