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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Southeast, Colorado
Well it all started last Friday night. I went out to feed and one of our Jennys had had a stillborn jenny. The jenny hadn't even bagged up so was not expecting this. Then Saturday things went well - all football parents worked a tailgate party for the High School's playoff game here. Our boys were undefeated all season. Unfortunately they lost the first playoff game.

Sunday night finally got our 4th cutting of hay baled. This was good.

Things were good until Wednesday. Husband was off so he was picking up the hay and stackiing it. Well after he got done stacking the last load, he was pulling away from the stack when he ran over our yellow labs leg. It was so bad that the vet said she didn't think surgery was an option because of her age, plus healing time would be iffy. She was 15 years old, we had had her since 8 weeks old. So we put Sophie to rest.

Then yesterday the vets office called and said they had done a paw print of hers in clay for us. How sweet - got me to crying all over again.

Then around 3:30 my brother-in-law called that lives 20 miles from here. He asked if I could take him to the hospital. He thought he had pulled a muscle between his shoulder blades. He is 50 (my husband's brother) and has no other family besides us. So took him to ER - turned out he had had a heart attack! So they took him to cath lab immediately and sucked out a blood clot out of an artery and put a stint in. By the time he got out of this my husband had gotten off work and him and our kids were there. So they put him in ICU since he has to lie flat for 6 hours but hopefully he will get moved into a room today and out Sunday or Monday.

Also yesterday a deal I was working on for a loud miniature appy stallion feel through. So my feelings on this is it wasn't meant to be. I'll keep looking and watching the Sales Board, as this is what I was doing when I found this one.

So officially this week is up since it started last Friday. It has to get better.
What a week indeed
I am so sorry for all you have been through and I hope this week will go better for you
And the jenny will have another baby, the boys will play football again, Sophie had a wonderful, full, happy life and you have a remberance of her, your brother in law is alive, and that perfect appy stallion is out there, just waiting for you to find him. But what you found out most is that your a very strong, capable woman with a heart of gold. Things will get better. {{{{hugs}}}}
Sorry you've had such a rough week, especially losing your beloved dog.
But what a great outlook on life MinimomNC has, I have to agree with her even though I know it will be hard for you right now. I will have to remember that when I have those kind of days too.
Some days are diamonds and some days are stones. Looks like it was a rocky (stony) road for a while; but those diamonds are just around the corner waiting for you. Sorry about your Sophie, and glad your brother in law is doing better. Sounds like it was a good thing you were there to get him to the hospital. Ummm...come to think of it.....that may have been one of those diamonds.
Yep - I know things will get better - but am just so glad this week is behind me. No the donkey won't have another baby as we've sold all jacks - and don't plan on any more.

Karla - thanks for asking - Work is another thing - have been threatened on not getting a raise or bonus if we don't participate in the extra curricular activities now. Like there is a punkin chunkin contest this weekend that our company is helping to sponsor. I told them I had company coming today and wouldn't be able to be there (as I did-but now will be going to the hospital) - so there goes my raise and bonus. Don't think this is right - should be based on job performance - not after work activities in my opinion. But what do I do - have been there 26 years now as of October 22. Guess this is what happens when the boss's son takes over and is kind of a creep. But things have to better here also - might not be until I retire 20 some years from now - but it will get better also.

Just had to post - as I am a very thankful person. And I believe everything happens for a reason. Like the deal falling through on the horse - I know something will come along that is right for me. Like I said was looking when I found this one so will just continue to do so and if it is meant to be then it will happen.

Actually the football team losing was kind of good as otherwise we would have been away from home for another playoff game and not home when my brother-in-law called. And the boys had a wonderful season up til the playoff game - the seniors had went as a Freshmen team of winning 0 games to seniors and winning all games and not losing a 1 during the season - what an accomplishment in itself!

Was bummed out about Sophie though, even though she had had a long wonderful life she was part of our family. We have other dogs and they all are just as much as part of our family as she was - just that she was one of the best. Greta our choc lab/german shepherd cross - aagghh - will she ever mellow out - she's 3.

Also yesterday was my aunts memorial. She was the one in the nursing home that we had taken Junior to see. Needless to say Junior's visit is now a monthly advent at the nursing home - will be going again next Saturday. And looking forward to it!
Wow! What a week! Takes a strong woman to get through all that and keep going strong. I'm so sorry for all that you went through. Now take a deep breath and head into the next week!

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