Your Little Quirks?

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
What little strange quirks do you have? Not too strange, not looking for any deep, dark and oogy secrets but the ones you can stand to let us in on.

Mine are:

* I like flat soda, so I shake up the bottles and let the fizz out before I drink it

* When I set my alarm, I always set it for HOUR:03, :33 or :07 "for good luck"

* even though I have been 29 for years, I still sleep with a stuffed animal (currently a horse that looks sorta like Destiny)

SO, how about you?

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OH! I'm really weird....

*I HATE windshield wipers, ceiling fans, anything that moves in that sort of motion drives me NUTS.

*I sweep the kitchen/bathroom/entry floor at least 3 times per day...I can't stand dirt on the floor.

*Every clock in my house is 10 minutes ahead...which is dumb, because I look at the clock and think "Okay, it says 3:30, it's really 3:20"
Oh, I have a LOT Of them. I could probably let it go and give in to OCD (too lazy to, I think!), but here is my list of the ones I can think of:

I have to have separate sponges for the dishes and for the counters. Hubby thinks it's weird, but I think it makes sense...I don't wanna scrub the dishes w/the same one that I use to wipe down the counters.

Also, the tp and paper towel rolls should face out and hang down (over).

In public restrooms: NO sitting on any toilet seat, no matter what! I DID make a FEW exceptions when I was very pregnant, but used lots of those covers! No touching anything except the door latch (I flush w/my foot or if I'm lucky, it's an auto flush). After washing hands, I don't touch anything else on the way out. If I HAVE to in order to get out, I use a paper towel which I toss as I run out the door. (this is an area where I definitely let my inner OCD come out to play as I've seen too many people that do not wash and in there blowin' their noses and...well, I won't go there!)

My truck: In the winter, I keep old bath towels on the floor to help keep the floors clean. I wash them once a week or so depending on how dirty or wet they get.

I guess there are a lot of little things I do that some consider odd or silly, but those are a couple that come to mind. I think some of them fall into the category of superstition, but it's what makes us all unique, our idiosyncrasies?

Liz M.
I sleep with a small stuffed animal too. But that came from a bad break in my upper arm that was broken for 8 months (and I had to set myself 3 times-stupid Army Dr) And I needed it to prop my arm up in bed. Now that my arm is perm healed crooked, it is more cozy to have it proped still.

Is it a quirk to be SO shy that I hide if someone comes to the door, until they go away? Glad I did the last time! When they left, I found Watch Tower fliers. LOL

I'll tell on hubby. He totally will not drink/use the last 3/4" of milk, juice etc in the jug. There will be a bunch of jugs & jars in the fridge with all with only 3/4" left in them! He also leaves 1/4" on toilet paper rolls and won't finish them. So there"ll be a bunch of rolls with a little bit on them all over his bathroom.

We're a goofy pair!
I double check appliances I've used before going out the door...if I forget and lock the door I will go and unlock the door go inside and give it another once over.

If you pick something up say off a coffe table or in a drawer, pleeeze put it back just the same way it was!! I hate to see things on desktops, counters, or tables not all neat and lined up nice.

My horse equipment, I HAVE to brush the saddle pad or wipe and rinse the bits before putting them away...same with their winter blankets and liners.

Can't stand a messy barnyard. Everybody has their own feed dishes, water dishes and they can't be crooked. If the chickens kick over a dish and it looks crooked from outside the pen, then count on me to go in there and straighten it back up!

I think to sum myself up...I can honestly say I'm a neat freak!
Oh my gosh, the list I could make here!!

Toilet paper and paper towels MUST roll to the outside!

Toilet seats must not only be down, but lids down too (looks neater that way)

Pictures must be straight on the walls, drives me nutty to go into someones house and the pictures are all hung crooked on the walls.

Here is a good one, all of the food in my cupboards must have the label facing forward so you can see what it is. And nice and neat in the cupboard too, rows, not stacked.

And, everything has a place, please put things in their place and just the way I had them before they were touched and moved.

My husband says I am anal, but I haven't shared HIS list!! LOL
Minimama - CAN I RELATE TO YOU!!

I have the same quirks when it comes to the toilet paper roll, pictures on the walls, canned goods in the cubboards and EVERY THING having its place. If any thing in my house is moved, I will notice - it doesnt matter what was moved or if it was just bumped - I know!! Lori
* I like flat soda, so I shake up the bottles and let the fizz out before I drink it

Finally!!! I'm not the only one!!!

