A request emailed to my by Lea Dill I thought I would pass along

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Hey Guys,

Wanted to ask a big favor of you..... The email attached is about Cody Cosper who is a boy that showed mini's at my shows in Texas..... He is a really nice young kid maybe 10 years old now. He was just a little guy when he started coming to the shows with his parents... Anyway, he is in the hospital with burns... and going to be there awhile.. He hopes to fill his hospital room walls with cards. I though it would be really nice if you could send him cards from your country? I know he would get a kick out of it.... Be sure to let him know what country your in. I really would think he would think it so cool.

Hope you can do that for me.... Thanks Lea

"I am writing this to everyone I have in my email address box in the Miniature/Shetland industry. Some of you may know this little boy and have seen him show in the ring...some of you may know his father, as he was a miniature horse and sheltand pony trainer for several years. Most of us in Area V know this family and child well.

I am speaking of Cody Cosper, the son of Lloyd Cosper of Troy, Texas (a small central town just outside Waco).

This information came to me via a family member of the Cospers, Jeanne Zander.

Cody Cosper is currently at the Pediatric Burn Unit at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. He received third degree burns to his lower body in an accident at home. He will be in the hospital for a month.

He has had two surgeries to graph skin and hopefully that is all he will need.

His goal is to fill very wall of his room with cards. Could you please help with his goal....send a card?

The address is:

Cody Cosper

Parkland Hospital Burn Unit

5201 Harry Hines Blvd.

Dallas, Tx 75235

He is recovering very well and hopefully this will help him even more.

If there is someone you feel would send him a card, please encourage them and forward this email. Even if you don't know him, please drop him a card for best wishes of a quick recovery...it should brighten his day that a total stranger cares and is out there praying for him.

Thank you so much for your help with this project in making Cody's wall the Best Looking Wall in the Unit!!!"

Let fill this kids room full !!!

I know he has some cards coming to him from Canada!

Bumped...to keep towards the top to give everyone a chance to see the address...let's help make this boy feel better.
I'm going to make a card tonight and mail it right out. I'm also going to get some of my 4-H kids to send a card along. I hope the Cody is doing fine.
Thanks to everyone who is sending this guy some sunshine!

I sent him my email in my card and hope his Mom will drop me a line

and let me know how he and the cards are doing!

If I hear anything I will let you all know!

God Bless you all for taking the time and a couple bucks.

Hey Deb! I'm glad you're getting so many replies to this I posted the same topic on the Back Porch with the original email from Mary Wicke, and I think there was only one, maybe two replies. I don't know this young man at all, but I bet he'll get a kick out of all the cards he's going to receive!!
Thanks Judy!

I can only hope that half of the 400 + people who read this have sent a card.

As one who spent 6 months in the hospital as a 9 year old I know how terrible it feels waking up everyday,

not being able to move, in terrable pain.

With out outside contact and family love you can begin to think the world has forgotten about you.

(and if that has helped guilt someone into sending a card thats ok with me !!!)
Well, I will have to go out to the barn and have a talk with everyone and get some of them to "sign" a card for him!
I am sure he would love the 'personalized' card

I have not heard if he has recived any of the cards yet

but will let all know when I know!!
There's a card on its way from Kentucky.  I dropped it in the mailbox this morning.  Hope he is doing great.

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