Thank you all for your imput. We still have not heard back from the surgeon. (He's on vacation) Surgery is not something we are rushing into, which is why we are in a waiting mode. As I explained to Janell, the shoes will not work in this case, at least not now. It was very difficult to get good pictures of her foot. In the pictures I posted, it looks like her hoof is just too long. That part has been trimmed. Unfortunately, that is not her problem. The hoof is completely off to the inside. The bottom of her hoof has never seen the ground. She is walking completely on her lower legbone. Right now, she gets around pretty good. Looking at her you would think, let her be. That was my original thought too.
My Equine Vet showed me her xrays and explained that she thought the bones just above her hoof might still be viable. However the higher bones, because of the unusual stress being exerted because of the way she walks, already have stress fractures. Without surgery, Nell probably would be ok for a couple of years. But, as she matures and adds weight, the leg would eventually give out and during the last year or so before that happens, she would be in severe pain.
However, if she has the upper bones fused and her lower bones trained to resume their original shape (here is where the Magic Shoe would come in) Nell should be able to live a normal life with a life expectency of 20 to 30 years. The rest of her Dwarf charactictics are minimal.
Now, if the surgeon agrees with my Vet, and fuses the bones, Jeannie (my Vet) plans on being there for the surgery and will help with the rotating of the hoof. It may have to be put into a cast for a short while and when thats removed, the Magic Shoe will be put on. None of this is set in stone. It all depends on what the surgeon has to say and how much money this would cost. CMHR cannot afford extensive surgery and I am very much aware of that as I am the Treasurer. So, we will sit and wait. My sincere hope is that we can do the operation at a reasonable price and Nell can live the life she deserves. She is one of the sweetest minis I have ever met and considering her lonely existence before we got her, it is a mini miracle.