I've been made fun of for this since I was a kid.

Also, The TP must unroll from the top and the toothpaste must be squeezed from the bottom.
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man you all are a bunch of weirdo's

I must have corn with mashed potatoes and it must be mixed together

I HATE HATE HATE sticky do not like sugary stuff for this very reason (cotton candy is the work of the devil)....if it is sticky I don't want it near me my hands my doorknobs etc........

I am a fanatical small appliance unplugger if it isn't in use it must be unplugged

I will peacefully coexist with dust bunnies but please keep the couch pillows straight and off the floor
I am a chronic piler and list maker. Note, mind you, that it doesn't help me get anything done! I like to separate everything on my desk into piles...homework, horsey, other, etc. Of course, I also don't throw anything out so they all tend to run together until only I(and sometimes not me either) can sort it out. I like making lists of all the stuff I have to do instead of actually doing the stuff. But if I don't make lists, I would be totally lost.

On the other hand, I LOVE seeing a clean and perfectly organized room/house/desk. So every once in a while I get absolutely anal and clean and throw out just about everything. Good thing too or I would be a pack rat.

I like things that are hung straight and neat...bugs me to have them crooked.
Oh! This is turning out fun!!!

I think I should try and rub shoulders with some of you neat freaks. Maybe you will rub off on me. My office usually looks like a file cabinet exploded (luckily, I use a conference room for client meetings) and my house... well, let's not go there. It will be spotless by this weekend though as my parents are visiting.

And, I too love mashed potatoes w/ corn. It's the only way to eat it. Also, macaroni and cheese is really good with a little bit of apple sauce mixed in bite by bite.
Boy - I'm glad I'm not the only anal compulsive person around. I've actually gotten much better since my husband is a pig.

I too am a neat freak - to the point of if my throw rug's fringes weren't all straight it would drive me absolutely crazy...fluffy throw rugs in the bathroom...couldn't stand it if they had feet imprints in them.

However, still everything has a place and it better be in it! I will NOT leave the house with a dish in the sink. Toliet seats and lids must be down, towels must be hung straight and there better not even be a wrinkle in the bed comforter once made. If you sit on the bed, you better fix it. Me too - labels in cupboard must be facing outward and similiar items must be together.

Like I said, I've gotten much better - I use to alphebetize (sp?) my condiments in the fridge. I've gotten rid of all the fringey throw rugs because I was just too tired. Got short pile throw rugs for the bathroom so I didn't have to see hubby's feet in the pee position! And don't care about the condiments anymore!

Hubby says he gets exhausted just watching me! Those are probably my biggest quirks - anal compulsion, yep! You'd think I'd be skinny with all the dang running around I do!

Oh I must add - I blame all this on my Mother - she was/is a total pig...still love you MOM!
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nootka said:
Oh, I have a LOT Of them.  I could probably let it go and give in to OCD (too lazy to, I think!), but here is my list of the ones I can think of:
I have to have separate sponges for the dishes and for the counters.  Hubby thinks it's weird, but I think it makes sense...I don't wanna scrub the dishes w/the same one that I use to wipe down the counters.

Also, the tp and paper towel rolls should face out and hang down (over).

In public restrooms:  NO sitting on any toilet seat, no matter what!  I DID make a FEW exceptions when I was very pregnant, but used lots of those covers!  No touching anything except the door latch (I flush w/my foot or if I'm lucky, it's an auto flush).  After washing hands, I don't touch anything else on the way out.  If I HAVE to in order to get out, I use a paper towel which I toss as I run out the door.  (this is an area where I definitely let my inner OCD come out to play as I've seen too many people that do not wash and in there blowin' their noses and...well, I won't go there!)

My truck:  In the winter, I keep old bath towels on the floor to help keep the floors clean.  I wash them once a week or so depending on how dirty or wet they get. 

I guess there are a lot of little things I do that some consider odd or silly, but those are a couple that come to mind.  I think some of them fall into the category of superstition, but it's what makes us all unique, our idiosyncrasies?

Liz M.


i do EXCATLY THE SAME THING or i put tissue right round the seat i use tissue to turn off the taps and open the door, i breathe in walking past people as i dont want to inhale there breath, i always shine my taps until they shine,i buy everything in even numbers ,eg two of everything, if there is only one left i wont buy it, i cant stand repetative noise, tapping or singing the same thing over and over, i dont like lights on, i suppose im weird too, but at least im not on my own lol
OK, I'll bite...

