What kind of cart do you have??? For show? for Pleasure?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2003
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I was just wondering what kind of carts everyone uses. I have a show cart that my Dad made for me that is a pleasure style cart with open wheels. I originally had wooden wheels on it but found it was very heavy and with me being heavy to begin with thought it would be nicer for my horses if I had rubber wheels. Mine cannot be used for roadster right now but the basket does come off and Dad could easily add the stirrups and the closed wheel attachments for me and I might do that this year. I see all sorts of different carts on here and I just wondered if you would post pics of your carts and why you like yours or what you would like different about yours. :aktion033:

Oh here's a pic of mine....

Kudos to your Father for making such a nice cart, you are blessed to have him and your mini is so elegant!!!

I have one cart and am about one week away from ordering a second cart for my other mini who is 3" smaller and of lighter frame than the current driving guy. I'll order from the same maker but this time go with an easy entry style, wooden all the way around, including the wheels so that it will be correct for my goals, CDE's and ADT's with them. I've just been dinking around play driving, taking my time. On April 1 I head north to Iowa w/ the appy mini for a weekend of driving lessons which I"m looking forward to doing.

Here is a link to a photo taken two years ago when the cart arrived: http://community.webshots.com/photo/106794...052639572VKkfyv Since then I've purchased a new harness for the mini in the photo. One that is a little more substantial for his size and the one in the photo has been altered to use with the little mini who I'm training.

Locally there is a surge in folks teaching their mini's to drive and I think it's fabulous. What is sweeter than a big eyed mini trotting along w/ it's cart???
My cart is a Jerald Sulkey cart. My husband bought it at nationals before last. I like it because it can be used for Roadster or driving. Also it is made of Mahogany wood and it really pretty.

Mine is a Jerald that converts to roadster but if l was buying again l would have gotten the one with a wider base. Yes l bought this photo but it's at the other place.


But my favorite l'd go with the trusty Easy Entry it just goes anywhere and out lasts everything thats thrown at it. But you can't use them at shows to bad.

Mine is a Jerald that converts to roadster but if l was buying again l would have gotten the one with a wider base. Yes l bought this photo but it's at the other place.

But my favorite l'd go with the trusty Easy Entry it just goes anywhere and out lasts everything thats thrown at it. But you can't use them at shows to bad.
I don't show and don't currently have a mini trained for driving, but...

Why can't an Easy Entry be used for shows?

They look like they'd be safer in an emergency.
This is my new cart! I haven't used it in a show yet, but I will this show season. These pictures were taken very recently. I took them while trying to hold on to my horse, so they aren't the best. I use it for training since it's the only thing light enough for Dancer, and for showing. I bought it used.



we're selling a wood meadow brook cart. PM me if anyone is interested.
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You could use an easy entry in local shows. I think they mean you wouldn't want to go to a big national show etc. with that type cart as you would really stick out from everyone else. AMHR rules say "All pleasure driving vehicles must be of the two wheel type and have a basket. Undue noise reated by a vehilce will be a reason to excuse the entry from the ring." Now AMHA might be different. You could check them on line.

Here's the cart we use for parades and then we got a second one for shows. The second one is narrower wheel base and much easier manuvering for obstacle courses.


I thought we could use a EE one for Obsticle?

Maybe i got it backwards though.

You can use an EE for obstacle but I'm saying that a lot of EE carts are wider than the small show carts and it makes a difference in the turns etc. that are in an obstacle course. I think it's easier with the narrower base.
Mine is a Jerald that converts to roadster but if l was buying again l would have gotten the one with a wider base. Yes l bought this photo but it's at the other place.


But my favorite l'd go with the trusty Easy Entry it just goes anywhere and out lasts everything thats thrown at it. But you can't use them at shows to bad.


Does that easy entry cart hold one or two people?
When I was showing with a whole passel of kids, the EE cart sure got used. Here's son Chris:


and in my avatar I'm using the EE for Training level marathon. Three words: NO FLAT TIRES. Wish I had gotten them years ago. Wow, the number of tires we've popped on that poor thing, even with thorn guards!!

I love my Jerald; boot off and wood wheels on it does Dressage and cones:



with the boot and wire wheels:


Our Graber:



a hand crafted wood wheeled cart made by Robert Gersonde in Iowa:

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I don't own a show cart at this time, but I have an easy entry I have had since '98. We use it for just driving around for fun, but my favorite is this one:


it's a Hyperbike by Graham Carriage Works. It's very light (less than 30 lb.), silent and very durable. I've had mine since late '99 and it's seen a lot of use.

Everyone fights over who gets to use this one and I've never tipped it over.

I don't think it's approved for any shows, but it sure is FUN.

Liz M.
Wow thanks everyone, there are all sorts of neat options out there!! I love the cart I have and I would love to have several of the ones posted here too, hee hee a collection would be nice!!!! :aktion033:
If I were rich and had the space, I, too, could see having a cart collection for fun.

I love the antique vehicles, too. One of my favorites is the style of old "hearse" that had open windows on the sides and all the extra carving and detailing, the kind where four black horses would pull it. Would love to see a repro in miniature.

Liz M.
This is a vehicle I use for UK pleasure/exercise classes, also disabled driving classes.


this is another we use for pleasure and exercise classes and tandem training,


This is a pairs/team pleasure class vehicle


But this is an original 1900 phaeton for private driving classes in the UK


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