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I second Miley Cyrus, good grief her momma must be proud of that girl
I've got 2 for the list, both, much to my dismay, from Canada (some may disagree with their inclusion in the banned list but ..) First is Justin Beiber (he is a prime example of what happens when there is no discipline and to much money/freedom) and second is Pamela Anderson... I'm not going to elaborate on the reasons, if you agree with me I don't need to, you know the reasons, if you don't well nothing I say will change that.
I had totally missed the bossy thing...I hadn't heard about this. I normally tend to ignore much of what comes out of 'celebrities' mouths. They are for entertainment purposes and most are dumber than a box of rocks, their opinions hold very little weight with me. They need to stick to acting/singing, etc.
For some decent news stories that aren't afraid to report the real news I enjoy reading "the blaze" on the internet.

For some alternate news and additionally some real news I also enjoy reading "Infowars" on the internet.

These two publications were way ahead on reporting stories totally skipped over by the bias lying news stations...

Time to wake up America. There are many things going on that are being totally censored by mainstream media.

For example... Did anybody hear on the news about China buying up huge chunks of land here in the US? Or how they have bought up a main producer of pork which comes with hundreds of farms that grow the pork for that company?

Afraid to post much more here... Big brother is watching....People need to wake up... get some education about what is REALLY going on in the US....

Get the faces out of the Iphones and quit being "sheeple" and start reading and doing something before it is too late.

PS... the bossy thing and much more was well reported on the blaze and infowars, as was the horror that happened in Benghazi and much more.

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Hey, have you heard about the new school food crack down that begins July 1st? Any school that gets funding for breakfast and lunches must now ban all snack food that isn't considered "healthy" according to their guidelines. This means no bake sales or snacks sold as fund raisers.

The new "gaggy" so called healthy choices that are now required for purchased school lunches have my kids packing their lunches daily because much of the food is not enough and in an attempt to make it more healthy, they have created foods that are inedible. I want to see a poll of how many think that the new so called healthy initiative and thinking that calling kids fat is a good thing.. I want to know how much of these so called healthy lunches are now winding up in the trash. My kids tell me that the kids that are forced to buy lunch, mostly throw it away and go all day with out eating.

Are kids going to be frisked as they enter schools now for "illegal candybars"? Hmmmm , can we get big gov. to make a candybar scanner to make sure kids aren't entering schools concealed carrying a twinkie or a pack of sugared gum?


I'd like to see the white house menu mimic the eating guidelines forced on our kids. Sorry to you folks that enjoy healthy minimal eating in your homes. I for one think government and its "war on obesity" really ticks me off. How about making it affordable to purchase healthy food choices in the grocery store? Do they honestly think initiatives such as these are going to make kids less fat? Come on, lets be real. How about government funded weight watchers programs? (ok, that was really a reach there.) haha

Oh, and now that I am on a roll, it really ticks me off to see government taking luxurious expensive vacations, spending all that tax payer money, eating like kings and then telling us that our school can't sell a freaking cake at a bake sale to make money for sweet kids that want to earn money to pay for band camp or something similar. Honestly, am I the only one that feels this way? I don't think so.
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shorthorsemom, the public school meal thing is JUST the topic to get me fired up! We went to parent's week and ate lunch with my daughter in the fall, & I was appalled by what the kids were given to eat. She is a 1st grader, and a skinny Minnie to boot, but that day each of those kids got maybe 1/2 cup of soup, 3 little carrots, 1/4 cup of fruit cocktail, a roll, and low-fat chocolate milk (they didn't offer white). She ate all of her food, then ate some of my soup and my roll, I went to Subway after. No wonder she gets home from school and eats a meal before pigging out at supper! I asked a high schooler how much they got to eat (& showed them a picture of my daughter's plate, and they said maybe a little more soup, but that's it. These kids are in after school sports... where's the fuel!? And to boot, my daughter gets one 15-20 minute recess a day. ONE! (PE class 2x a week) So let me ask you this... are we supposed to be starving our cookie cutter kids skinny? You cut back on what they eat, but don't allow them to exercise? What's wrong with this picture? We are talking about active 7 year olds... they are required to sit in the classroom and learn from 8:30-3:30 with only a 45 minute lunch/recess break. The kids don't learn to interact with each other on their own, in my opinion (again, my opinion) that is a contributing factor to all of the bullying issues we have. Our children have not learned social skills that are so important in life in general. Thankfully several parents have voiced the same opinions and there will be some changes made at school, but I'm not sure how much as of yet.

Now that all being said, in our house, both myself & my husband are trying very hard to lose a significant amount of weight. We try to make tasty healthy meals that will fill us all up. It's working for us, and our kids are full when meals are over. I understand that schools are more limited with their menu options, but still. Good grief.

