Well-Known Member
Not mine, accross the street but I'm still worried. Guy that lives half a mile from me came over an hour and half ago and said one of the neighbors cow had a calf, and it was on the wrong side of the fence. Buzzards were eating on the placenta. Anyway his sister was freaking out and after turning off the electric they were able to get the calf up and under the fence, it tryed to nurse, but fell down and hasn't moved since. It has now been two hours since birth. Do any of you know how long before they become too weak to nurse? I know with foals if one of mine hadn't found milk by now, I'l tie up the mare and milk her and syringe the foal, but this cow is not letting anyone near her or the calf. What to do? They do have stocks over there but how would we get the cow away from the calf to be herded into them? The calf is small enough to carry, but the cow is not happy right now.