baby bump/bumps.....?

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How is the little lady in waiting ?
She's doing good. Her belly seems to changing shape everyday. LOTS of movement.

I finally got my foaling stall up and ready

The cuteness is getting bigger by the day.

And we have about three inches of snow, its still going right now :-[

The ladies seem to be enjoying it though. Blazin is running and jumping around. She likes to antaganize the cuteness
Just went out and fed. Calfes belly is low again. Except this time it looks like it is farther back. She is standing parked out. Not her normal with one leg supporting her rotund belly.

Vet is coming out today to do vaccinations. I'm sure the girls will love it. Last time the cuteness saw him, was because she had vaginitis. So I don't what shell think.
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Still going. Bad picture it doesn't show how much its really coming down. I havent seen the roads this bad for years. No plows and slush turned into black ice with about 5inch of snow on it. I was all over the road. Girls have fled to the barn now :p
Wow all that snow makes me glad I'm not in Vermont this winter. Stay safe and warm. Sending sunshine and warm temperatures your way.
That's so pretty. I can say that because I am in California. Where I live we only get small flurries and it rarely sticks to the ground and if it does it melts off in a few hours. I'm sure "pretty" is the last thing that comes to mind trudging through to go feed!
Yeah its pretty. But only when its winter. Spring started Friday. My only problem is the loss of hay when it snows. The girls don't eat it when its wet.

Vet did a five way. He looked at calfe and said " twins!!!!". I said NO!!! Then I got a sideway glance. Hoping no. She doesn't look big enough to me.

The cuteness remembered him. She got all wide eyed. Lol

And blazin shoved me,so whisper started screaming from the otherside of the barn. She's very protective. Otherwise it went smoothly. Took about 8mins to do all four girls.
I found some old pictures. thought I should share. whisper when she was younger in the first three. and mr. cuddles my guinea pig on her back. He was a good spooking tool to get her to look. and the cuteness in the last picture, being a pig trying to sneak a bite of grass. only picture I have with out her mouth full lol

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They Look great Rebecca, Not long now till you will be seeing those summer coats again

Mine are already starting to grow winter coats , My biggies had winter rugs on for the first time last night , temp dropped 15 degrees
She is NOT having twins and I will place money on it!! If I can get my regular PC to work properly, I'll post a couple of pictures that will make you feel better. I've posted them here several times, but not sure where to send you to see them. But she's not having twins!
Thank you diane:) I feel like if she were having twins she'd be a TON bigger. And I would have hit a bump already.

I have a video of the baby moving. But file is to big to upload sorry. It went on for over a min. The entire stomach was bouncing and well being bashed from the inside. Feel bad for her now. the baby was going bonkers in thereimage.jpg
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Thank you Ryan. I'm excited to see there spring coats:)

Sorry to hear your summer is ending. Hope it's a quick winter for you
Oh Rebecca. You are not getting any babies in that snow! It is time for all that to go away! We had one wonderful snow day. We were able to build big snow men. The next day, snow was gone and snow people started melting! I will fan you some sunshine your way.
Haha Kim you'll need a giant fan
. It was supposed to be 60s on Wednesday. But now it's going to be in the upper 40s low 50s.and Kim you keep that warmth, its my birthday gift to you :-D

Calfe had a reaction to either the vaccines or some other thing. She's got green eye goop and snot. Not happy And very slow moving. So I gave her some bute, as prescribed by my uncle. Gets better as she gets closer :-[
Thanks for letting me keep my sunshine. It was another beautiful day! I sure hope Calfe starts feeling better. Sounds yuck.