Hi guys. Just needed to vent a little and ask for prayers for a mini friend. Some people in the next county HAD a very sweet 12 yr old mini mare and her 7 mo old colt. Neighbors called yesterday and told me she had been down for AT LEAST 2 WEEKS. So I hauled up there and asked what was going on, they said that they had been having family problems and couldn't afford meds for the horses
(They also have 5 big horses) and so I told them if they would give me the mare I would try to save her. Had to lay her on blankets and drag her in and out of the trailer. Blood work showed SEVERE dehydration and she has a respiratory infection and "bedsores". Of course, she's been down so long now don't know what the starting problem was!! They did say that hay was short so they had the 2 minis in w/the yearling paint.
Have her "hanging" in a horse sling on IVs and NG tube dripping food and electrolytes. She will put weight on her legs off and on and is eating and drinking some on her own. Only going to be able to give her 48-72 hrs because she's already so bad, can't have her suffer longer for nothing. Just so MAD at these folks.
The little mare's name is Jewel. All thoughts and prayers are welcome!! Thanks for letting me vent too. I knew you guys would understand!!

Have her "hanging" in a horse sling on IVs and NG tube dripping food and electrolytes. She will put weight on her legs off and on and is eating and drinking some on her own. Only going to be able to give her 48-72 hrs because she's already so bad, can't have her suffer longer for nothing. Just so MAD at these folks.

The little mare's name is Jewel. All thoughts and prayers are welcome!! Thanks for letting me vent too. I knew you guys would understand!!