Milk: I love it, I drink it everyday. But it MUST be served in glass (not plastic), and the glass must be clear (not colored). If someone puts milk in a plastic glass (ugh, gagging thinking about it), or heaven forbid, if some spills, even if I'm not in the room, the smell makes me sick. And a second glass of milk (what some would call a refill
) calls for a brand new, clean glass, otherwise I can smell it sticking to the edges. Ugh, I need some air just thinking about it....
ohh my other biggest quirk other than analizm (is that a word ??)..I must put salt in my beer
Bunch of Wierdos!!!!

I'm only compulsive in the barn. Each horse has it's own colored bucket. When we go out of town and someone else feeds for me.......OMG, the buckets are out of order!

I also have to sweep the floor after feeding the hay. Drives me nuts to have hay all over.

I used to be a neat freak in the house but hubby wears me down. I'm tired of picking up after him. He'll leave 4-6 empty soda cans sitting on the kitchen table. ARGH!

Don't invade my space. I'm not a touchy-feely kind of person. Family (mine) hugs are fine. You have to be a really close friend to get that close to me.

OMG another obessive compulsive milk drinker!! My family thinks I am the only one!!

Only I am opposite of you. I absolutely CANNOT drink milk from clear (glass) cup. The thought of it makes me sick, and what is even more sick, is that my moms glasses are tinted green....*gags*

I can only drink milk from a PLASTIC cup. Nothing else will do. I cant believe im admitting this part, but since ive already made a fool out of goes:

I will only drink whole milk out of a red cup. Why? because bottles of whole milk have a RED label. This is most important.

2% milk is made for Dark Blue cups, to match the label.

These rules must never be broken or I might be sick.


Liz,, I am the same as when it comes to public Toliet seats. Ewwee.eww....

Even have that hand sanitizer to make sure there are no germs on my hands, even after I washed them.

But on the other side.. can rub my hands all over my horses and not worry about it!!

Is just people that are germy.

Lets see.. I have to eat with plastic forks, spoons and knives.. my teeth are so sensitive I can't eat with anything metal.

The toliet seats in the house.. all the lids must be down.

I don't like to shop. Exspecially now that I have to use those little annoying motorized carts.

Don't like large crowds.

My horses stalls and all that, must be perfectly clean. However my house never is.

I really hate loud noises.. any kind of loud noises.. from Voices to music to machines.. it drives me up the walls. Can cause me phyiscal pain.. in which makes me grumpy.

Sure I am forgetting something.
OK, my turn...

I didn't read all the other replies, but I will, and I hope I find someone else who does the same as me!

I do not look ahead on calendars. I want each new month to be a surprise.

When I drink water at night, must have an even number of swallows. Don't know why.

Pictures in the dictionary that do not definitively describe what they represent bother me. For instance, next to Absynnian (sp) cat is a picture of a cat that could be ANY cat.

Misspellings in public places and grammatical errors in newspapers or on TV. I know I can't spell everything correctly, but if it is going to the PUBLIC it needs to be right.

My beer needs to be in a particular Koozie. If I can't have that one, then another one will do, but not naked.

I reset the mileage counter after a fill-up.

If I am not in the shower by 5:00 am on the dot I feel late. If I have to wash my hair I have to get in by 4:45 am. If not, I won't wash my hair because I'll feel late.

Jeff Wiggle should be green, not purple.

This was FUN!

* I like flat soda, so I shake up the bottles and let the fizz out before I drink it
Finally!!! I'm not the only one!!!
Woowoo! Now there's three of us! I only drink lemon-lime...clear dyes for me.

i breathe in walking past people as i dont want to inhale there breath, i always shine my taps until they shine,i buy everything in even numbers ,eg two of everything, if there is only one left i wont buy it,
I think you mean exhale? Me too, that is why I just cannot go to movie theatres. Sorry, just can't stand the thought of sitting there in the dark, with all these people breathing.
And yes, I do have to have shiny taps, the house might not be spic-n-span, but those taps are.
And I too have everything done in even shopping cart looks like I am shopping for the Arc.

I didn't know there were so many strage things that "we" all have in common. Perhaps we aren't the strange ones after all...maybe it's THEM!

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