anyone here have uterian or ovarian problems?

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Winchester Farms

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2004
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sorry if this is graphic, but im the kind of person where i need to absolutely be dieing to take myself to the doctor. so here it goes: i've had ovarian problems it seems like forever, since i was 16, i started having ovarian cysts burst, the gynos just said it was b/c of irregular periods and put me on birth control for many years, the birth control did nothing, i still had extremely painful periods and cysts burst everyone once and a while. im trying to make this short and sweet so let me fast foward, im now 23, and this past May my appendix burst, so i had emergency surgery and the surgeon said he found a small fibroid tumor and a hernia, but they were both nothing to worry about. so im thinking good, everything's fine. however it seems like ever since then things have gone down the tubes. :no: it started out where about 3-4 days before i would get my period it felt like i had a urinary tract infection, it felt like i had to pee constantly, but it never ever hurts while i urinate. now, AFTER i pee the pain starts and lasts for a while. BUT as soon as i get my period it all stops magically. this has been going on for a while, and now the whole "urinartion pain" has increased to about 3 weeks before i get my period. ( i get my periods every 6-7 weeks)it still doesnt hurt while i urinate, but the pain afterwards is almost unberrable. i did go to the docs in september to get a urine culture and bladder sonogram but they found nothing. so i definately know its not a urinary tract infection. plus, like i said, it dissapears once i get my period. also, if i exercise i get uterian pain very badly afterwards, and sometimes after i go to the bathroom after i exercise there is blood, im not sure if its in my urine or uterus. and i can not press on my lower abdomen where my uterus would be without it hurting. what do you think this is? could something have gone wrong during surgery? am i making something out of nothing?? sorry if this is graphic. and thank you for your time!!!
and i can not press on my lower abdomen where my uterus would be without it hurting. what do you think this is? could something have gone wrong during surgery? am i making something out of nothing?? sorry if this is graphic. and thank you for your time!!!

You are NOT "making something out of nothing". You have pain and blood-- your body is trying to tell you something. Go to the doctor and MAKE them find out what is wrong. There is no reason for you to keep suffering! good luck, and please let us know how you are doing, ok?
Lori is absolutely right! Get yourself to the doctor immediately. My daughter had this same type of thing adn it ended up beign a tumor and she had to have surgery to remove. It was benign but it was messy none the less and it was a type of tumor that could have gone malignant it we left it alone, so you go go go!! Get to a doctor, don't let it go any furthur.
This is one time to definitely see a DR. Your female organs are nothing to fuss with. The peeing is not a urinary thing but a uterine pressure thing. Been there. Please no matter the fear or the see a proper physician like a gyn.
Definately see a doctor and if it's all related to your periods, ask about an IUD. It is totally removeable for whenever you want children and is very safe. This will virtually illiminate your periods.
If you have been going to a family Dr. its time to go to a OB/GYN. If you have been going to an OB/GYN its time to get a second or third opinion. Do not stop until someone listens to you.

Also suggest ENDO as it can present in a number of ways but almost all involve some amount of pain. I have a friend who also has had cyst issues and has had multiple large tumors removed over the years..........find a good ob/gyn
I agree with all above......This is the time to see an OB/GYN. Do not wait. You could compromise your future chances for ever having children.

You could have a tumor or cysts or Endometriosis......none are to trifle with.

(I had an infection in my tubes and by the time it was discovered it was too late.) DON'T WAIT.

