5 month old filly hardly touching her feed

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2005
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my filly mona lisa ever touches her feed, i mean she nibbles a bite than leaves it and eats down her hay like nothing. when she was born they were out on pasture grass all summer and fall. when we bring the foals home to wean them she hardly touches the feed...her half brother jazzy is a pig and eats all the feed and hay. why won't she eat the feed? what can i do to make her eat the feed?
you mean she eats the hay but not the grain? Maybe she doesn't like the taste. What sort of grain is it? Or is it pelleted hay? What kind of "feed" is it?

I have one exactly like that. She is going on 8 months and I've been trying to get her weaned. Just ain't happen'n. She will nibble at the pelleted food if she is in with mom. But by herself......NOPE! I did notice even if she is with her mom, if I give her some soaked beetpulp, she gobbles it up. I've tried a couple of different foal feeds and she treats them all the same.

Maybe try adding a little beetpulp to her feed.
It could just be the odd feel of it or the smell of it. My 5 month old filly did the same for about a month. Now she wolfs it down and the hay has to wait. She just had to get used to the different sensation.
Do be aware that she could possibly have an ulcer. Ulcers are far more common than previously thought, and one of the signs of having an ulcer is not wanting to eat grain (tho they generally will eat pasture or hay pretty well). You may want to have a vet check her out.
we feed the horses oats and techured calf feed we feed the old man beet pulp. the older ones get a cup of each oats & techured calf feed, the babies get half that.
Magic said:
Do be aware that she could possibly have an ulcer.  Ulcers are far more common than previously thought, and one of the signs of having an ulcer is not wanting to eat grain (tho they generally will eat pasture or hay pretty well).    You may want to have a vet check her out.

we'll watching her closely in a few weeks if she dosen't eat more we'll take her up there to our vet.