AMHA Shows near MI

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Feb 4, 2009
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Want to give a AMHA show a try this yr. None in MI, so looking for one that is closest to MI and worth going to? A friend and I would like to see how our tiny fillys would do... How would I find any shows? AMHA website?

Want to give a AMHA show a try this yr. None in MI, so looking for one that is closest to MI and worth going to? A friend and I would like to see how our tiny fillys would do... How would I find any shows? AMHA website?
You could use the AMHA website. Look under Shows on the left side. Then on the next page it brings up, along the top you will see schedules. Click on that, and all the shows are listed by states. If there aren't any in MI, then look at the states that are the closest to you. Maybe you'll get lucky, and find something close enough. Hope this helps and good luck.
There are a few in Ohio, one is usually in May in Northern Ohio, there are two in Springfield, Ohio, the first is early June, the second is August (AMHA eastern regional championship show).

There is also a show or two in Indiana at the Hoosier Horse Park, and a few in Kentucky, one of which is held at the Kentucky Horse Park in July.

Check the AMHA website frequently as the shows get approved and scheduled.

Also check the Mid America Miniature Horse club website at as you might be interested in joining the club and entering the high point program. They have great awards at the end of the year.

Hope to see you at the shows!
Thank you for the info...

I have one more ?

Do you have to get qualified for eastern regionals like the nationals?
Yes, you have to attend one show to attend an AMHA regional show. HOWEVER, since you are in Michigan, and there are no shows in Michigan or anything close, I have in the past been able to get an exemption. You have to ask the office to see if they still do that. I know there was some discussion about refusing exemptions, but don't know where it stands.

I did have to explain that even though there were shows in Wisconsin and even Canada, and in a straight line it didn't seem that far, it was pretty difficult to cross the lakes with a horse trailer!!
She would have a hard time getting an exemption since there is an AMHA show within a few hours of where she lives unless she is way up in the UP.
I live in the center of the state, and was able to get the exemption because the regional show was actually closer than any other AMHA shows. But again that may have changed - it's been a couple of years since I asked for one.
There is a two day show that is one day AMHA and one day AMHR usually held in May near Cleveland now.

Rethinking it, I would guess she could get the exemption if she is unable to get to that show since AMHA is bending over backwords to try to make the shows more accessible to people.
I come from up near Traverse City and like to make it to at least one AMHA show and one AMHR show each year. Since I have to drive so far (3hrs for AMHR, at least 8-10hrs amha) I want it to be worthwhile. I love to go to Julep Cup (partly because it is at Kentucky Horse Park) and eastern regionals. Regionals seems to flip locations each yr, so I don't know if it is in Ohio or NC this year. I have showed and the Randolph show in 2005 and there was a great turn out that yr but not many horses in smaller classes. If you have a small filly, you might want to go to julep or regionals to get enough horses to get points and meaningful placings.
Regionals were in Ohio this year, so I think they will be in NC in 2010.
I think it is still on the books, but there is always at least one AMHA show at the Hoosier Horse Park in Edinburg Indiana. It was put on by the MAMHC. It is about 30 minutes south of Indianapolis. It is usually a pretty well attended show too. We uesed to show in Michigan up around Mason. Not sure if that show still goes on or not (looking back it was probably 15 + years ago)!

Thank you for the additional info on "exemptions" Dana. I will look into it but if I cant have that done, and do want to attempt the regionals this year which is Aug 12-15 in Springfield OH.

However, I did see what shows are available and cause Im not fimilier with AMHA shows and which ones are awesome to attend. Here's the ones I found...

May 15-16

Randolph Miniature Horse Show - Randolph, OH

June 5-6

The Silver Jubilee - Springfield, OH

June 26-27

Jambalya Miniature Horse Show - Edinburgh, IN

Aug 12-15

Eastren Champion Show - Springfield, OH

So which one is the most highly recommended one to attend? I have been really thinking hard on attending the regionals but want to make sure I can.

I think that cause I CANT attend nationals or worlds, I think this would be my next big step from local fun shows and local AMHR shows and would be soooo exciting!
I would aim for the Jubilee over Randolph, that is an ok show for halter, but NOT driving. Miserable weather sometimes so if you can only do one, I would do Jubilee which is at the same place as regionals, all under one roof, and well attended.

Randolph is heavier as an AMHR show and a lot of people leave so you end up with tiny classes.
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I think it is still on the books, but there is always at least one AMHA show at the Hoosier Horse Park in Edinburg Indiana. It was put on by the MAMHC. It is about 30 minutes south of Indianapolis. It is usually a pretty well attended show too. We uesed to show in Michigan up around Mason. Not sure if that show still goes on or not (looking back it was probably 15 + years ago)!
The Mason show has been gone for many years. My show lasted longer than that - mine ended about 10 years ago. Right now there aren't any AMHA shows in Michigan. There is a potluck get together in Lansing on the 30th, and that may come up - see if anyone is interesting in setting one up.

I tried to find it in the rule book but couldn't - do you still have to attend one other show to attend The Championship shows?
One correction to the Randolph, Ohio show is that it became a two day AMHA show starting last year, so that is a good option, and not far from Michigan. Good way to get an early start on points for the year.
Not sure that Randolph would be any closer than Springfield from Central Michigan. You could go straight down 75 to 70.

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