36 hour old Filly is sick

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Samson, Al, USA
Our new filly acted like she didn't feel well this morning. I watched and saw she had severly loose bowels. It was brown water. The vet came and checked and says no fever and that she is not dehydrated. We are giving her electrolytes, banamine and some stuff to stop the loose bowels. The vet says it is probably from the mom having so much milk. Has anyone else had this happen and does anyone have suggestions other than what I am doing. I don't want to lose the baby.
Dinda, I know that the best thing I have used on large hoses is pepto. But I dont know if it is safe for minis! I would ask the vet.Good Luck!


Our new filly acted like she didn't feel well this morning. I watched and saw she had severly loose bowels. It was brown water. The vet came and checked and says no fever and that she is not dehydrated. We are giving her electrolytes, banamine and some stuff to stop the loose bowels. The vet says it is probably from the mom having so much milk. Has anyone else had this happen and does anyone have suggestions other than what I am doing. I don't want to lose the baby.

I am not a vet, but my vet a couple of years ago had me give our colt who was born early, Equate (Metamucil) brand from Wal-Mart. We had tried various things prior to this and by the time we tried this he was getting shocky. It worked - I was amazed as I would never have thought of giving that to stop the runs. I mixed a tablespoon of powder with water and syringed it into him - constantly stirring the mix.

Good luck - it worked for me, and I have used it several times since with good results.

Watch her really closely. Check her for dehydration twice a day at least and watch her attitude. She's at a prime age for septicemia and it may not be showing up fully yet. (Don't want to scare you, but these new ones can go downhill quickly in a matter of a few hours.) If necessary, get a second vet's advice too.


I am not a vet, but my vet a couple of years ago had me give our colt who was born early, Equate (Metamucil) brand from Wal-Mart. We had tried various things prior to this and by the time we tried this he was getting shocky. It worked - I was amazed as I would never have thought of giving that to stop the runs. I mixed a tablespoon of powder with water and syringed it into him - constantly stirring the mix.

Good luck - it worked for me, and I have used it several times since with good results.

The fiber laxative stuff? I have some here. How often did you do this?
I hope your baby is doing better. I am not a vet nor is this vet advice. It could be a number of things

as the others have said. We had two foals at a month old, last year we fought dirrehea for over a month

treated and treated. We ran test after test. Could not find the reason, then another forum member

ask me if I had salt blocks in the stalls. I did, and this was what caused our's. Removed it, and took

us over another month to get them to normal. So make sure you don't have one in her stall.

Her being so young, I don't think this is what is causing your problem. I would really watch her

to make sure she is not getting dehrydated. Does she drink a lot of water, and maybe not nursing

enough? This is what my filly did, but she was a month old. We did put ours also on Ulcer med's,

could she have an ulcer? Could it be as the other said septicemia or ecoli (sp)? I would be asking

the Vet these things. If needed get second to Vet to check her? But watch her closly.

Wishing you and prayers for your baby

Our new filly acted like she didn't feel well this morning. I watched and saw she had severly loose bowels. It was brown water. The vet came and checked and says no fever and that she is not dehydrated. We are giving her electrolytes, banamine and some stuff to stop the loose bowels. The vet says it is probably from the mom having so much milk. Has anyone else had this happen and does anyone have suggestions other than what I am doing. I don't want to lose the baby.

Our new filly acted like she didn't feel well this morning. I watched and saw she had severly loose bowels. It was brown water. The vet came and checked and says no fever and that she is not dehydrated. We are giving her electrolytes, banamine and some stuff to stop the loose bowels. The vet says it is probably from the mom having so much milk. Has anyone else had this happen and does anyone have suggestions other than what I am doing. I don't want to lose the baby.
I hope the baby gets better. I don't have a clue for horses, but we gave Pepto for our goats.
Ihave quite a few foals each year and if this happens I usually give them a small tub of flavoured yogurt couple days a tub each day and they are fine some home remedies constipate these little guys and make things worse Good Luck
As the others have siad, I'm not a vet, but was the moms milk checked to see if the milk was compatible to the foal?. I can't think of what it's called. You mix a couple of drops of milk with the mares blood and if it mixes it's ok, if it doesn't there is a problem. Hope everything is fine by now.

Could be rich milk; we've had that, and have given pepto bismol or kaopectate for it.

