Well-Known Member
Our Livestock Guardian Dog "Panda" who is a Great Pyrenees, is the absolute BEST guardian dog we have ever had.
Most of you have seen numerous photos of him out in the midst of our Minis...guarding his herd.
But, he not only superbly guards our Miniatures....and cats....but adores our grandaughter Anna as well. Anna was just a toddler when we got Panda & he & Anna have grown up together. I remember when Panda was just a puppy & Anna was just toddling around the yard....she couldn't get anywhere because Panda would stand sideways right in front of her to block her from going where she shouldn't go! Then she'd take her little fists & pound them into Panda's face, hollering "Panna move...Panna move!" Panda would just stand there with a smile on his face, wagging his tail. He is never happier than when he is with Anna.
Whoever said a LGD who bonds with people won't make a good livestock guardian!

Whoever said a LGD who bonds with people won't make a good livestock guardian!