Busy weekend at the Prancers

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Saturday started off with me stripping stalls and adding new shavings. Chrissy refused to leave the barn yard as usual as she likes to be underfoot and follow me around like a shadow. She then had to test the shavings in 4 of the stalls and was making a huge mess out of them so I finally had to run her out to the field with the rest of the mares so I could get my job done.


Jerry and Dan began to put up the vinal siding on the barn. We've waited a year for that. They have one side finished. YAY! :aktion033:

Afterwards, it was time for Saturday SCI-FI and I left the rest of my designated chores for Sunday.

Big mistake.

Jerry wanted to stucco the bottom half of the barn but I figured that would take him yet another year so I got antsy and said I was painting it instead. He said it was going to look nasty if I did that.

So, I was supposed to paint the bottom half of the barn which is concrete so I began the job on Sunday morning early. This little area took me some 40 minutes to do. I was goofing off.


Then I decided I just didn't wanna. It was getting cold and the wind was picking up. I quit. I went looking around for someone else to come and help me after I figured out this job was too much just for me. But when no one responded to my whinning, I finally said oh crap and just painted my brains out.

I also painted the ground and the grass and myself and my shoes and my jacket and my hands which were frozen and turning blue by afternoon when the temperature dropped like a son of a gun in record time.

I went all around the whole barn and got the first coat finished and ran out of paint. So the 2nd coat is going to have to wait for the time being. I'm happy.


Tracey was feeling good about herself and she parked it in the barn all day long. Doesn't she look pretty? She was so happy guarding her barn.

She's wearing Michael's pink shoelace as always and Debi's healing stones attached to it. Tracey loves jewely!

Then being Sunday, we had our neighborhood mules pulling the old GEO by, (it has no engine) with another horse and buggy behind him.


I also wanted to show you the rye grass that I planted last month that is coming up. You can see the difference of the green rye grass on the left VS the dying grass on the right field. I did that mainly because that field was muddy and nasty and with the rye grass in there, it will help with the mud. They usually don't bother eating the rye grass but good solution for mud control.


Then here is my no-brainer invention:

You know how you put a bail of hay down in the isleway to be handy, and no matter how hard you try to cover it or contain it, some horse will come along and get into it? I got this old trailer that was behind the garage (as usual) and put it to good use. I stuffed it full of hay and then I cut a piece of OSB board to fit it. Well it almost fit! I missed it by about 4 inches, drat. Then I covered that with a tarp and I'm good to go. I leave it outside the barn but I can roll the trailer in the barn also if I want it there and they can't reach in to steal any hay out of it.


Last but not least, the horses were having a fit wanting in. It had gotten so dark outside. Thought it was about to rain. They were hating the wind.

Here's Knight (top pic) happy to get inside his stall. And Holly (below) just acting so cranky that it took me so long to let her back inside. Wow, what an attitude! Holly's not evil I swear it. She's making faces snarling at me. She really doesn't ever do that.


That's it for now.

I'm cold. I'm tired. I'm dirty. And I'm taking a shower and going to bed!

Thanks for looking!
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Marty---looks like SOMEONE has been very busy
: . It sure looks nice. I love Tracey's picture.
: she is so pretty. Corinne
Marty your making me feel bad, i sat on my butt all weekend :lol:

Sounds like you kept yourself busy all weekend! tracy is really pretty BTW
Add me to the "DoLittles" this weekend...I sat around and did nothing most of today and all of yesterday.

Your barn looks so neat Marty..you did a GREAT job of painting!!! And, your horses don`t have any burrs in their hair...mine look like they all have rollers in theirs...
Lookin' good, Marty - lookin' good!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:

I just finished painting the outside of the horses' barn...you know what that means? It means my guys managed to get barn-red paint all over their noses!!! :new_shocked:

Liz R.
I would love to be able to get all that done!!!!! The weekends that have been nice, I have been swamped,,,,,,,then we have the freezing cold rain, mud up to our armpits weekends and CAN'T get out to get anything done.

They all look great!!!!!!!

The pictures are great - love your little explanations that go with them - makes me feel like I am right there with you.

Holly does look like she has a bit of an attitude and Chrissy is sooo cute with the shavings! I can just see her rolling in all the nice clean stalls but my favorite of all is the picture of your precious Tracey. She looks so beautiful and healthy. She is just happy and content to be with the one she loves!!

Thanks for sharing your very busy weekend!!
Now I'm feeling really guilty about how little I accomplished with my weekend off! I did manage to clean pens and play with all my critters. But I was really going to clean and reorganize my tack room too! I did manage to take out all my "big horse" stuff and it's in the process of being cleaned and then I'm selling it all! I realized that I'm never going to buy or ride another big horse again so why keep the stuff? My favorite saddle had already been traded for a mini cart.....so bye bye to the rest! :saludando:
Barn is looking great - I can't wait to see it when the siding is all done. Tracey is looking good.

I didn't do much here on my end. 2 horses left last night for their new home :no: and I already talked to their new owner late last night and everything went well.

Thanks for sharing
It does my heart and soul a world of good to read your stories again! The barn looks great and the kids too. Sounds like alotta work but it looks wonderful! Tracy looks terrific! We'll both keep up the good work. Glad the kitty incident didn't do too much hurt. As usual Tracy looks lovely in her jewelry! Let me know if you ever need more! Hugs!
Could you BOTTLE that energy and send it to Michigan?

Your barn looks GREAT! I know how hard it is to get paint on concrete. GREAT JOB!

And thanks for the pictures.

I'm going to use your suggestion for the hay container. I was just saying this weekend as I raked up the loose hay all around the barn, I need to find some way to contain this stuff. I have an old wagon that I think will work just perfectly. THANKS AGAIN.
The barn looks GREAT....Tracy looks adorable! You must be whipped!

Add me to the "DoLittle" family for the weekend.

The barn looks great! And your horses look wonderful! Chrissy and Knight are so cute! You can see Holly's attitude in that pic but she still looks huggable. Im so glad to hear that Tracy is doing good! She is so beautiful!