I'd be very careful with the banamine--it can cause ulcers.
Ginny, I'm no vet either. But what you are talking about is called RH FACTOR, and at the first feeding before the foal nurses, you just milk out a little bit of the colostrum, and mix it with a few drops of blood, (which you can get from the afterbirth) mix it up, and if everything is fine it will mix together nicely, if the mare and foals blood are not compatable (RH) it wont mix. If that happens DONT let the foal nurse, and call a vet immediately, the foal probably will have to have a transfusion. I hope everything is going to be OK with your new foal, these little ones can go downhill so fast, another thing you can use for diarrhea is called Biosponge, you do have to get this thru a vet. I have always used pepto bismol, and have had luck with that. I also use yogurt on all my foals. I pulled a very tiny 7# foal thru using mostly home remedies. Be very careful using banamine. IMO I would not use it on a foal, but again I am no vet and that is just my opinion. Corinne
Greetings Everyone, Well the baby is so much better this morning. Last night at about 6:00 p.m. I was so worried. Still had runny poop and acted so weak. I decided to try the metamucil because a friend of mine also had a vet tell her this could help. We gave it more electrolytes and anti diarrea meds and came back to the house and watched it on camera. I was so worried. Then I said a prayer about 9:00 p.m. because I truly thought it was not going to make it. Then in about 15 minutes the baby was running in the stall and showing signs of improvement. IT sucked all throught the night and is bouncing around like it should. I am still going to watch closely today. All I can say is if this happens to one of your foals, the Metamucil and prayer work. I will post a picture of the Miracle baby later today.
Our Vet recommends Kaopectate (spelling?) for a foal 5cc orally as often as need to stop the diarreah ASAP because they will dehydrate quickly. Also electrolytes in the water will help to keep her going until you can find out the trouble.
This is a very frightening thing...and I hope that you've had some success in treating her already, but I thought I'd add an experience I had with one of my 2004 colts.

When the 'brown water' runs hit him, he was acting normal otherwise, including sucking. After a couple of days though he began to look more lethargic and wasn't as eager to eat. By later that day, he was rolling and laying with his feet in the air, so I got with my vet and they wanted to just give him a shot of Banamine as they suspected it was simply gas colic and the runs had to do with the mare's foal heat. I told her about what I had read pertaining to ulcers and managed to convince her to prescribe some Gastroguard. $45 later, I had the tube home and began to give him a dab (about the size of an english pea and within 3 days the runs had stopped and he was more alert. A week later he was back to 100% and growing like a weed.

I'm not saying this is what is bothering your girl, and as others have mentioned RH Factor is a possibility too. RH Factor is not something that you expect (as the norm), so unless you make it a rule to automatically check the 'blood:milk' mixture when a new foal comes, it's kind of one of those things that you wish in retrospect you had done.

I'm not sure how on earth Metamucil could help IF it was RH factor OR Ulcers...could someone explain to me what is so different or useful in Metamucil that would fix something like this?
: I could see Pepto soothing the stomach or even Probios paste...but Metamucil?
My only thought was the fiber in the Metamucil might absorb some of the excess liquid and slow down the runs and possibly help "kickout" anything that could be irritating the digestive tract.

Not totally unrealated but my son had to have a barium xray for extreme diaharea at around 1 year old. It had gone on for a month or so and the dr. had cut out everything but milk from his diet thinking allergies. They couldn't find anything causing it but after the barium it stopped.
I am so glad to hear the baby is doing better. Will continue the prayers, did say some for her

last night as well.

But do keep watch her.


:aktion033: :aktion033:
I am so glad to hear the baby is doing better. Will continue the prayers, did say some for her

last night as well.

But do keep watch her.


:aktion033: :aktion033:
Thank you for the prayers. I am careful with my prayers and try to save them for real crisis issues. Last night I prayed for a miracle and got one. The change in the baby is quite remarkable. She has more strength today and is scooting around instead of dragging around. We are not out of the woods yet, but I feel God answer my prayer. I really just hated to see this mare loose the baby. She lost her foal last year and is so proud of this one. Thanks again for the prayers.
Well everyone she made it and is doing great. Here is picture of the First Baby of Morning Mist Minis. Thanks for everyones help.

I am so happy for you and your little one, will continue the prayers for her. She is such a

pretty doll. Thanks to for the picture.


:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

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