Where does your dog(s) sleep at night???

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Heather's Bed : Gizmo - 10 yo Peekapoo on his own pillow beside Heather, Joseph - 12# 3yo rescue cat raised on a bottle, thinks he's one of the dogs right beside him
; Wrangler - 4 yo Yellow lab on dog bed beside bed or on foot of bed, Indy -Choc lab puppy 3mo - in crate

Our bed: Scrunchy (had that named when he adopted us) , 7yo min pin x toy rat terrier under covers at my feet; rescue chi - Pepsi - 5yo, under covers by my side; Two, crazed Lhasa Apso rescue dog 2yo, on covers next to David unless he is on nights, then on his pillow crying every 2 hrs (she really loves him and has horrible separation anxiety)....; Ellie May, 2yo Golden retriever beside bed or blocking bedroom door

One outside dog - Jackie, 9 yo Rott x has dog house in mini pasture where she guards HER horses day and night! Hates the house and strange dogs

You think that's bad - during the day, Two has to go to work with one of us, Scrunchy has his own pillow to stay in bed all day, Gizmo has his own pillow also, Pepsi sleeps on the back of the couch with Joseph. Wrangler, Ellie, and Indy go out in their pens.

My dogs are not spoiled - I am well trained, LOL
My 10 yr old llassa apso Pugger sleeps in the center of the bed between us and up by my head. Buster, 1 year old Visla sleeps in his galoo on the back porch and my Sissy dog, 6 year old border collie/cow dog mix sleeps on the golf cart. Cat Echo sleeps inside till I put her out around midnight. Come winter, Buster will sleep inside probably where ever he wants too.
Our wee dog Pepper (mini schnauzer, all 8 1/2 lbs, was the runt of the litter) sleeps in our bed and UNDER the covers. I believe she thinks she is a cat, hence the reason for burrowing under the covers, as we have 5 cats that do that and those are her play buddies
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My chihuahua sleeps with me under the covers at my feet, when hubby is on the road, when he is home, he sleeps with my four year old daughter. My deaf cockerspaniel sleeps in the utility room on a blanket with a baby gate to keep her in so she doesn't eat my chihuahua
Oh my goodness! Seems I have a whole harem of dog... I swear if I get one more animal my boyfriend will leave me (not necessarily a bad thing :)

First I have a 13 year old poodle that stays in the house. He used to always sleep in bed with me until boyfriend come along and grouched at him. Now he sleeps on pillows and blankets next to the bed on my side.

Second, We have Gus... a 7 year old weenie dog that ONLY dearly loves my daughter. He sleeps with her. Gus IS Savannah's boy.

Third, we have a 2 year old English Bulldog. She sleeps in her crate 80% of the time cause she has never gotten the hang of "house breaking."

Fourth, a rescue Great Dane. Yep, I've got a soft spot for Dane's. He stays either in my house (living room ) at night or next door at my cousins. I lost my 8 year old Great Dane, Duke, to congestive heart failure on August 8, 2005. He slept outside until he got ill then he slept inside. I cannot even tell you have I've mourned my "Big Ole Boy." He's one of a kind and can never be replaced. I hope that everyone has a "Duke" in their life!

Niki (Nikita), my 6 year old bi/black sheltie sleeps on the floor on my side of the bed.

But if the air conditioner is on she sleeps on the floor at the bottom of the bed.

Cody, my 2 year old Pom sleeps in his large crate in the living room. As a matter of fact it doesn't matter what Cody might be doing, at around 10 p.m. he will go to his crate, open the door, and lay down for the night!
My 5 yo, 140 pound Rottweiler sleeps at the foot of my bed

My 2 yo, 65 pound Rottweiler sleeps between my husband and I with her head on her own pillow.

My cat stands up and pushes my bedroom door open, always shortly after I fall asleep, and it SQUEEKS very loudly. Then she turns around and ever so graciously stands up and pushes it shut again. SQUEEEEEK...then she meows to be sure I am really sleeping in bed which, of course, I no longer am. She jumps up on the bed and pounces on me and kneads her place, lays down and starts to purr.

Somewhere in the middle of the night we may end up with 1, or 3, kids in our bed to add to all this.

I think my husband, who works out of town, sometimes wishes he were still gone so he could get some sleep. I tell him there really is enough room for them all when he ISN'T there.
This is fun!

Here is our dogs' sleeping locations:

Winston, 8yo shih-tzu, sleeps on his pillow, which is between H's pillow and my pillow on our king size bed.

Whitney, 8yo shih-tzu, sleeps between H and I's bodies.

Willow, 6yo shih-tzu, sleeps either near Whitney between us or on H's pillow.

Maggie, 1yo lab x chow, sleeps by H's legs.

Webster, 6yo shih-tzu, sleeps in the hall outside of the bedroom.

Kelsey, 5.5mos old collie, sleeps in the hall outside the bedroom

At night, I can't stand to have any of the dogs laying near my legs, like mashing the blankets on my legs. I just can't stand how that makes it feel like my legs are pinned down, but H doesn't mind if they sleep near his legs.

