baby bump/bumps.....?

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Thank you everyone for the support and checking in on calfe. Baby has been moving like crazy.

I came up with some names, but I plan on revealing them when the baby's are revealed. Although don't really know how long I can hold out.

Also how do farm names work out? What do I need to do for that. I plan to have them under my last name as the farm. So Hartley Farm. I wanted another name but everyone says my last name is interesting and I should stick with it.
You can register your farm name with the registries if you want, or just put the name on the registry form.
OK thank you Diane

Calfe not happy, loose poop and not really wanting to eat with the girls. Belly looked smaller, and bag looked smaller. Then all of a sudden baby moved and whalla there's a belly and a bag! The cuteness is cold so I blanketed her. Its 25 out...
Warming up!!! I'm gonna take pics tomorrow.. Hopefully. My oldest mare is having a false pregnancy. Her bag is bigger than calfes. But calfe is trying to fill.

Oh and calfe is having a bloody show!!! She's getting closer. I'll try and get pics of that also. It may not be there in the morning though. And whisper is having bag growth.? Sorda. Only I see it cause I know her. I'll take pics of that too.

There are also white spots alllllll over the pasture.and no its not snow. Calfe has been rolling like a mad mare lol. So there's white hairs all over. Belly looked a bit lower this afternoon. But I m not too sure.
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If you don't want anyone else to use your farm name then you need to register it. It used to be about 50.00 but not sure how much it is now and it's a one time fee. Otherwise when you send in the papers can just put Hartley and then the name of the horse but if someone decides they like Hartley they can use it too if it isn't a registered prefix. Also wanted to add that your farm name counts to your letter allotment when naming babies so maybe the shorter the name the better depending on how long your names are going to be. Why a lot of people use initials on their registered prefix instead of having it written out.
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My uncle is in for Easter, he says about two weeks?... But I'm thinkin longer..?


Diane what do you think? How does she look? I'd like as many opinions as possible.
Just out of curiousty and I'm super late to the party... How did you find out she is having a false pregnancy?
First, I never bred her. So its not possible. Also she has been filling on and off all winter. Vet also looked at her and agreed. I took that picture this morning and her bag has already changed shape this afternoon. She is in her later 20s early 30s. Pretty sure 30exactly. I'd have to look at her papers. But she has trouble with her food and is underweight. And has not changed shape at all this winter. Just same little old lady
. I was worried that she was pregnant but since she hasn't had any other signs except her bag, then I'm going with a false pregnancy.
Any chance she has Cushing's? One of the less known symptoms is swelling in the sheath or udder. Just a thought.
If it keeps going I'll have to look into it. But I feel like it would be odd for her to show signs right after I bring a stallion on the property and all the other girls are pregnant. She hasn't seen a man in over 17years.
First, your girl is moving along very nicely. Baby should reposition to be a bit "forward of center". but she can accomplish that with a few good rolls. Her elongation looks very good, and since she is showing some signs of udder development (but not much) we can't really use that as a "guide". But, she's looking very good, and some repositioning of baby -- also making her look a bit more slab sided -- would be good to see. Heck, she may just get going in the udder department, and I think you may be within a few weeks, maybe a bit less.

Whisper is looking good, too. Just perfect for a girl entering her last trimester!

Next, is there ANY way your old girl could have flirted her way to a rendezvous with the stallion? If she's in her 30's it's not very likely, as many give up producing in their 20's, but heck, you just never know. If you're uncertain about her age -- maybe in her 20's -- then it's possible. I've had mares produce into their 20's and bring some beautiful babies safely to the ground.

Any how, things are moving forward just beautifully for you!
Thank you Diane. I really rely on your opinions and knowledge

The older girl could only be between 29 and 33. She flirted the whole summer. But obviously I had her in a separate area so there could be no accidents. She also could not get near him at the fence line, cause her daughter and calfe would barrel through her. Not that the 5ft fence wasn't enough. And her daughter is always with her. In fact I don't know what will become of her when her mom passes. I will be truely shocked if she were to be pregnant. Her body condition would have forced her to absorb the fetus. Another reason she did not get bred. She has terrible arthritis and several teeth issues and hard to maintain weight.
Just so I'm understanding right... Cause sometimes I'm a little slow... And my eyes are burning from tiredness... Lol... she was next to the stallion with a fence between them?
Yes sounds like it isn't much. I can't really give an accurate description so I will take a picture of it. Also she was only in that pasture for about 10days added up over the entire summer. The rest of the time she was two pastuures down grazing. My attempt at putting weight on her
Lol I have seen horses breed through fencing before. But if he were to have succeed, he would have had some very noticeable marks...or he would have been stuck to the fence. Once he got his acompliss through I know he would not make it back without a few bruises :p. Small sqaures in the fence. Next post will have pics