5day panacur

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Navan, Ireland
Can anyone tell me if there is a "best" time to do the 5day panacur/stronguard and what dose have you found works best?? thanks.
i have no idea, but thought i'd bump becuase this is going on to the second page with no replies.

ideas anyone?
Since no one has answered yet....... We personally don't do the 5 day Panacur worming......

We do use Panacur or Safeguard for a first worming for our weanlings and do a 50 lb dose on them.

Hopefully someone else can help you with the 5 day purge worming.......

Worming with Fenbendazole can be done at any time of year that worms are suspected, but as a routine worming I do it in February and September. This can obviously vary from region to region, depending on when your Vet advises is the best time.

Five day Fenbendazole clears out encysted small strongyles more efficiently than any other wormer- Quest ( Moxidectin) claims to get then but, in fact in the small print only gets 88% of them, and in a single dose.

As we all know Moxidectin by any name is a no go area for Minis.

Fenbendazole should be administered at 1ml per 13 kg (28lbs) [this is what is recommended on the packaging, not my guesswork!! BUT in the US a double dose is recommended] and is easiest in it's liquid, generic form for accurate dosing BUT overdosing with Fenbendazole is only an economic issue- you would have to drown the horse in it to actually harm it!!!

Fenbendazole is not a particularly good wormer in a single dose and I only use it this way as a first wormer at ten days, for foals, or if the animal is debilitated by worms and needs a gentle clear out of some, but not all of them.

After the five day course I wait ten days (life cycle of most worms) and then worm with a combo of Ivermectin and Praziquantel (tapeworms)
Moxidectin is the only other chemical that deals with encysted small strongyles and it is a no-no with Minis, as I am sure you know.

I don't have a box of either panacur or safeguard to check for myself...

Is that the regular dose or a double does? Do you do the 5-day purge at regular dose or at a single dose? I've done the 5-day purge at the regular dose, but have heard many recommend double.

(you may have said this, but the heat is addling my brain...)
Our vet has recommended the 5 day program, at double the dose, for our newly purchased horses. She has us do this to get rid of everything the horse might have, without using anything harsh. We also used it one other time on a 3 month old quarter horse that for some reason became heavily laden with worms (we had been worming appropriatly prior to this) Anyway, it cleaned everything out of her at a nice slow pace so she didn't colic from the sudden demise of all those worms. We don't use it as a regular rotation in our worming program, just as those special situations arise.
For many years I have used the double dose 5 day Panacur or Safeguard worming.I have used it successfully on a horse that had a dull hair coat&just wasn't right even though it was on a regular worming schdule.My ver suggested it many times for a horse who just wasn't up to par.It has been very successful and have had no ill effects.I usually dose at 500 lbs for 5 days.I am not a vet-just speaking from personal experience.
Double dose in America- single in Europe.

I have NO idea why, I have checked with the manufacturers and everything, and Yes, that is right, they say.

You must have tougher worms!!!