Update on Posie

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
NW PA/ Ohio Border
Just wanted to give an update on my little girls for those who are wondering.. This morning started off as another rough one.. First, Faith went into an astma attack. AFter 4 hrs at the hospital, she is home and trying to rest.. We seen a lung dr. and this is just something we will be dealing with, now when she gets colds. Not sure if is completley related to her premature birth. I had severe asthma as a child, and my son has asthma too. Faith is just starting with it. She doesn't have the "P"word.. Thank goodness..

Now on to Posie. There hadn't been much change with her until she finally had a bowel movement. Since I had been running with Faith, I didn't find out about Posie until later. She had severe pain and was down. Then her breathing got labored.. (He started running a lot more tests. He discovered on the ultra sound that she had an impacted colon) Then she had a very nasty poopie.. She passed the impaction.. Nothing really to cause it, just was bound up in the colon.) After the poopie she completely came around. Everything on her has compleltey stabilized. :aktion033: :risa8: She gets to come home either Sat or Sunday..

Now, our other problem.. Hubby's truck, the only one that can bring Posie home broke down on his way home from work.. Like we really needed more things to worry about..ANd the part we need might only be found at a Ford dealership and won't know for sure until morning, but might very well be something they don't have in stock.. So, our new worry is how to get her home.. I know that they say something about you get what you can handle(Can't remember the right saying 2 days no sleep.. :ugh: ) Well I just can't handle anymore.. Please someone send me some strength as I ran out.. :no:

So just wanted to give an update, and say that I know that I am not the only one going threw such trying times. And everyone else is in my prayers and thoughts, too..

Nikki, if you read this, I am praying for you and Petunia.. I feel so aweful.. :no: Please take care of yourself and Tunia!!
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Good news that Posie is better now! Poor little Faith, I'm sure she's sick of feeling sick. I know how you feel, my daughter has asthma too

If you find out what part it is that your hubby needs and it can't be found there, feel free to pm me with the info about the part, ie: year, make, model, etc... My hubby may be able to help.

Hope your daughter is feeling better today and gets over her illness without further attacks, poor kid that has got to be tough on her.

Also glad to hear your mini girl finally passed the impaction so you can relax a bit. Perhaps the vet or one of the techs knows someone who could haul her home for you or maybe if that fails you could rent a truck for the day? Thanks for the update, I'm glad to hear things are getting better.
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[SIZE=12pt]good to hear things are looking up for Posie and hope you get some results w/ a different Dr. for Faith. Nikki[/SIZE]

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