Oh dear, hopefully that vent wasn't too over the top. Sorry if I offended anyone, my opinions & frustrations. We all have something that sets us off.
I don't have kids, but it still burns me up when I hear what they offer in many places for a school lunch, its pathetic and certainly not going to fuel the kids.

My MIL was a cook at the local school the last two years it was open, those were the best meals the kids got in years; she started the job with freezers full of crappy processed foods that the kids and teachers didn't like and some of it wasn't fit to eat (she brought home some frozen chicken patties, and even the ranch dogs wouldn't eat them). She completely changed up the program (gotta love a small school in a small town, there was a little more freedom to do stuff), made well-rounded meals from scratch, not a hard thing to do when the school and faculty was only about 30-35 people total. Students who had quit eating school lunch, started eating at school again, teachers were too. One teacher even gave her a bad time, since he was on a diet and her food was so good, it was hard for him to eat a smaller portion to stay on his diet.
yeah... finally some action here.

Yep, the food thing is a hot topic. Even weight watchers lets you eat what you want in moderation as long as you knock yourself the points for it.

The kids are coming home from school hungry. The other thing is that it is a crime to assume all kids need to diet. It also ticks me off when they think whole milk is bad for you.

There is skim milk, 1% milk allowed in schools. What's wrong with 2% and whole milk? Whole milk is 96% fat free (4% fat). Milk can help you lose weight.

And what's wrong with a little flavored milk? sheesh, something criminal about a chocolate milk drank at lunch by a kid who had 3 tests that day and wants a pick me up.

I have also heard they might just ban packed brown bagged lunches someday in schools or force kids to only bring healthy choices... sheesh, I dare them to try that.

The you know who in charge of the war on obesity doesn't have a degree in nutrition. Do we honestly want our little kids not eating something all day? I allow my family to wing it for one meal a day. My suppers and breakfast foods are healthy choices... but I think that forcing food choices on kids can create eating disorders. I didn't eat salad until I was 18 years old, and now I eat it every day. Sometimes kids grow into their food preferences, it isn't always bad parenting to not force the kids to eat their veggies.

My kids would never take a bite of that disgusting grey broccoli crappola they serve as a veggie at school. And the carrots, when you can bend them into creative shapes they are just too wimpy to eat.

Oh, and god forbid they shape a carrot or a piece of bread into the shape of a gun because playing with it is more fun than eating it, then they get expelled for getting creative with their crappy food. Is the world going nuts? I think so. sorry, on a roll here. love the other postings. thanks

by the way... for those folks that are cooking this food in schools, I know how difficult it is to cook something tasty in huge volumes like that. You can make a million chicken nuggets taste the same from week to week, but giant pots of broccoli or trying to find mounds of fresh fruit not in season that doesn't get beat up and bruised and it is very hard to make hamburgers with no fat content in bulk without drying them into little hockey pucks. Many of the healthier choices are best served like at home or in restaurants, quick served hot and fresh, but trying to serve hundreds of kids in shifts and keep stuff from turning into dry yucky choices under heat lamps is much more difficult. Low fat cheese pizza gets very dry if you try to keep it warm for a longer period of time. I understand there is a facebook location where kids are posting photos of their lunches and some colorful wording with the photos of kids suggesting certain government person should be eating the same food.

My kids used to beg to buy their lunches at school.
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Wow, just deleted a looooooooooooooooong rant.... lucky everyone! I cooled down since then
Okay, let's try again!

My daughter brought home a backpack food program thing one weekend. I was a bit offended, so asked the school why they thought she needed food at home (probably because she's trying to eat her pencils in class because she's so hungry?!) and they said they had extras and they need to use it or lose it. Ok, so if there are kids in the elementary school that need the food at home (and there are, I'm not knocking the program... entirely) what are the chances they have a little brother or sister at home that would benefit from it as well?? Don't just send it home with kids just because you have extras. Oh, and as for the healthy food thing, why are you filling the backpack things with junk? Sugary juice boxes, a few pudding packs, and 4 meals of the microwaveable chef Boyardee things. Really? Make my kid eat glop at school, but offer the kid-approved fast junk food in the take home packs. Nice.

Next year we are doing all bag lunches. It's a lot of work trying to come up with something new for a sandwich every day, but being able to offer more brain fuel is worth it. I'm lucky my kids like fruits & veggies for the most part.

Did someone say kraken....?
I think I said kraken. haha. you should have left your long rant stay Ponies rule. I would have enjoyed reading it.
I don't have any kids in school anymore just grandkids but I must say that Miz Obama has really gone way overboard with her menus for schools. I wonder what her own girls get to eat? And what does she eat? She's not that skinny. If they ban bagged lunches, then that is really going to far. There isn't anything wrong with soda, chips and other snack foods for these kids. I remember back in the day when I went to school, I got hungry if I didn't have those goodies my mom packed for me. Hopefully the next administration will "fix" things.

