Your Dogs' Vocabulary

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
I thought it was time again to see what words do your dogs know
When you think about it, they're A LOT better at understanding what we say than vice versa.

Our dogs know:

  • Daddy
  • Mommy
  • Cookie
  • Let's go outside
  • Time to go inside
  • Car
  • Get off the bed / sofa / whatever
  • Breakfast (which is what they call dinner, too)
  • Piece of cheese? (and there's a cheese song, below...)
  • Get your monkey / get your cow (favorite toys)
  • Shut up (we're rude to the dogs)
  • Look,, a doggie (look on the tv or out the window)
  • Give me a kiss
  • Sit
  • Shake
  • Get out
  • Knock it off
  • Daddy's home / Mommy's home
  • Do you wanna _______ (anything prefaced by "Do you wanna" makes them happy)
  • Each others names
  • Get the cat (get the cat out of the room -- yeah, poor cat)
In addition to their vocabulary, because I'm goofy, I sing to them all the time and make up songs for them. There is one song they get happy about, and that would be the cheese song:

Oh pleaseCould they have

A piece of cheese

A piece of cheese

Is what they need

Oh, plee-eeze

A piece of cheese
I guess I shared this (again), to cement into your minds that I'm a goober.

[SIZE=18pt]So, what about your dogs? What words do they know?[/SIZE]
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:smileypuke: You forgot the all important one, the one that we (mini owners) all have in common, and they very non appealing one: DROP THE POOP!!

The one that you get the said puppy eyes on, Where did you go? One day if I get an answer, I will propably pass out!! :eek:
My cats know a lot of words, because we talk to them all the time.

Our dogs--well, Sheba used to know alot of words, because she was smart & we'd talk to her quite a bit.

The two dogs we have now are a little less than clever. Words they know:

DROP IT (as in the horse poop Kellie just picked up and was going to carry into the yard)

Come here


Go lay down



and the generic:

STUPID DOG which Kellie knows to mean she'd better get to her dog house because she's done something that she's in deep doo doo over & it would be wise for her to remove herself from my sight for awhile.

The useful words that Sheba used to know are totally lost on Kellie. I tell her "GO GET 'EM" and she looks at me as if to say "duh, what?"

As for Lucy, "go get 'em" seems to mean to her "go to your doghouse" :eek:
My German Shepherd Jet knows a few






*down (puts her head down)

*over/jump (she will jump what ever I point at or just up in the air)

*find ty (our Shetland that roams our property)

*get the rat

*bang (play dead)

*roll over

*dont move (will stay in any position I put her in)


*scary (will put her hackles up and growl)


*get it (she will go and get anything I point at)


*up (stand on her hind legs)


*get on your bed

She knows alot more but the list could go on for a while

she is an amazing dog I feel like she can read my mind she is so smart
This is fun :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin

I don't know how I forgot the "Drop the poop" (which is "ewwwwwww nasty bad dog drop it" at our house).

One of the most disgusting things but I laugh when I think back (future reference -- I am ALWAYS ready to ear about something gross!) was that Winston gorged himself on horse poop, came bounding in the house, up on the bed and puked it all up for me on the bedspread!
Well Sashey has only been here about a month so we have not exactly covered a whole set of vocabulary but she knows ..

  • Get The Boys -That means run to the door because her two little brothers came over with my sister and are sitting on the porch. She takes off FLYING when you say 'get the boys' or 'Boooooys'
  • Go to the house -When she is outside and starts to follow me to the barn, i just yell 'go to the house' and she goes back up to the porch lol
  • 'Wanna go out' - Means go to the door and wait for me to open it so you can go potty
  • Bed Time
  • Wheres the food????? -She runs to the food dish lol
  • Get the squeeky (her faverite squeeky toy)
  • Wanna go for a car ride?? -She loves her car rides and gets all excited if you say anything that sounds like car lol.
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there are SO many!!

let's go eat! (said after chores both morning and evening and elicits a rousing game of who can get to the back door and into the kitchen first)

where's dad? (both make a beeline for the bedroom. if he isn't in there, it's out to his recliner. on the rare occasions that he's not in either spot, they fly back out the door, totally confused)

where's your ball? (maggie goes to their toy basket, simon waits for her to bring a tennis ball to him which she often does)

wanna go car ride? (they must read my mind because sometimes i'll take the van, other times i'll take the car. they ALWAYS, without fail, go to the vehicle i was thinking of taking...insert twilight zone theme music here)

let's burn the trash!!! (they have 20 acres to play on but for some reason, if *I* go, it's always better!)

