As we transend into another decade....hope is the word

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
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No matter where you are on your journey in life know you can move dear friend of mine quotes: "Onward and upward" to flowing with time and space and energy to shine.

2012 beckons softly as we transcend into 2010. So many changes come along for those who look for the light, for the way, for the things to come. Be brave and embrace those things you wish you could be, wish you would do. With hope and faith in oneself anything can happen and you will find the shine you so long for to live day to day in peace and life.

The light workers and guides on this Earth are here to help you along this path. Reach out to them, to can do anything you dream if you try. I wish for you, all you can be in the times to come.

Love and light Sage

A post script

Perhaps you find yourself feeling amazed and astonished by the world around you of late? Perhaps you are marveling over spiritual insights, or your intuition is awakening and turning day to day experiences into moments of "what was THAT!?" While this experience can be very pleasurable, it might just disrupt your balance and flow just when you need to concentrate on the physical aspects of your todays.

If you find that you keep drifting off into other realms just when you really needs to focus on your tasks, your work, your might just want to try grounding yourself.

When I get scattered, distracted and my flow is disrupted I simply stand barefooted outside (if I can hehe) or inside even, planting the feet right where I stand, imagining my feet on the Earth and let excess energy in my body flow down my legs and out the soles of my feet, returning back to the earth all that fractured energy so she (Our Mother Earth) can take the scatter and bring calm awareness deep into my body, my life and my physical surroundings.

Grounding like this can help us release excess energy, and strengthen our connection to our physicality, and clear away mental and spiritual cloudiness and uncertainty.

While many of us wish we had more get up and go that got that got up and went, we can realize that we may have too much energy and it is just plain distracting as not having enough energy is!

We get busy, life gets so loud and we can forget to ground and center. By grounding ourselves to release that overwhelming excess energy, we find we can clear our minds/hearts/souls and find balance in the connection to our physical selves. OR if you feel drained let her energy climb your feet and legs to feed your body and soul!

As we work and flow along to keep a healthy balance between our physical presence and our spiritual self, we can find we can and will work smoothly in both realms.

You can bring yourself down out of the clouds (if you need it, if you want it...sometimes the clouds are a wonderful place to dwell a while) by grounding, by just stopping time briefly. Lighting a candle and settling quiet for wee bit, feeding your excess energy to the flame will do for them out there who have no bit of earth. The point is...this time of year there is a feeling of time running out, a year overwhelming and to match it looms, a new year and our wonder, maybe even worry about what is to come.

A pound of worry does not make an ounce of ground and settle, trust and have hope, and if you work towards it, the next few years can manifest your life as you wish it to be. Yes truly...find the shine and you'll find the way.

Blessing to all in the year to come.
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I realized I'm always doing something with my horses in the few hours I have out at the barn this time of year, just trying to keep them busy and stimulated in the few minutes of daylight and good weather. They like my play (being young stallions in personality if not in parts or years) but I've forgotten to simply be with them and my soul missed it. I sat right down in the pasture the other day, just plopped my rump on the frozen ground next to Kody and opened myself to him, and he came close and stood with his head over my shoulder and simply basked in being together. He was a little surprised but happy to drop the "Do this trick. Okay, now do this trick. How can I earn a goodie?" stuff and get to something more satisfying. He and I used to do that all the time at the CDE's and shows but with his injury we haven't had those weekends away where it's just him and I and I think we missed that as much as the driving. I will try to remember from now on to spend more time in Present Mind with the horses, not just being with them as I clean stalls and feed and pet them good night but purposefully sitting with them in peace and sharing. I think Turbo will learn to like it as much as Spyder and Kody.

I think sometimes in our hectic lives, we forget to stop and realize that most of us are truly blessed. I go outside with my horses and just stand there (if I get on the ground, chances are I won't be able to get up LOL) but just standing with them letting them come to me and we just silently communicate.. It makes me remember why I have them and what I have gained by having them in my life. The great friends, the special times and moments that have made my life fuller. When I lost my husband almost five years ago, I thought my world had come to an end, but I have found out over this past five years that he had given me the strenght to survive, the will to go on and the heart to remember the good times. I look forward to each day and am grateful for what I have and especially for the special people in my life. Even though times do get bad, I still have a lot to be thankful for and thats what I want to keep in my heart for the New Year.

Mini Blessings to everyone and a Safe and Happy New Year.