Shorthorsemom, I will check out those news sites. My oldest is an editor at a newspaper and I know she tries to cover all the news, but it would give me some different topics to discuss with her.
Well, wakie wakie! Looks like some of you woke up. Predictably, MSN home page had nothing about the Bundy family up in Nevada. BUT, there was a story about Beyonce' showing up unannounced to entertain somewhere. Sean Hannity is having Mr. Bundy on tonight. Too bad I don't have regular tv, but the we subscribe to infowars on the roku. Go cowboys, and I don't mean the football team! The tazering folks was bad enough, but seriously if one single shot had been fired from the feds or the Bundy supporters we could be looking at a revolution. Not good, not good at all. Alternative media sources are giving it plenty of coverage. Drudge Report picked it up. Oh, and the pictures of a First Amendment Zone??? Excuse me, that is not a zone. It is a right!

Good luck on the school lunches ladies. I have seen the pictures of the "meals" they are giving the students. Ewwwwww. Hound your congressman, and then hound them some more.
Sonya, I could not remember if the shoe actually hit Bush or not. But honestly, I confess to having thrown a shoe at somebody back in about the 8th grade. It was PE class and I was on the gym floor when suddenly a classmate sitting in the stands eating a pomegranate threw it and it hit me. Instinctively, I yanked off one of my gym shoes and returned fire. Good thing the teacher stopped it because that gal was a good six inches taller and 50 pounds heavier than me.
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I haven't read anything about Hilliary being hit by a shoe, with that missing airplane, there are more important issues than her hurt feelings. I'm a Dem but can't stand what our president is doing. I was learning as much as I can about Gov Christy but he isn't president material either. I don't know what to think about the next election. To me that Is more important that a flying shoe. Oh, I would pat that woman on the back!
Yea Vickie gee for bringing up the fact that only alternative news covers the real news. I love Fox, the blaze and for some very alternate news I enjoy infowars.

The biased news stations want to keep everybody as zombies. Funny is that I only check out the other news stations to see what they are NOT covering and believe me, it is a lot.

Thanks for letting me know that Hannity is having Mr Bundy on tonight. Will have to tune in for that one.

Fox is way ahead of the pack and not afraid to report the truth.

We need to support our farmers. The average age of farmers world wide is 60. The beef supply is the lowest it has been since the 1950's. Farmers need to be able to afford to feed their stock so they can bring affordable food to our tables. Who is going to feed us when the food runs out? Everybody wants to hype up non GMO and organic, when not realizing that this represents about 1% of the farms. I think when folks are starving, serving up some GMO food might look good at that point. It isn't all Frankenstein food... the hype isn't worth the amount of coverage it is getting. Yes folks should be able to know where there food is coming from... however, are folks aware that all kinds of foreign stuff is sneaking into our foods that doesn't get coverage? Or other topics that deserve a bigger concern.... such as the nuclear disaster in Japan...or the radiation in the ocean from this disaster killing fish and the ocean floor being 98% covered with dead fish. The radiation coming to our west coast from that disaster.

Anyway... for the folks that rushed out to buy the new GMO free cheerios? Well, they don't make GMO oats.. so, all they had to do was change up two ingredients, and oooohhhh, jump into the non GMO hype.

I don't think there is anything wrong with planting drought and disease and wind resistant corn. Any farmer that has had a whole years crop get ruined by weather might consider planting some resistant crops.

More concern should be made of the fact that it is getting more and more difficult for farmers to hang on and grow food for profit. Folks should be more concerned with having food to eat.

Beef is skyrocketing right now. A bull calf a few years ago sent to auction didn't clear 10$ and didn't cover the cost to truck him to auction. Why? Because folks were sending so much beef to market and selling out because of multiple years of drought. Hmmmm, if you didn't have rain for 2 years straight, would you be tempted to plant a drought resistant corn variety just to hang on? Anyway, that same bull calf today is worth $300. Now, do the math... If a 100 lb calf bought to be raised as a feeder for $300, what is going to be the value of the beef after someone raises and feeds it for a couple of years.. hmmmmm.

Sorry veggie burger folks. I love veggie burgers too.

anyway. gotta run now. We are life long farmers and have been running at below production costs since 2009. hmmmm.

Hope I got you all thinking...

Life on the back porch is good:)

Oh, and by the way... resistant strains of seed requires LESS chemicals to grow, not more. Farmers aren't out there spraying the heck out of our land. we live on our land. Tilling the land naturally turns under the blights, no tilling the land hyped as better, uses more chemical but has less erosion.. trade offs on everything you do. Thunderstorms put nitrogen into the soil. We spread a little to help things grow.

