While you were distracted......

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Oct 2, 2005
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Something else MUCH more important was going on.

While you were kept busy with the Chick-Fil-A charade a much more dire event was taking place (well several actually) that has far more immediate importance in you life, just as I intimated.

Ann, has been sending warnings for many months now to alert people about what is about to happen.

After the MF Global theft and how it was treated she shuttered her investment business as she could no longer, in good conscience, advise her clients to "invest" as all the investment ground was revealed to be quick sand. Now you can ignore this or even make up lies about Ann, BUT also understand that she has been PRECISELY correct in everything she has said to date. I do like that she doesn't pull punches or sugarcoat things. This is actually a pretty tame piece for her.

RED ALERT: It's Open Season on All Customer Funds

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - August 10, AD 2012 3:33 PM MST

The NFA is collusion with the Banksters, government and judiciary have achieved their goal. The entire concept of "customer segregated funds" is officially, completely, legally dead.

Guys, it is OVER. I know that many of you are still cowering in normalcy bias, unable to deal with reality, unable to face the world as it is, but you have GOT to snap out of it. The marketplace is DESTROYED. You CANNOT be in these markets. All legal protections are now officially gone.

Do you remember how I told you about the Ponzi scheme that imploded in 2007 called "Sentinel Management Group" that stole over $500 million in customer funds? The NFA was the auditing regulator of Sentinel, and the NFA admitted after the Sentinel Ponzi imploded that they signed off on their audits even though the NFA claimed not fully understanding Sentinel's books or accounting methods. In other words, the NFA didn't really audit Sentinel at all - they just PRETENDED to audit them, drew up some forms, had some robosigners sign off, and then just hoped that when the crap hit the fan, everyone in the industry would be so terrified of the NFA that no one would hold the NFA accountable for their criminal malfeasance - or even talk about it.

Sentinel took customer segregated money and fraudulently used it as the collateral on a loan from Bank of New York Mellon for $312 million to fund their own in-house proprietary trading operations. When the Sentinel Ponzi collapsed, BNYM sued to go to the front of the line of creditors - ahead of the customers of Sentinel whose money was fraudulently used as collateral, which has now been "linguistically sanitized" into the word "hypothecated".

The federal appeals court ruled yesterday that not only does BNYM stay at the front of the line, but that using customer segregated funds as collateral is NOT a crime, and that co-mingling customer segregated funds with proprietary funds is NOT fraud.

Here is the Reuters piece.

Read this quote from the ruling, which is, in essence, the entire financial market paradigm being guillotined:

That Sentinel failed to keep client funds properly segregated is not, on its own, sufficient to rule as a matter of law that Sentinel acted ‘with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud' its customers.
U.S. Circuit Judge John D. Tinder
What this means is that even if Jon Corzine is somehow dragged into court by private citizens, because you know darn good and well that the Justice Department will never, ever touch him, Corzine now has a legal precedent, likely from a bribed or otherwise coerced Federal Appeals Court, explicitly stating that an FCM can use customer deposits to pay its debts, and that the customers themselves are subjugated and have basically no legal right to their own monies, no matter what the law says, or what legal assurances, claims or guarantees are made to that customer about their funds held with an FCM or any other brokerage or depository institution. The "secured" party at the front of the line will always be the mega-bank who made the fraudulent loan using the stolen customer funds as collateral.

In other words, all customer funds in the United States are now the legal property of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BNYM, or whichever megabank is the counterparty on the loans the FCM or depository institution takes out in order to fund its mega-levered proprietary in-house trading desks.

For the love of God, I don't know what more there could possibly be to say to snap you people out of your normalcy bias trance. You have GOT to get ALL MONIES out of the financial system NOW. This ruling sets precedence for every depository institution, not just futures brokerages. It is now legal in the United States for any financial institution to steal customer funds, borrow money against those funds for the uber-levered proprietary trading use of the financial institution, and the customers have ZERO CLAIM TO THEIR OWN FUNDS once they are in the custody of the financial institution.

The court has ruled that once your money passes out of your PHYSICAL POSSESSION, and I mean PHYSICAL possession, it is no longer yours, and you have no legal claim or legal recourse to it when it is stolen. This includes BANK ACCOUNTS. Money in a bank is in the possession of the BANK, not you. Do you comprehend this? The entire system is utterly devoid of any integrity or genuine security and is breaking down catastophically before our very eyes. You HAVE to comprehend that your money sitting in an account is no longer legally yours. You have to force your brain to process and comprehend this, no matter how incomprehensible it may seem. IT IS OVER. This is Marxist heck. We have arrived.

This ruling and precedent will be used by every brokerage, every bank, every insurance company and every pension fund to deny you your money when the financial system finally collapses, be it on Monday, or be it two years from now.


