Clippers Whats Best?

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Just do a search for clippers, and you'll find tons of threads about clippers and what people prefer and why.

You'll find many on the group really like their Double K clippers, I don't have a pair, they are out of my budget.

I have a pair of Wahl KM2s and love them, also ahve a set of Oster Clipmasters for winter woolie removal (not really a pretty clip job with them, but they sure remove the old icky hair fast).

Now, I'm looking for a set of cordless clippers. I 'm looking at Wahl Chromados, Laube speed feed and Wahl Arco (at least I think that's the right name); just haven't decided yet. [bought a used set of Oster Power Pros, the battery was shot, no replacement available, so I wasted my money, good thing they were cheap.]
I couldn't part with my Double K's, but I do love my Andis Super AGC's for faces and legs. A great team! Those Double K's cut through dirty winter coats like butter
I have a pair of Andis AGC super 2 speed. They cut pretty good but some time they will grab at the hair when it is a bit damp, horse has to be 100% dry to even attempt with these clippers. And even then, sometimes they grab the thicker coat.

I will be buying a set of Laubes soon, but for now...The Andis will do.
Chanda I expect you would be very pleased with either the Arco or the Chromado--I love mine. The Chromado is in its 9th season and still working well in the original battery--though it had slowed down a little last summer...still does a lot of clipping per charge but less than it did previous years. Nice thing about the Arco-- two batteries, so you don't need a repair shop to replace the battery.
Chanda I expect you would be very pleased with either the Arco or the Chromado--I love mine. The Chromado is in its 9th season and still working well in the original battery--though it had slowed down a little last summer...still does a lot of clipping per charge but less than it did previous years. Nice thing about the Arco-- two batteries, so you don't need a repair shop to replace the battery.
I'm leaning towards the Chromados at this time, but might go with the Arco's or Laube speed feed, depending on which has the best price. I really need a set of cordless clippers that work, since I don't have power at my barn, sometimes you just need clippers where there isn't power.
I used my Andis 2-speed clippers for years on both minis and full-sized horses but finally splurged on Lister Star clippers and can't believe what a difference it has made. The Listers just whip right through the mini coats (and both big and little horses seem to enjoy the vibrations better).

Re cordless -- love my chromados but only use them on legs, faces and trims. Can't imagine doing a full horse with them! But they are the best cordless clippers ever (and I've tried all of them).
Chanda I expect you would be very pleased with either the Arco or the Chromado--I love mine. The Chromado is in its 9th season and still working well in the original battery--though it had slowed down a little last summer...still does a lot of clipping per charge but less than it did previous years. Nice thing about the Arco-- two batteries, so you don't need a repair shop to replace the battery.
I ordered the Arco's got them a few days ago and I love them so far. I did a bit of clipping on one mare that needed some fuzzies removed, not all over, just in place where she wouldn't shed but was itchy, they worked fine. Today, I totally body clipped my yearling donkey and they sailed through the fuzzy hair like it was nothing. [i did leave some clipper marks, but that's my clipping, not the clippers.
I <3 my Andis AGC super 2 speed clippers. Yes your horse has to be totally dry while clipping, and the cleaner the horse the better. I swear it goes through my horses coat like there's no tomorrow. They're also really super quiet which is great for those horses that don't like the clipper sounds.
I have a Lister Shearhead... now called Lister Laser.

They were originally sold to shear sheep and cattle, so they are powerful.

I use the medium blade both on sheep and horses. If you think mini fur can be thick.... try an Icelandic. LOL

They have changed the color but they are the same clippers.

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