Could we have some prayers please?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
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Shawnee, Oklahoma
The vet just left and he is unsure what is going on with her, she was showing all of the outward signs of colic but her gut sounds are normal. He drew blood and she doesn't show any infection but her red cell count was a little low. She is not dehydrated either. He said her eyes looked slightly jaundiced but her liver enzymes were normal.

She is eating but not much and is very lethargic. He said none of her symptoms add up. We will be keeping an eye on her throughout the night to make sure she doesn't get worse.

This is our sweet little 2 year old that we have had since she was weaned and we are worried sick. It is so hard when they don't feel good and can't tell you what is wrong and where they hurt.

Sending prayers your way for little Maggie.For many of us our Minis are like our little children. It is very stressful when they don't feel well.Give her a hug and get a hug for yourself.The nurse needs good care too.sometimes it is difficult to figure out what is going on with them.Keep us posted and good luck with maggie.Hope she is feeling better by morning.Sometimes a gas bubble can just make them feel out of sorts and some are just more sensitive to pain than others.Did the vet give her anything?Sometimes a dose of banamine will make them feel better and perk up.
Our thoughts are with you and Maggie -- Hope she gets to feeling better soon.
The vet just left and he is unsure what is going on with her, she was showing all of the outward signs of colic but her gut sounds are normal. He drew blood and she doesn't show any infection but her red cell count was a little low. She is not dehydrated either. He said her eyes looked slightly jaundiced but her liver enzymes were normal.

She is eating but not much and is very lethargic. He said none of her symptoms add up. We will be keeping an eye on her throughout the night to make sure she doesn't get worse.

This is our sweet little 2 year old that we have had since she was weaned and we are worried sick. It is so hard when they don't feel good and can't tell you what is wrong and where they hurt.

Is she laying down and laying on her back with all fours up, or sitting down? You said her gut sounds are normal?

I suspect it may be an ulcer. Try giving her some liquid Maalox and a little Banamine and see if that dowan't helper. I'd say about 10cc's of Maalox. You can mention it to your vet. Most people don't think of ulcers at the time. Hope this helps you.

I had four come down with ulcers at different times. Stress usually causes it I think.

Good Luck.
Awe! Bless her heart, I will definately keep her in my prayers and hope that she gets to feeling better soon. Keep us posted.
Sending prayers your way in hopes that Maggie gets back to her normal self in no time
I hate hearing that Maggie is sick Mary!
I know what she means to you and that Legacy needs her buddy to feel good. I will be sending strong prayers!!! Please let me know how things are going. I'll be worrying until I hear. {{{hugs}}}
Oh Mary I'm sorry to hear Maggie isn't feeling well. Sorta like having an infant because you know something is wrong but they can't tell us where they hurt. Prayers coming your way.
Maggie was feeling worse and I called the vet back out. He just left. He thinks it is either an ulcer or colitis.

She was slightly dehydrated so he gave her a bag of fluid and some Rompum. She seems to be feeling better but is just laying in her stall. She is passing manure and urinating (especially after the bag of fluid).

She still doesn't feel well though and I will be checking on her throughout the night. It is getting pretty cold so I will go back and forth from the house to the barn instead of staying in the barn.

So sorry about Maggie. A few months ago I had a 1 month old filly who acted colicky but she wasn't.

I called my Vet & she said to give her tagmet for people 2 x a day, smz 2 x a day & a touch of banamine to ease the stress.
In 2 days she was acting better & in 5 days she was normal.
This is just something I went through, I am not a Vet. If you would like to pm me thats fine. I pray for the best for your little girl.
Mary --

I hope she's doing better after the vet's late night visit!!!! My thoughts are with you and Maggie! Not having kids, the only times I can remember being up all night have been for a sick horse, I know how upsetting and scary it can be.


Did your vet give her anything for her ulcer symptoms? If not, and uclers are the culprit, she needs treatment (medicine) - although a bit more expensive than some other options, gastroguard is certainly the medicine of choice to provide much quicker relief if in fact she does have ulcers.

Here is an article on Equine Ulcers that may be of help:

Sending good thoughts your way that Maggie recovers quickly.

I'm so sorry she's ill. I agree with the possibility of ulcers. Has she been given anything for that? My prayers are with your little girl.
5 am update, Maggie whinnied at me when I walked into the barn, she was upset because she wanted out of the stall and wanted her breakfast. She is definitely feeling better. She hasn't pooped since about 11 last night and I am still watching her closely. If she gets worse again, she will be at the vet's office when they open. If she is still feeling better and things start moving, I will be at the vet's office when they open for Gastroguard.

I need some sleep but that can wait until she gets her medicine and I know she is okay.

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts, they are working.


I had a mare who had problems from time to time. Had her scoped about 6 weeks ago to find that she had awful stomach ulcers - she had been treated for colic, ulcers, etc. in the past. The vet (from the University of Florida) told me to put her on 4 weeks of a full dose of Gastroguard/Ulcerguard and then 2 weeks of 1/2 dose. I chose to go with Ulcerguard as it is the same thing and less $$ - she was on a diet of soaked beet pulp and alfalfa for about a month and is doing great. I recently sold her and she went with her Ulcerguard and Nutrena Safe Choice which I had been told to put her on. She is doing wonderfully well. Have to say it was our own Robin here on the forum who initially suggested the beet pulp diet.

Good luck - hope she continues to improve.


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