You have GOT to GET OUT.

And all of this goes straight back to the criminal mafia that is the National Futures Association, and the fact that they have not actually been auditing those firms who were in the "cosa nostra", and allowing Ponzi schemes to operate with full bureaucratic protection for decades. Sentinel. PFG Best. The legal precedent enabling this protection racket and blatant fraud and thievery is fully in force, and what Corzine did at MF Global is now legally PROTECTED.

This is ecomonic treason.

Treason is a capital offense, meaning that the death penalty is fully justified, warranted and on the table, should the day ever come when a Second American Republic is established, and with it the re-establishment of the rule of law and justice in this land.

I love reading your posts, because I feel like my IQ goes up a couple of points each time I do - once I read through a few times and figure out what is being said (not because your writing is bad, but because you "talk" above me). So, if I'm reading this right, the money I have in the bank, the money I have in my deferred comp retirement, and the money I have paid into my retirement system can now be considered as "not mine" should they so desire? I am an intelligent person, but not fiscally intelligent. I do well enough to manage my personal funds and pay my bills, but investing and all of that just goes right over my head.

So, are we truly supposed to pull everything out of the banks? I can't actually get to any of my invested money. It's so confusing! But you are definitely right about one thing. We are so busy paying attention to petty, idiotic stuff while the truly important things going on around us go unnoticed because they are harder for us to understand. Thanks for trying to educate us!

Barbara - fearmongers of any kind are usually reacting to what they think might happen as the worst case scenario however unlikely it may truly be - and often write that way to appeal to their fans and those who follow them. Basic financial advice and musings do not get you much attention, after all.

I would not change any financial affairs based on one person's carefully crafted conspiracy theories - and this person has a truckload of conspiracy theories on all sorts of topics. Even if a few good points are made, if you have to resort to fearmongering to try and get your points across, then the points were not very substantive to begin with...

Interesting style she has there, Carriage - but the presentation is severely lacking, as I have said...
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Tag - I do agree and was not running to my bank to pull out my meager funds. However, I do wish I understood more of the complex economics. It's such an important topic, but I just don't take the time to truly educate myself. The more educated you are on a topic, the easier it is to determine what is hype and what is truth.
What about the FDIC? As I've always understood it, up to a certain amount (which easily covers what I have in the bank!) is insured against loss by the banking institutions.
Wow. I just did a google of this "Ann". Her radical rant and burning of some pages of the Koran are no better than the rants of radical Islamists. Hatred seems to be flowing both ways and won't solve anything. Please investigate before for yourselves before you put faith in her words.
The more educated you are on a topic, the easier it is to determine what is hype and what is truth.
Very true, Barbara... but this Ann Barnhardt person is a lot of hype. Here is her very self-serving blog. Lots of... shall we say... interesting ... commentary there.
Wendy when you research FDIC and it's "reserves" or capacity to make good on its claim, you find that it can't really cover more than 3 percent of deposits nationwide. This has been generally known and admitted for many years.

I see much disagreement with Ann and along predictable lines. However, and as a more common tactic these days, no refutation of the facts she reveals is forth coming. Perhaps if one were to show a little more maturity and focus on the meat of the message vs spelling, grammar, sentence structure, disagreeable religious or political views or what ever other red hearing makes itself handy for you, you might glean very important information that could be of help.

The issue, isn't how likable she is to you and I'm guessing she really doesn't care, rather it's whether what she say's has veracity. From a pure financial standpoint, I haven't seen her wrong yet. I find it very curious that when somebody you align with speaks, you find no fault. But when somebody you disagree with speaks, they are "self serving" and "interesting". If one is not prepared to learn from even the disagreeable, most often one isn't prepared to learn.

If a white guy was so bigoted towards blacks that he refused to hear or read what any black guy ever said or wrote, would he not miss out on very large body of knowledge? However if said white guy were to drop his bigotry, hatred, superiority complex, well then, now he is ready to learn and reason. That alone is of great help to the slave trying to free themselves from the slave holder.

My apologies regarding distracting you from preferred distractions. I'm sure everything will be fine.
I do believe that the US dollar is going to fail at some point...when, one can only speculate. If we end up at gold standard I can only imagine the loses folks are going to take. Anytime you invest, it's a gamble though. For me, if I withdrawal my $ from my TSP, I will face hugh penalties, most likely half of it will be gone by the time I pay those penalties...and that pretty much goes for anyone who has a 401k and not of age to withdraw. I don't know much about 'Ann', I would not go on her word alone, but I am interested in what she had to say regarding the matter. Something I need to research more.
I find it very curious that when somebody you align with speaks, you find no fault. But when somebody you disagree with speaks, they are "self serving" and "interesting". If one is not prepared to learn from even the disagreeable, most often one isn't prepared to learn.
Carriage - it is obvious you are a devotee of Barnhardt. Nothing wrong with that - but maybe you choose not to notice some of the bizarre stuff she talks about. She comes across as a wannabe Ann Coulter, hoping to outrage and be noticed and be that renowned. If she cannot get her message across without resorting to that drama and fearmongering... then it is only wise to look at that message with a bit of skepticism and investigate further. And when you investigate further, IMO there is a lot to be skeptical about.

