Best color for a smoky black?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I am wondering what everyone thinks is the best color for a smoky black horse for showmanship and halter classes?

Here is a picture of my mini and a picture of the shirt that I am considering getting.



I have red hair if that makes any difference.


If you go to Hobby Horse they have a recommended color wheel by horse color. I like that shirt but I have not ever shown in Miniature Showmanship. Hoping someone that has can chime in and give you some good advise. Good luck showing!
Since black is more or less a nuetral color, I'm not sure it matters. We have several dilute black horses, including the stallion in my avatar. I have worn a hunter green jacket, with black slinky, black slacks and black boot, and gloves. My duaghter has shown them wearing a biege jacket and black every thing else.
IMO this would make you blend in with your horse too much. A little contrast, again IMO, is best.
I thought it might be too much black, Ruffian. Thanks for all of the opinions everyone! I'll scour the internet and see what else I can find. ;)

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I would suggest teal shirt or jacket with black boots, gloves and hat .It will go with almost any color horse.It should look great with your coloring also.
Honestly, BLACK goes with anything and smokey black, looks black, unlike smokey silver black! I'd be had pressed to think of a color you could not coordinate nicely with a visually black horse
Baby blue or a pretty emerald green!
Teal/ baby blue/ emerald green would look very nice with him! Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
Black goes with anything. What color do you look good in? Find a shirt that makes you feel smoking hot and that YOU absolutely LOVE, because i the ring the judge will be less concerned about your shirt matching your horse than you think, but a super confident handler will always shine through. Besides, you have enough to worry about on show day. You don't need to feel self conscious because of a shirt!

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