Bethel Miniature Horse Farm is Alive and Still Kicking

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Active Member
Oct 31, 2003
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Hello Mini Friends, :saludando:


Thanks for caring and asking about me!!!!Life is not always the way we want, but we have A AWESOME God :aktion033: loving family, and great friends add 31 horses(which 30 of them are minis). I am the RICHEST (not in monetary) PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also one of the busiest.


My miniature horse auction was a DISASTER.. I sold over 40 minis(you would not believe the prices) and was left with 35 horses. Short of burying my parents, a grandbaby and my best friend(husband,Lowell). It was the worst day of my life. I NEVER hope to go thru this again..It can do something to your spirit..


Yes, I had planned to go to town and take a few of my minis. Bought the house in town and stayed on the farm with my minis. This week, I sold the house in town.. Working over 50 hours a week , as a salesperson at a new furniture store in town..


I don['t know what God has planned for me; but I'm guessing it has to do with the minis :aktion033: :aktion033:


Mini Thanks and God Bless!


Jeannie at Bethel Minis, Tack, and Gift Shop in Ky.

It is so good to hear from you :)

And I agree with you. I also am one of the richest people in the world and I do not mean money either :)

I am so sorry your auction was so bad :-(

But how wonderful that you get to keep your farm and the rest of your minis :))

Susan O.
Sounds like you've been doing a great job of "rolling with the punches", and I am so glad you followed your heart and decided to stay at the farm with the remaining minis. :aktion033:
Hi Jeannie,

Glad to hear everything is well with you. Just so you know we love your gelding

that we bought last year. Bethel American "Spirit"


Take Care,



Glad you are doing well! Sorry the auction was so upsetting for you. I guess I would look at it as you probably gave some new people the chance to get started in minis, and to share the love we all have for our horses.

Hope all goes better for you!
Oh my. I do hope your life is turning around now for the better.

you know, on your auction, It was emotionally difficult for you and certainly not financially a windfall, but I hope you can take comfort in thoughts of the joy your little horses are bringing to other lives. Like Cynthia up above.


Jeannie, so glad to hear about you! I was wondering what you have been doing and if you sold the farm. I had heard the sale wasn't too good. Keep posting lady, we miss you!

:saludando: OH JEANNIE!!! {HappySighs}
: I'm so happy to see you posting again! So sorry about your sale, I know how heart breaking that was for you...but like others have mentioned, just think of all the greater blessings that have grown from it. As Charlotte pointed out, just look at Cynthia's little girl with her precious new friend!
: How beautiful they are together.

My heart is so full of PURE HAPPY for you that you are staying with your farm, and tack store too. :aktion033: Wishing you all the warmest wishes of much continued success and happiness Jeannie. I cannot think of anyone more deserving.

You are so loved Jeannie, we sure have missed you. So HAPPY to see you BACK!
Hi Jeannie,

So glad to see you on here! Glad you didn't sell the farm. Somehow it will work out.

I hope this means I will see you at some of the horse shows (of course, we have not done too good about

getting there ourselves the past year). Maybe we will show Robin that we got out of your auction.

She is a very pretty girl!

Remember our saying "Are we having fun yet?"