Oh... and milk is antibiotic free. You are not allowed to ship milk with antibiotics in it. You get in big trouble and will have to buy all the milk mixed with your milk if antibiotics get into the milk system. They test EVERY load of milk. Non organic farmers are allowed to treat a sick cow with antibiotics and they must test the milk and have withdraw times before their milk can be put into production again.. I have a gorgeous cow milking 80 lbs or more per day and we have been throwing out her milk every day because she got sick after calving and we had to treat her for a uterine infection. she is doing great, but 80lbs per day of milk multiplied by 15 days so far of throwing out her milk... it adds up.

I think there are more chemicals coming out of the developments with their lawn treatments than runs off your local farmers field.

Give the farmers a break... they grow the food you eat. even the non meat type. Read about the bad droughts in texas. It is a dust bowl happening in California too, so those of you who enjoy strawberries and fruits and all kinds of stuff should be concerned.

best wishes. Don't tailgate the tractors
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"Don't tailgate the tractors" You have a great post! But I have to comment on this! I'm shocked at how many people actually do this!! They tailgate, speed by, rev their engines, give you the bird, scream nasty things at you, play chicken, I'm shocked! I grew up in the city and my hubbys family have been farming for generations. This was all new and exciting to me but now it's almost scary riding in the tractor with them. These people are nasty. And so impatient...

(sorry not controversial!
but I love reading these posts everyday!!)

Now I have to chime in on this school lunch debate! I have a son in 4th grade and he does buy lunch now and then. I asked him last night about the options and how it tastes and portion sizes. Gotta admit it does not sound to bad here. I guess our district is really trying to give good choices to these elementary kids. Apples, oranges, a veggie, always a salad choice. But I'll tell you what if they ban brown bag lunches they better be footing the bill! No way on earth can I afford to send $3.00 every day for a lunch for a 10yr old that he may or my not eat! (Imagine that $ for a family of 4!!!) No way! Now I don't sent garbage in his lunch. I don't buy cookies, cupcakes, stuff like that for lunches. Some times it's in the house but I never send it in a lunch. I'll put apples and oranges or string cheese in lunches more then anything else. Oh and rather then them "monitoring" what lunch these kids have why don't they bring back gym class!!!! Exercise is so good for your body and mind! Remember when gym was everyday and part of the daily routine? I do! Now he has gym once a week for 35 minutes! Thats sad!!! And I find it lazy!
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I think I'm calmed down now...
Not mentioning school lunches or PE...

As for news (flame suit on) I tend to pick & choose. Mostly watching local stations because I tend to get a little worked up about everything else. Take in to account Mr. Bundy... I have a friend who neighbors him, and their story is somewhat different than what is being circulated. Is it a bad thing that I don't pay more attention, absolutely. But I tend to think I pick & choose what I want to know about, then I spend a LOT of time on that one topic, make a decision on how I feel, then move on to the next. Usually means I'm a couple days behind but ehhhh... At least I don't feel I waste my time on the crystal studded toilet that KimYe had installed in their house. HA!

Shorthorsemom, I know what you mean about the cost of that calf. I come from a farm, granted it's been a while. We had a feedlot and a cow-calf operation on top of the crops. Then we moved & raised hogs. Knowing what all goes in to one animal to get it to market is a little eye opening. Some people (generalizing here) don't understand that. The price of meat scares me. Flat out scares me. And milk?! It's enough to make me want to ration what my 2 year old can drink! Knowing that you have to throw out that much... ugh. What a kick to the knees...
I work in a major chain grocery store and I see the price of meat every day. Most cuts are way beyond what I can afford. I do agree with the farmers that they are getting the shaft with meat and milk prices and what they have to spend for feeds and the necessary supplements to keep their animals healthy. I'm one that checks the labels to see where my veggies come from. Bananas are the only item that enters my cart that is not grown in this country. It galls me that we are told to buy organic and the organic items come from Mexico and other countries. How can anyone be sure that they are putting organic labels on produce not soaked in pesticides? I buy meat from a local butcher shop and that groundbeef looks different in color than what shows up in my store. We would be better off to sidestep the grocery stores and visit local stores that are popping up that sell locally grown produce, meats and dairy. My local feed and tack store is now selling locally grown meats, the prices are higher but so is the quality by not having been shipped across country then a shelf life.

Another way we can help our farmers is to visit the farmers market for really fresh produce.

I'm really trying to change things up and Buy Local.

A far as the news goes. We watch an hour of local news and then switch over to PBS world news and learn what's really going on.

The Back Porch wasn't dead, we were just snoozing!

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