AND, in case that's not enough fur people on the bed... two of our cats usually sleep on the bed as well.
Dobes on the bed beside me- funny little white thing in the bed till she gets too hot and has to surface for air and then she sleeps with her big "sisters"
Brutus - 9 yr old (125lb - not fat either - just tall and big) - on his own bed on the floor next to my side of the bed.

old dog's ...gotta love em...not a lot of love at 1:30 and then again at 2:30 then 3:30....go to sleep already dog) 
....this is so Brutus - if he's had a lazy day and not extremely tired, he is up and down all night...urgh!

Radar - 4 yr old mix (50lb - terrier/lab/spaniel/beagle/who knows) - on his own bed on the floor next to hubby's side of the bed.

We've tried letting them sleep with us - Radar is fine and is not a hog...Brutus gets in between the two of us and pushes both of us off the bed with his paws/back and moves around too much...so they sleep on the floor, but have their own beds.
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Jack (our fox terrier) and Katie (our ???) Sleep in a small stall in between the horses in the barn (neither has ever been in the house).

Aspen Our 1 year old Golden Retriever sleeps in her Crate in the house (for now).
We have one of those old fashioned king sized water beds so theres plenty of room for us and 4 little dogs. 3 Chi's and Maggie. But the funny thing is if I can't sleep, which happens alot, I come into my office here and watch tv, as not to bother Nates rest, but all 4 dogs follow me in and pig pile on top of me and the couch. We always just laugh and say we have a house full of love. If I could, I think I'd be one of those old crazy ladies with a hundred dogs and cats in my house. And horses!
This is a fun post!!

Molly 14 yr old lab mix, now sleeps in the laundry room on her bed because she is somewhat incontinent. She used to sleep on her bed in our room.

When Molly moved I felt guilty so I moved Luna 6 yr old lab into the laundry room on her bed!

Tulip, Tizzy and Murphy my 3 JRT's all sleep in a big crate in the laundry room together. All the JRT's are under a year and none of them are fully housetrained so until they are they are all crated! I would like one of the JRT's to snuggle with me at night but I will feel badly picking just one!
Randy, our almost 2 year old Golden Retriever makes a habit every single night to try to beat me into MY side of the bed......Gets booted off, of course. He usually ends up sleeping right next to the bed on the carpet.

Luna, 5 year old Karelian Bear Dog, and Shed my golden lab cross sleep in various places in the house. We have two big padded dog beds and a nice soft couch for them to choose from.

Diva the Doxie sleeps with me or on a folded blanket if I am to restless, Cinch sleeps at the side of my bed, Dylan sleeps at the bedroom door or in my daughter's bedroom, puppy sleeps in the kennel in my daughters room.
Rocky a JRT sleeps with my son under all the covers and Gracie the corgi sleeps with me on the bed until my husband comes in then she jumps on to her bed on the floor.
Bearboy, a 135# German Shepherd sleeps in the house till everyone is just about in a deep sleep then wakes us up to go outside, where it is cooler for his furry bod. If it's really nasty out he will sleep thru the night, inside.......if it's at all warm he prefers it outside, where he can keep an eye on everything.
This IS a fun thread; I've gotten a kick out of reading everybody's "sleeping arrangements"!

My 4 lb. Chihuahua, Mia, likes to sleep behind my knees, under the covers-when I turn over(can't sleep any way but on my side, and have to wake up to change sides!), she has to change sides, too. My Maltese,Angel, ALWAYS goes to bed on top of the covers, in the corner of the bed by my feet, but will occasionally move up during the night and sleep next to the middle of me-she almost NEVER wants under the covers, but, if there is thunder, she becomes "velcro dog", and shakes so badly the entire bed vibrates! Angel is also likely to bail out, barking loudly, at any perceived noise-I have figuratively scraped myself off the ceiling more than once....

Roma, my 130 lb. Ridgeback,used to sleep on a big soft dog bed in the family room, but now that I don't use the fireplace insert as much in the winter, she sleeps summer AND winter in the insulated garage-my new electric "heat storing" furnace out there keeps the garage VERY comfortable in the winter-even warmer than the house- and it stays pleasant and cool in the summer-and she appreciates that!!
Keeperofthehorses--that was a hoot! I am still chuckling over your post. Sounds like a home I could live in.
We only have two house pets left, 2 of ours have passed in the last year. We have a pug, "Bunny", that is my daughters dog, she has her own pillow on Chasta's bed but usually sleeps wrapped around her head with head tucked in Chasta's neck. I have a 13 year old peke, "Bandy", that usually sleeps at my feet in the bed, but then she gets hot and will jump back forth between there and the kitchen floor. I did have a 15 year old maltese, "Tinker" that would sleep around my middle and then we had a cat, "Malley" that would sleep at the bottom of my husbands feet. Just haven't been able to talk myself into getting another puppy yet. The pug is very jealous and I know it would cause ten times of chaos if a puppy entered the picture. I would love to get a boxer, and the pic someone posted on here is adorable.
We have two cocker spaniels. 6 yr old Buster who recently was fixed sleeps on the leather couch just outside our bedroom and Nellie until today would sleep in my husbands recliner or right outside our bedroom gate but she is expecting next weekend so we bought a big crate today and put a new bed inside and she already has gone to bed also right outside the bedroom door but in her new house. She was a crate puppy so this came very naturally for her. This crate is big enough to accomodate her and the pups for quite awhile. I probably wont close her in unless Buster becomes a problem. Bucket T one of our cats sleeps on top of the covers on my side of the bed by my feet and Spooker his brother sleeps on a window seat in the bedroom.

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