I do not care for the fearmongering that goes on, no matter who is doing it. Obama, Romney (both campaigns do it and it will just get worse) ... ANY talking heads or pundits who go that route cheapen their message...

Perhaps if one were to show a little more maturity and focus on the meat of the message vs spelling, grammar, sentence structure, disagreeable religious or political views or what ever other red hearing makes itself handy for you, you might glean very important information that could be of help.
Perhaps if one could not be so condescending and dismissive of others' views and opinions, a good discussion about financial issues could develop. Perhaps if Barnhardt showed more maturity in her writing and presentation, her financial concerns could be discussed. Perhaps if the meat of the message had the fat and drama and posturing trimmed off it, it would be easier to digest.

Perhaps if she did not toss out so many "red herrings" and hit people over the head with them, she could be taken a lot more seriously - and any good points she might make at some point would not be lost along the way...
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This isn't the first time I've thought what a good thing it is that a person must pass regulatory exams and become licensed and registered before charging for their financial insight and advice.
"Ninety Miles An Hour Down a Dead End Street

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - July 12, AD 2012 11:39 AM MST

People are emailing asking what firm I recommend.











The ENTIRE SYSTEM is totally, completely corrupt and therefore NO FIRM IS SAFE.

Don't be stupid. Don't be obtuse. Snap yourself out of the Stockholm Syndrome that you are clearly stuck in.

Get ALL MONEY out of the ENTIRE FINANCIAL SYSTEM, including stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, futures, EVERYTHING.

But what about . . .

What part of EVERYTHING are you not comprehending?

One. More. Time. If you can't touch it, if it isn't physically on your property such that you can stand in front of it with an assault rifle and PHYSICALLY defend it, you don't own it, and it could be confiscated/stolen from you at any time, if it ever actually existed at all."

So I guess she is expecting that everyone should put their money under a mattress, a home safe? She doesn't seem to give any guidance though on how to grow the money. This is going to make very poor seniors.

It only makes sense, in today's monetary climate, no matter what country you live in, to not put all your financial eggs in one basket. This is not rocket science.
Interesting but what would she have us do? Convert our money into gold? Hide it under our mattress? We couldn't put money in a safe deposit box if the banks weren't safe could we? I think it's important to be conversant on debt, inflation, monetizing the debt and how that could potentially cause problems for you. And we need to be as self reliant as we can be. I think I'm more of an advocate of Glenn Beck's "Restoring Love" and that's the path I shall chose as I contemplate my future.

Anyway, I'd like to hear about her solutions to the problem she outlines. Interesting read.
Well I have to say I do not trust the Banks or the Federal Reserve, but this Ann lady sounds more like she is trying to cause a panic and that is not good advice.
The initial article posted saying this was just happening while we were off discussing another topic....well that rant was from December 2011. She is basically an extremists it seems in many of her beliefs. From women in the military, to her views about Muslims, to homosexuals, etc etc. She reminds me of the Phelps. Here are her words. Sorry, I have no respect for such an individual. My personal opinion is she has some major issues and much hatred. It is rather sad. While critizing Islam for the way women are treated it seems she wants to also get rid of women's rights in your country. In her blog she mentions that women should go back and give up the vote, that men need to become the head of the family and only have their vote count... Guess she believes that women should be kept barefoot and pregnant.


Congratulations, guys. Every time your wife took her pill at night, YOU were laying out the red carpet for homosexuality. Every vasectomy, every tubal ligation just kicked the door open for all sexual perversions. It is your fault. YOU DID THIS. And you will be made to answer for it in the next life. In your GREED for material wealth over Truth and Life, you destroyed Western Civilization. Heckuva job, there, Kids. Maybe you should think about doing something to right that wrong, eh?

