What is the "one thing" that just

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Kara. She is the sweetest and her parents tried to burn her alive.
: For Kara's parents! :new_2gunsfiring_v1:
"I feel that aging is a reality but aslo a thing that we don't really see until we approach it. " Don't mean to change the subject but this phrase is so true for manyof us. We just don't rrealize at a younger age that WE WILL grow old someday. I think anyone who really takes the time to enjoy life is lucky because at least there are good memories when they are older. I always put off enjoying life because I thought I could enjoy life AFTER I raised my family and after I worked hard to have a home and after etc. Well I found out that life doesn't always work that way and things happen when you are older that keeps a person from enjoying all they thought they could as an older person. I just want to say, you that are younger, and have dreams, see that they are fullfilled while you are young because you never know what will happen when you are older. Mary

Anyone in pain....physical or emotional. ~anyone unhappy~

I feel that aging is a reality but aslo a thing that we don't really see until we approach it. I think it is a fear that we must face as we get older.

Many older people lose their loved ones, friends, and family, and feel so alone. Some are so interesting and some are not, just as in other age groups; people are people. It is nice when others reach out to those who are alone and include them in a part of their lives...even if only for a few minutes...it can brighten up their whole day!

I challenge all of you..........and even myself.......to just take that few extra seconds to smile at the elderly, or the lonely, and just say hello. You just don't know what that does for them to know that someone maybe understands just a little.
Absolutely Geri. The most valuable thing we can give to others is our time. Even a couple of minutes can give a bit of happiness that someone cared enough to acknowlege them. The elderly are my soft spot too and animals of course. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see the results of cruelty and neglect of any living thing. But the lowest form of life on the planet are not those who do these horrible things but those who stand by and witness, condone it, even defend it. Not worth the breath they take to keep them alive. IMO :no:
Children who are being abused or just plain neglected.

I always wink at little old men, always get a big smile back, too!
My number one is seeing a baby ina NICU fighting for their little lives!! That really gets me. My second, is any type of abuse or neglect to an animal or human. And as for the elderly, I always see them and worry about how they are..If they have family taking care of them-- When I worked at the bank, most of the customers that would wait for me was the elderly. I took my time and talked to them. I tried to make sure they lest me with a smile
: And also handicapped humans or animals.. They go threw so much to just make it threw the day!!
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The abuse and suffering of any living thing. However there is something that always gives me goose bumps and chokes me up (since I was very young) that is taps being played, it doesn't even have to be for a funeral. I almost sob. I don't know why either. Sometimes The Star Spangled Banner will also choke me up.
However there is something that always gives me goose bumps and chokes me up (since I was very young) that is taps being played, it doesn't even have to be for a funeral. I almost sob. I don't know why either. Sometimes The Star Spangled Banner will also choke me up.
This is another one of those terribly sad things for me, I so agree with you, but mine is from a funeral. My grandparents were more like my parents than my mom, can't help it, they were just always there for me when I needed it. When grandpa passed away from cancer, my uncle Jeff played Amazing Grace on his harmonica, and then placed it in grandpas pocket before they closed the casket. At grandmas funeral, Amazing Grace was placed right before they closed the casket as well. To this day, and it's been about 8 years already almost, it's just instant tears for me when that song is played!
There are many things I see in this world that bring me to tears. Probably the one that "bothers" me the most are the children in the 3rd world countries that have no food to eat and that you see dying of starvation :no: I think of us here in Canada and the U.S. and most Europeen countries that have so much... such a stark contrast in our worlds. Seeing dying children with bloated bellies :no: :no: . There is no reason for this to happen, it doesn't have to be this way if the world of the "haves" would truly commit to helping "the have nots" in situations like this.
I cry when I hear of a child that has been killed (even if by accident like car) I cry for the abused children, and I cry when they show the starving, sick children on t.v. I also cry when I hear of abuse stories about the elderly, and I pray to God that I will die before I become a burden to someone else or to myself. I also get all choked up when I see how quickly time flies and I begin to think that soon my children will be grown and gone, I just wish that there was a pause button on life... I want to savor every wonderful moment! And sometimes, my mind will go to depths it never should go, thinking about the what if it were my child that got killed, or what if it were my husband that died, and then I grieve for all the parents who has had to go on without their child. I'm getting all teared up thinking about it, I think I will go and change gears now before I get too emotional.

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There are so many things I could come up with, and I agree with everthing that has been posted, but in 2000 I learned what pulled at mine the worst.

Not only watching my almost 2 year old daughter undergo chemotherapy, but all the children on the cancer unit at the children's hospital, to walk down that hall seeing small babies up to 18 years old fighting for their lives against an opponent that would not always let you win......some fighting a loosing battle....to watch the pain in other mother's & Father's eyes watching your baby suffer and not knowing what the outcome would be, the hurt in your heart for not being able to fix it when you baby hurts.......the sadness in a 17 year old girls eyes when she no longer had her hair, and had to wear scarves.......pictures on their doors of what they looked like before the "cancer". You know I always felt seeing my little girl hurt like that and mommy not being able to kiss it and make it better, was one of the worst/hardest things in life, But also watching the older teens, you know how hard teen years are anyway, I put myself in that 17 year old girls shoes, no hair, skinny, feeling sick, not knowing if she would live or die, spending her prom night in the bone marrow unit..... :no:

And another part, is when you are sitting in a children's hospital FIGHTING WITH ALL YOU CAN to save the life of your child......., only to hear a child has been brought into the ER from abuse from a parent and is in critical condition........LIFE does not make sense sometimes.

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