wanna go for a walk? (they have 20 acres to play on but for some reason...well, you know)

let's go see nana!! (they have 20 acres to play on but for...well...)

let's go see uncle rod!! (they have 20 acres to play on but...)

let's go feed the boys!! (said immediately prior to chores and i mean IMMEDIATELY because from the time i say it till the time i'm actually doling out the feed, they are barking machines!)

where's ozzie and taz? (my brother-in-law's 2 aussies and my dogs''s out the door and down the lane to see if the neighbor dogs can come out and play)

there are at least a half million phrases that will wake them from a deep sleep and send them out the door and down the lane at warp comes john! here comes uncle george? who IS it??

our dogs know my body language every bit as well as they know my spoken words. many times, i just have to move or give them a certain look and they know exactly what i'm thinking.
In addition to most of the basics.........

The most important word that our four dogs know is: "OUT" (It means get out of my space!)

The second one is: "QUIET" (no need to explain that one......)

Another one is "OhhhKaaaayyyy" (That means I'm about to go do a project, usually outside and they ALL jump up to "help".)

Philllipe started taking agility classes, so now in addition to the long list I posted last time, he's learning:












i forgot one of the most important ones...


that's what i tell the dogs at mealtime when we have company over. if it's just us, i don't mind them sitting under the table and waiting for a crumb to drop but when company is here for a meal, i want them to go lay down. they don't really have actual baskets :eek: but they each know it means to go to their favorite spot (other than under the table) to lay down.

mininik, isn't agility just the most fun EVER?!? i did some with both of my corgis a few years ago, wish i had time to do more!
I have 11 dogs and the most important one is .......................

"Do YOU want to live until tomorrow???"

I had a cockatoo who used to yell that out the door to anyone walking by.
:new_rofl: That is awesome!!!!! So funny!
Well my cocker is dumb and really dosent know much of anything. She does know



Wanna go outside?

Go to bed, Go to bed now(angery at this point)

The bostons know

Go to bed

Wanna go for a ride




and probably more

Bella half heartedly knows:


go to bed

Bad Dog!


My little guy Tracker knows...

Wanna go potty?

Wheres daddy

Is daddy home?

Are you hungry

Do you want some chow?

Sit, stay, down, come, no

Time for bed


I need to get a recent photo of him yet too
My German Shepherd knows any phrase containing BALL and what to do with it.

If shes in the car, to tease her we'll say "Wheres your ball?" And the look on her face, she looks around franticly for it.

She knows Wheres your ball - Get your ball etc... Eat. Hurry up. GET. Find the kittys. And the usual, Sit, stay, come, lay down, play dead, roll over, heal, sit pretty, shake...

She also plays hide and seek and catch (She'll even throw the ball back)
This is fun
:) I thought of a few more my dogs (or some of my dogs) know:

  • Come here
  • Get in your room
  • Get on your pillow
  • Move
  • Are you thirsty (Winston has a little container he likes to drink out of vs. the regular water bowl and we'll hold it for him so he can have a drink in bed... little rug rat!)
  • Look out your window (something interesting is there to be seen)
Nice post! :bgrin



Come, etc (basics)

Go Out


Car (Wanna go for a ride????)



Bang! (play dead)

Roll over


Spin & Twist

Pray (lol, this one's cute)

And then there's

Leave it

DROP THAT RIGHT NOW! And all other form of----Put it down!Stop!

NO, get out! (usually means that one of them's in the paddock again and we've already tried the better aproach 'Come here, puppuppup! Come on!'
: )

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
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One of the things Sunshine recognizes that I always get a kick out has nothing to do with words. My outside shoes are usually sitting by my computer near the back door. The minute he sees me putting shoes on he flys through the pet door to get outside before I do. He's even come from a sound sleep and done it....he can go from snoring to flying in the blink of an eye.
I have two dogs, a Golden and a BichonPoo. Bryer, is the golden he'll be 9 this coming june and Duke is the BichonPoo will be one.


~Who's a good Boy?

~Let's Dance

~Give me a Hug

~Fruitcake (Duke's Other name)

~Get her feet

~Help Me



~Stay (although not very well)

~Over (Which means move to th side

~Back (to back away from the door)

~Shut Up

~I Love You




~Snow (my dog Bryer loves to catch and find snowballs)

~Go get it

~bad Boy

~Retard (again mean lol)

IDK Ican't really think of anything else
We have four dogs - three poodles and a Golden. They know many words and/or phrases, but I think the most utilized one is this:

"Who Wants Treats???!"
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