My point is, contraception and abortion are mortal sins. They jeopardize a person’s immortal soul. ObamaCare is DEMANDING that every American Catholic and Christian of good will who believes in the Truth literally put themselves in a position wherein they are in grave sin and are rejecting and betraying Christ, and are thus in danger of eternal darnation, according to the teachings of Christ and His Church. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT. ObamaCare makes it FUNCTIONALLY IMPOSSIBLE to be a Roman Catholic AND an American. It prohibits the FREE EXERCISE of Catholicism. Period. This is not debatable. It is an objective fact.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Since we were just talking about the whole musloid pork thing, let’s put it in that context – just for a deeply imperfect analogy. Forcing Catholics to subsidize contraception is like forcing muslims to eat pork every day. How do you think a “daily pork consumption mandate” would go over? Yeah. Like poop in the punchbowl. Surely, surely there must be a Catholic lawyer somewhere in this country who can argue that the government can not force individuals to actively purchase a service commodity that subsidizes an activity that they believe could imperil their souls according to their ancient religious beliefs, and thus violates their First Amendment right of free exercise. Good grief, muslims can literally get away with murder in the name of “honor killing”. You’re telling me this can’t even be ARGUED???? Of course it can. Someone just needs to man up and do it.

The verbiage in the ObamaCare act was inserted to give musloids an “out”. But God, in His very clever Grace, has sown the seeds of ObamaCare’s destruction in the very words that were designed to make non-muslims de facto second class citizens. I am now reminded of Alinsky Rule #4: Make the Enemy live up to its own book of rules.

I can’t tell you how delicious and beautiful this is. You want to end ObamaCare, America? Well, well. It just so happens that they way to do that is to RETURN TO CHRIST and reject the evil of contraception and abortion once and for all. If you reject contraception you can bring ObamaCare crashing down. If you choose to continue sowing the wind, you will be made to reap the whirlwind. God is One Smart Dude. If you won’t do it willingly, he’ll just FORCE you to do it, using the sword of the enemy hanging over your head to make you understand. Talk about sifting the wheat from the chaff! Yeah. He’s getting totally Old Testament with us now. Either you choose Him and the Truth, or you’re going to get your butt kicked. Does this make you uncomfortable? Does this tick you off? Wow. I so totally DON’T CARE. This must be how Jeremiah felt. Well, bring the cistern, baby. Let’s do this.

Where my Catholics at? Send this to your bishops, priests, Pewsitter.com, every Catholic legal defense fund, pro-life group and news portal and blogger you know of. Most clergy today are miserable money-grubbing 501©3-pandering, politicking cowards, Marxists and/or homosexualists who will fold like a cheap tent, but maybe this will click for some of the good ones. No matter what, we are obliged to fight the good fight and at least TRY. You have to TRY. You have to DO SOMETHING."
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I guess if I ever get around to calling you to discuss Ecuador this is just one more topic we can discuss. It is a good thing I have unlimited long distance calling because I am going to make the call eventually. I encourage you to do homework on financial collapse. While I cannot say if one world currency will happen during our lifetime, I believe it will happen eventually, based on prophecy. Here is a start: do a search keywording libor and fico. A multitude of articles could come up that will make you go hmmmmmmmm. Dig deeper and try a search with Iclei. You will get all sorts of rabbit trails to wonder down. Happy hopping sweet lady.


Admittingly, I do not totally have you figured out but I do respect you and have ceased my skimming over what you write
and try to take in the full context.


I totally stopped my TSP contributions as I was not getting a match anyway. I am leaving it setting in less risky and am taking what I was investing and paying off debt instead. Two years and + months from now I am cashing out IRAs I have if there is anything left of course...

I totally stopped my TSP contributions as I was not getting a match anyway. I am leaving it setting in less risky and am taking what I was investing and paying off debt instead. Two years and + months from now I am cashing out IRAs I have if there is anything left of course...
It all depends on your situation and how much longer you have to retire...my husband has 8 and I have 7, we put in the max and have made some very risky moves, so far it has paid off as we have a 17% return for the past 12 months. Be awesome if you could come up with a budget to payoff debt and still contribute, even if you are staying in a safe fund. My husband follows an intrepid timer and makes moves constantly...so far it has paid off....I shall kill him if he loses all our money...lol.
People with TSP's and a ways from retirement... there is now an option where you may elect to have your contributions go into a ROTH account. I'd encourage people to look into it. You wouldn't get a tax deduction for what you put into the ROTH part, but when you take the money out, it comes out tax free and it grows tax free while in the ROTH part of the TSP.

I do not know if there are income phase outs for ROTH contributions within a TSP as there are when it comes to IRA's. I'd love to be able to contribute to a ROTH but cannot. This may be a way for people who are otherwise inelligle for a ROTH to have one.

If you think about it, when it comes to traditional TSP's, 403b's, 401k's and (traditional) IRA's, how much of it do you really own? Probably only about 2/3 by the time you pay income taxes... the bigger you grow the "pot" the bigger you grow your income tax liability. It's really a GREAT deal for Uncle Sam. ... Do the math and compare the tax deduction you get now to the income tax you will pay later.

While I am not making a blanket recommendation to pursue the ROTH option, I am encouraging people in that position to look into it and gain an understanding of what it could mean to them.
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