Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

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Day 332 days in foal today and still no signs of anything!
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She's looking good! Madeline looks about to pop as well but it's the waiting that's so hard. Glad to see her lovely photo!
Is she moving in her udder, as that is what you need to be watching now? Also I re-read your first post where it said she was covered on 30th April - as she was running with the stallion she would have been covered many times while in season and the date of the 30th could have been the first time anyone saw a covering. If this was at the start of her season then she would probably have been covered continuously over the following week or so, and given the fact that mares are usually likely to 'take' at the end of their season, she may not yet be at your estimated 332 days.

Must admit that I never bother to follow the 'counting days' - never could remember numbers very well especially when there are several mares to count for. LOL!! Usually just go by the week the mare was covered, then say that she will foal sometime around the comparable week 11 months later and then look for udder development to give me her approx foaling time once her pregnancy nears it's end. Once the udder starts the first signs of movement, mares are stabled at nights and put under mare watch night and day. Alongside the udder development we look for the other changes that show that foaling is getting closer, including any changes in a mare's normal behavior. Watches then reduce to every 20 minutes, particularly during the day,and from a couple of weeks after the start of an udder one of us is in the barn all night.

Yes we get exhausted, but it is such a small price to pay for the sake of getting a baby safely on the ground, plus there is nothing more excitng, amazing and yes, humbling, to be right beside your mare helping her to bring this new little life into the world.
She's got many signs.....she's just not quite ready yet. Don't worry -- some of these girls like to drag things out until we're all exhausted. But once that baby safely hits the ground, you're going to forget how long you waited and how tired you got!

We're here for you, and can't wait to see what's been cooking!
The weirdest thing happened today! Foal was moving and sitting so I could see the legs and face shape against Missy's flank. Lots of bouncing and kicking too. Bum is very slack she is 'due' next week but who knows!!!





Also fell off a friend's horse today from a gallop which resulted in an air ambulance and a suspected broken hip!!



Thankfully no breaks just torn muscles in my leg and a badly bruised hip bone!!

I do think baby is on the way though!!
Oh No I hope your ok and can make a quick recovery. Take care of yourself.

And as for Missy , my money is on her for next arrival

Best of luck for the perfect foaling

This is definitely 'slab' sided, so it looks like baby is in position for birthing. Now, that CAN change if baby decides to do a little flipping around, but I'd be watching her like a hawk!

So sorry you fell, but so happy nothing was broken. You may have to recuperate by laying in the hay -- so make a soft bed for yourself! LOL

This is definitely 'slab' sided, so it looks like baby is in position for birthing. Now, that CAN change if baby decides to do a little flipping around, but I'd be watching her like a hawk!

So sorry you fell, but so happy nothing was broken. You may have to recuperate by laying in the hay -- so make a soft bed for yourself! LOL
I am panicking already not going to lie. Caught her lying down this morning which is totally unlike her and she refused to leave her stable again. Teats aren't doing anything though!

I'm okay don't worry, crutches for a while but thankfully no breaks

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OMG!! Thank God nothing was broken, but I suspect that you are going to feel extremely stiff for quite a while. No more risk taking from now on until this baby is safely on the ground - Missy is going to need you to be % very soon. As Diane says, make yourself a bed in her straw or hay to make sure you are right by her side and dont have to try to get up and rush when she needs you!!

Must say I'm most envious of the lovely stables at the yard where you keep Missy.
OMG!! Thank God nothing was broken, but I suspect that you are going to feel extremely stiff for quite a while. No more risk taking from now on until this baby is safely on the ground - Missy is going to need you to be % very soon. As Diane says, make yourself a bed in her straw or hay to make sure you are right by her side and dont have to try to get up and rush when she needs you!!

Must say I'm most envious of the lovely stables at the yard where you keep Missy.
Very sore and stiff at the moment and on crutches which will be fun..

Hoping baby comes sooner rather than later as far too excited waiting!
I'm so sorry you got hurt and injured. Missy is looking awesome!
Don't worry about it, i'm still alive and not too badly broken which is fantastic considering I came off at a canter!! Missy was very quiet today, bless her. And was scared of my crutches!

She has a new blog though, from her POV. I'd love it if you guys would have a read and follow?


Anybody want daily Missy updates from Missy's POV? Feel free to bookmark or follow the new blog; Missy Moo - Point of View!!
I'll check out the blog.

You seem to be like me, forget the ooowww of the fall...let's grab piccies going up in the helicopter! :)

Hopefully, Missy will accommodate your crutches with a mid-morning, sunny day foaling. Crossing fingers for you here!
I'll check out the blog.

You seem to be like me, forget the ooowww of the fall...let's grab piccies going up in the helicopter! :)

Hopefully, Missy will accommodate your crutches with a mid-morning, sunny day foaling. Crossing fingers for you here!
Thanks! Thinking it's soon!
Congratulations on the blog - brilliant and so well written!!

Any signs that Missy's udder is filling properly? Hoping that it will fill a bit more before she foals, but she could be a gal who gets an udder as she actually foals. This is getting very exciting!!
Congratulations on the blog - brilliant and so well written!!

Any signs that Missy's udder is filling properly? Hoping that it will fill a bit more before she foals, but she could be a gal who gets an udder as she actually foals. This is getting very exciting!!
Udders are not doing anything

However baby was so strong today, got a little video but he was kicking out and I kid you not, you could see the shape of his legs!!
Hello everyone, Missy is very restless just now. Lots of rubbing her bum against the wall, circling and flicking her tail. Have fun home for a quick bit of lunch as she started munching hay and being quiet again. Lots of kicking in top of bum near tail and in belly so who knows!!! Will keep you all updated!!

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