I MUST say my piece with this issue. I am not meaning to scare you but only to forwarn everyone by telling my story. I went for MANY years having really painful periods. Probably from age 14 to 30yrs. They were heavy most of the first days and sometimes lasted 2 weeks. If I pressed on my abdomen anywhere, the pain was felt and it got worse as I got older. I had 3 children and throughout that as well as having a tubal ligation, no one found any problems. Then it finally got to the point that the pain was debilitating. The days of my period were spent in bed. To make a long story short, found out that I had endometreosis. It is when the lining of the uterus sheds (which is what your period is) and it somehow seeps into the abdominal cavity. From there it grows and acts as fibroids and each time you get a 'period cramp', it also causes cramping in your abdomen. I ended up getting a complete hystorectomy but thank God it was after I had my children. My daughter was about 15 when she started with the same types of periods, very painful, accept hers were normal length and not as heavy. I told her to go get checked out which she did not. Now, she is 29 and has had 2 surgeries to get rid of endometreosis. Again,I am not trying to scare you. This is very treatable these days. But the only way to find out is to ask them to check you for it. My daughter only found out because she was trying to have a baby and couldnt. So after ruling out any problems with her hubby, she mentioned endometriosis and the Dr did an ultrasound and there it was. In my daughters case, she ended up losing her falopian tubes from it because she let it go too long(over 10 years). But I am proud to say she is now pregnant (by invetro) and she is expecting a baby in June. Hope this helps someone. God Bless and my prayers are with you.

I'd be willing to bet that your problem has nothing to do with your uterus. Here is a link you may find interesting. The only way to rule it out is to have a cystoscopy which although unpleasant sure beats just dealing with it. Your symptoms sound all too familiar and I speak from personal experience.

I do have to add that while it may be better around your period it can still be the problem. I would have flares and also would feel better around my period as well but as time went on it got consistently worse not matter what time of the month it was. See your doc, it's missed a lot unless you go right to a specialist about it.
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Like everyone else, I suffered for years with pain, mine started after having my children, 15 & 13. 18 months ago, I missed my period for 3 months, I had a tubal after my youngest, so I knew I wasn't prego. and then my period started again and would not stop.

This option would not be for you in case you want children in the future, but I had a Uterine Ablatement done last January. I've not had a period or pain since. The doc. took out the lining of my uterus. It is a procedure they are doing now to try and avoid a hysterectomy. I don't have to take hormones etc. and had no pain after the surgery. Mild cramps for a day. But hey, that was nothing compared to the cramps that kept me in bed and made me throw up from the pain for years.

This new doctor has saved my life. Not to mention my husband! He doesn't have to deal with the excessive hormone confusion.

Go to the doctor, DEMAND they help you. Don't go through the pain, like so many of us have.

Mostly because doctors brush us off. IT IS NOT NATURAL FOR A WOMAN TO HAVE THIS PAIN.
I'm with the others, been there, done that and you don't have to!!! Get yourself to a doctor. I've had two surgeries for similar symptoms--cysts removed both times and a D & C the last time. My next one will be a hysterectomy. You don't have to hurt this way. Find a GOOD doctor that will listen and want to help rid you of this pain.

I'll be thinking of you. Please update us when you can.

you said they found a fibroid? i can tell you from experience they can all of a sudden start growing huge. this is what happened to me. when they first foudn mine it was small and didnt cause any problems so they left it alone. A year later it was huge. When i finally had surgery my uterus was the size of a 5 month pregnacy. go get that checked out!
I'd be willing to bet that your problem has nothing to do with your uterus. Here is a link you may find interesting. The only way to rule it out is to have a cystoscopy which although unpleasant sure beats just dealing with it. Your symptoms sound all too familiar and I speak from personal experience.

I do have to add that while it may be better around your period it can still be the problem. I would have flares and also would feel better around my period as well but as time went on it got consistently worse not matter what time of the month it was. See your doc, it's missed a lot unless you go right to a specialist about it.
I thought of this too, my mother in law has it and some of the symptoms listed by the original poster sound just like what she goes through. It is HORRIBLE.

She went undiagnosed for years and years.

I went through something similar myself, and it turned out I had endo, as well as an infection my ex husband was nice enough to share with me when I didn't know he had been out catting around. It went undiagnosed for almost a year because it was asymptomatic and by the time it was discovered it was too late for me. I had to have a hysterectomy at 25 years old.

So like others have said, get to a doctor, an OB/GYN, and keep going back until they find out what is wrong. This could be SERIOUS.

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